
Travel guide online Starokozache

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General information about Starokozache

The village of Starokozache is located 30 kilometers northwest of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, near the Moldovan border.

It was founded in 1824 by Ust-Danube Cossacks and Transdanubian Zaporozhzhians. After the liquidation of the Danube (Novorossiysk) troops in 1868, the Cossacks of the Starokozache village were transferred to the status of state peasants, instead of the village government, a village board was created.

The business card of Starokozache is the Holy Intercession Church (1904).

Село Старокозаче розташоване в 30 кілометрах на північний захід від Білгорода-Дністровського, поблизу молдовського кордону.

Засноване в 1824 році усть-дунайськими козаками та задунайськими запорожцями. Після ліквідації в 1868 році Дунайського (Новоросійського) війська козаки Старокозачої станиці були переведені в стан державних селян, замість станичного в селі створюється волосне правління.

Візитною карткою Старокозачого є Свято-Покровський храм (1904 рік).

Сплануй своє перебування у Starokozache

What to see and where to go in Starokozache

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Tourist attractions and museums of Starokozache

Intercession Church, Starokozache
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Intercession Church is a business card of the village of Starokozache.

The beautiful red brick building in the center of the village was laid in 1908, but construction was delayed, interrupted first by the First World War, then by the Bolshevik coup and the establishment of Soviet power. Work resumed only in 1929 during the Romanian occupation, and was completely completed in 1937.

The Church of the Intercession is built according to the type of cathedral in the shape of a cross. The bell tower was originally much higher, but after the church was closed by the Soviet authorities in 1962, it was destroyed.

Restoration began in 1989. In particular, the original paintings have been restored.

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