The city of Romny is located on the Sula River at its confluence with the Romain River, 100 kilometers from Sumy in the direction of Kyiv.
It was first mentioned in the 11th century as Romain. According to legend, the name is related to the field chamomile - "romaine flower". Romain was a key fortress of the Pereyaslav principality, it was part of the Posulska line of defense of Rus against the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the city was liberated in 1362 by the Rus-Lithuanian troops of Prince Olherd. In Polish-Lithuanian times, Romny was an important fortification on the border with Muscovy, belonging to the Vyshnevetskyi magnates.
In the 17th century, these lands were the arena of the liberation struggles of the Ukrainian people, and ...
The city of Romny is located on the Sula River at its confluence with the Romain River, 100 kilometers from Sumy in the direction of Kyiv.
It was first mentioned in the 11th century as Romain. According to legend, the name is related to the field chamomile - "romaine flower". Romain was a key fortress of the Pereyaslav principality, it was part of the Posulska line of defense of Rus against the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the city was liberated in 1362 by the Rus-Lithuanian troops of Prince Olherd. In Polish-Lithuanian times, Romny was an important fortification on the border with Muscovy, belonging to the Vyshnevetskyi magnates.
In the 17th century, these lands were the arena of the liberation struggles of the Ukrainian people, and already in 1648, Romny became the center of the Cossack hundred of the Myrhorod regiment.
During the Northern War, residents of Romny supported Hetman Ivan Mazepa, who concluded an alliance with Charles XII (the king's headquarters were located here), for which Moscow troops destroyed a significant part of the population.
In the 18th century, the city center was decorated with the first stone temple - the Holy Spirit Cathedral. In 1764-1770, the wooden Intercession Church was built with the help of the last kosho of Zaporizhzhia Sich, Petro Kalnyshevskyi.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the city became an important trade and economic center, famous for large-scale fairs. They were visited by the poet Taras Shevchenko, to whom a monument was erected in 1918.
Many architectural monuments have been preserved since those times. And in our time, a monument to a cult Ukrainian animal - a pig - has appeared here.
Місто Ромни розташоване на річці Сула при впадінні в неї річки Ромен, в 100 кілометрах від Сум в бік Києва.
Вперше згадується в XI сторіччі як Ромен. За легендою, назва пов'язана з польової ромашкою - "ромен-цвітом". Ромен був ключовою фортецею Переяславського князівства, входив до Посульської лінії оборони Русі від печенігів і половців. Після монголо-татарської навали місто в 1362 році було звільнено русько-литовськими військами князя Ольгерда. В польсько-литовські часи Ромни були важливим укріпленням на кордоні з Московією, належали магнатам Вишневецьким.
В XVII столітті ці землі були ареною визвольних змагань українського народу, і вже в 1648 році Ромни стали центром козацької сотні Миргородського полку.
Під час Північної війни жителі Ромнів підтримали ...
Місто Ромни розташоване на річці Сула при впадінні в неї річки Ромен, в 100 кілометрах від Сум в бік Києва.
Вперше згадується в XI сторіччі як Ромен. За легендою, назва пов'язана з польової ромашкою - "ромен-цвітом". Ромен був ключовою фортецею Переяславського князівства, входив до Посульської лінії оборони Русі від печенігів і половців. Після монголо-татарської навали місто в 1362 році було звільнено русько-литовськими військами князя Ольгерда. В польсько-литовські часи Ромни були важливим укріпленням на кордоні з Московією, належали магнатам Вишневецьким.
В XVII столітті ці землі були ареною визвольних змагань українського народу, і вже в 1648 році Ромни стали центром козацької сотні Миргородського полку.
Під час Північної війни жителі Ромнів підтримали гетьмана Івана Мазепу, який уклав союз з Карлом XII (тут розташовувався штаб короля), за що московські війська знищили значну частину населення.
В ХVІІІ столітті центр міста прикрасив перший кам'яний храм - Святодухівський собор. За сприяння останнього кошового Запорозької Січі Петра Калнишевського в 1764-1770 роках була побудована дерев'яна Покровська церква.
В XVIII-XIX століттях місто стало значним торгово-економічним центром, славилося масштабними ярмарками. Їх відвідував поет Тарас Шевченко, якому в 1918 році було встановлено пам'ятник.
З тих часів збереглося безліч архітектурних пам'яток. А в наш час тут з'явився пам'ятник культовій українській тварині - свині.
Ascension Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of the Holy Ascension was built in Romny at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries outside the city wall, on the site of a wooden church founded in 1700.
In 1895, a bell tower was added. In 1896, a church and parish school was opened.
During Soviet times, the temple was closed, the building was not used for its intended purpose.
The revival of the Ascension Church began in 1996. Restoration is underway.
Descent of Holy Spirit Cathedral
Temple , Architecture
The Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is the oldest stone building in the city of Romny.
It is located at the highest point of the city - on Bazarna Square.
This outstanding monument of architecture in the Ukrainian Baroque style was created in 1738-1746 on the site of a temple founded in 1689.
Fragments of paintings have been preserved.
Museum "Belfry of Revelation of Eternity"
Museum / gallery
The school museum of ethnography "Belfry of Revelation of Eternity" operates at the Romny Secondary School №5.
He has five expositions: "Towels of his native land", "Heritage through the eyes of children", "Bread is the head of everything", "Holodomor of 1932-1933", "Easter pysanka".
Pig Monument
A Pig Monument with the inscription on the pedestal "From grateful Ukrainians" was opened in the city park of Romny in 2000.
Here, on the site of an ancient Rus settlement, archaeologists found pig bones. They came to the conclusion that the pigs, which the Mongols could not eat because of their religion and therefore were not taken from local residents, saved the people from starvation.
The Romny concrete pig, sitting on its hind legs, became the fourth pig monument in the world.
Romny Museum of Local Lore
Museum / gallery
The Romny Museum of Local Lore is one of the richest in the region.
Its funds include 50,000 exhibits. The museum tells about the history of Romny region and the nature of the region. There are permanent exhibitions: "Spiritual charms of the region", "Romny - heroes of Chornobyl", "Historical choice of the people", "Life in the name of science", "Milestones of the history of Romny region", "Romny region during the Second World War", diorama "Animal the world of Romny region".
Near the museum building lies a huge boulder brought here by a glacier from Kareliya 180 thousand years ago.
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