Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral, Bar



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General information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral (Bar)

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the center of the city of Bar, next to the church and the city park, where the remains of the Bar castle have been preserved.

Previously, there was a small Trinity Church on this place, which was mentioned in 1738. According to legend, it was founded by the Cossack colonel Semen Paliy, who led the anti-Polish uprising in 1702 and captured Bar.

The current Assumption Cathedral was built in 1757. Initially, the building was single-domed, cruciform in plan. The temple was closed in 1838 due to cracks in the walls and dome. Major repairs were completed in 1851. The dome was rebuilt, the architecture of the building was changed, and a three-tiered brick belfry was added.

An oil painting of the 19th cen ...

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the center of the city of Bar, next to the church and the city park, where the remains of the Bar castle have been preserved.

Previously, there was a small Trinity Church on this place, which was mentioned in 1738. According to legend, it was founded by the Cossack colonel Semen Paliy, who led the anti-Polish uprising in 1702 and captured Bar.

The current Assumption Cathedral was built in 1757. Initially, the building was single-domed, cruciform in plan. The temple was closed in 1838 due to cracks in the walls and dome. Major repairs were completed in 1851. The dome was rebuilt, the architecture of the building was changed, and a three-tiered brick belfry was added.

An oil painting of the 19th century has been preserved on the walls of the Assumption Cathedral.

Кафедральний Собор Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці розташований в центрі міста Бар поряд із костелом та міським парком, де збереглися залишки Барського замку.

Раніше на цьому місці була невелика Троїцька церква, яка згадується в 1738 році. За легендою, її заснував козацький полковник Семен Палій, який очолив у 1702 році антипольське повстання та захопив Бар.

Нинішній собор Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці збудовано в 1757 році. Спочатку будівля була однокупольна, хрестоподібна у плані. Храм був закритий у 1838 році через появу тріщин у стінах та куполі. Капітальний ремонт завершено в 1851 році. Купол перебудовано, змінено архітектуру споруди, надбудовано цегляну триярусну дзвіницю.

На стінах Свято-Успенського собору зберігся олійний живопис ХІХ століття.

Practical information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral (Bar)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1757
Address Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 22


Coordinates 49.0716587° N, 27.6704733° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 97 546 3523, +380 93 905 5110,
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