Attractions of Zhmerynka district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Zhmerynka district

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Zhmerynka district


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Костел святої Анни, Бар
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anne was built in Bar for the Dominican order in 1811, although its foundation dates back to the time of Queen Bona.

According to some data, it was founded back in 1550 and bore the name of Saint Nicholas.

In 1768, under its vaults, representatives of the Polish nobility, led by the Bishop of Kamyanets, Adam Stanislav Krasinsky, announced the creation of the Bar Confederation - a military-political union to protect the nobility from the pressures of the Polish king and fight for Poland's independence from the Russian Empire, which gave impetus to the Koliiv region and actually led to the first division of Poland.

In its current form, the church of Saint Anna was rebuilt in 1902-1908. A beautiful example of Neo-Gothic.

In 1933-1942, the church was closed twice. Now it is valid again.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 12 Bar


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Костел Св. Флоріана, Шаргород
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Saint Florian's Church

Temple , Architecture

The church of Saint Florian Shariy, after whom the city of Sharhorod is named, was built in 1595 by Prince Yan Zamoyskyi, chancellor and grand crown hetman.

The three-nave basilica is made of torn limestone. The cylindrical vault is completely covered with a wonderful ornamental painting in the "grotesque" style. In the main altar there is a crucifix made by old Italian masters.

The complex has survived to this day with only minor changes made during the restoration in 1717.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Maydanu Street, 216 Sharhorod


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Миколаївський монастир, Шаргород
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Saint Nicholas Monastery

Temple , Architecture

Saint Nicholas Sharhorod Men's Monastery was founded in 1718 by the Basilian Fathers, who were invited by magnate Stanislav Lyubomyrsky.

In 1782, the new owner of Sharhorod, Yuzef Sylvestr Sosnovsky, allocated a part of the ruins of the Sharhorod Castle for the construction of a Uniate monastery and a bursa school. In the center of the complex, the Nicolas Myrlikiiskyi Cathedral was built.

After the annexation of the region to the Russian Empire, the monastery was transformed into an Orthodox one, and the school into a seminary. Reconstruction was carried out in 1806-1818.

The monastery is surrounded by defensive walls. The complex includes the Saint Nicolas Cathedral, the over-gate building with the belfry, the fraternal building with the Saint Michael's Church, and the corner tower.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Maydanu Street, 207 Sharhorod


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Костел Святого Олексія, Жмеринка
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Saint Oleksiy Church

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic Church of Saint Oleksiy in Zhmerynka was founded in 1904 at the expense of the emperor in honor of Tsarevich Oleksiy. Consecrated in 1910.

The church was made in the then fashionable neo-gothic style. It was partially destroyed in 1936.

At the end of the 20th century, the church was handed over to the faithful, the community restored its former appearance: the spire was rebuilt according to old drawings and photographs, and the interior was restored.

Map pin icon Kostolna Street, 2 Zhmerynka


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Палац Вітославських, Чернятин
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Vitoslavsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Neo-Gothic style palace was built in Cherniatyn in the 20s of the XIX century by the Polish crown eunuch Hnat Vitoslavsky.

The author of the project was probably the Maltese architect Henrik Ittar. Even before the beginning of the construction of the palace, the famous architect Dionysius Mikler (Makler) laid out a park in which more than a hundred species of trees and shrubs were collected.

Much of the external and internal decoration of the palace has been preserved to this day: marble figures of lions at the main entrance, two stone vases with carved images of mythical beasts and archangels, a palace chapel with a Gothic portal, a balcony and a drip tray, a vaulted ceiling in the lobby decorated in relief with plants and geometric compositions, a fireplace and tiled stoves, tiles on the floor, stairs to the second floor with a Gothic pattern, stucco sockets and others.

Currently, the premises of the Vitoslavsky palace houses an agricultural college.

Map pin icon Pershotravneva Street, 28 Cherniatyn


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Історичний музей, Жмеринка
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Zhmerynka Historical Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

Zhmerynka Historical Museum is located in the former mansion of Count Dmytro Heyden in the center of Zhmerynka.

Here you can get acquainted with the history of the villages of Velyka and Mala Zhmerynka, from which the modern city originates, with the handicrafts of the region, with the history of laying the Central Railway and construction of Zhmerynka railway station and its station.

The exposition tells about the turbulent events in the history of Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century: the Ukrainian Revolution, industrialization, collectivization, the Holodomor. A separate hall is dedicated to the events of the Second World War.

The exposition concludes with a story about the modern economic and socio-cultural development of the city and its environs.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 24 Zhmerynka


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Залізничний вокзал, Жмеринка
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Zhmerynka Railway Station


The Zhmerynka junction railway station is one of the largest and most beautiful in Ukraine.

Built in 1899-1904 by architects Zynoviy Zhuravsky and Valeriyan Rykov. The architecture of the magnificent building combines modern and renaissance motifs (this style is called Ukrainian modern). The building is often compared to a ship heading from Odesa to Kyiv.

A small but richly decorated Royal Hall with a separate entrance to the platform (now a paid waiting room) was provided.

According to legend, after Emperor Nicholas II saw the station, the architect Zhuravsky shot himself, misinterpreting the tsar's enthusiastic exclamation: "Here you are, son of a bitch!".

In the 1920s, the headquarters of the red commander Hryhoriy Kotovskyi was temporarily located here.

During the Soviet era, the building of the Zhmerynka station lost many decorative elements, but in 2013, the restoration was completed, which returned it to its authentic appearance.

Until 2012, there was a monument to Ostap Bender on the station square, the hero of the satirical novels of Ilf and Petrov, in which Zhmerynka is mentioned as one of the "world centers of culture" (contrary to popular opinion, the more popular catchphrase is about the "last city", about which " the waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash", refers to Shepetivka).

Map pin icon Pryvokzalna Square, 1 Zhmerynka


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Успенський Кафедральний Собор, Бар
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the center of the city of Bar, next to the church and the city park, where the remains of the Bar castle have been preserved.

Previously, there was a small Trinity Church on this place, which was mentioned in 1738. According to legend, it was founded by the Cossack colonel Semen Paliy, who led the anti-Polish uprising in 1702 and captured Bar.

The current Assumption Cathedral was built in 1757. Initially, the building was single-domed, cruciform in plan. The temple was closed in 1838 due to cracks in the walls and dome. Major repairs were completed in 1851. The dome was rebuilt, the architecture of the building was changed, and a three-tiered brick belfry was added.

An oil painting of the 19th century has been preserved on the walls of the Assumption Cathedral.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 22 Bar


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Палац фон Мекк (Музей Чайковського), Браїлів
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Fon Mekk Palace (Chaykovsky Museum)

Palace / manor

The palace and park complex in Brailiv on the banks of the Riv River was built in 1868 by the wealthy railway magnate Karl fon Mekk , who bought the Brailiv estate from Felitsian Yukovsky.

The two-story palace in the style of classicism is located in the middle of a picturesque park with ponds and bridges, which was arranged by the owner's wife, Nadiya fon Mekk.

The estate entered history thanks to its friendship with the composer Petro Chaykovsky. Their acquaintance was in absentia - for many years, by mutual agreement, they communicated only by correspondence. 5 times from 1778 to 1780, Chaykovsky visited the fon Mekk estate in the absence of his mistress. Here he wrote the opera "The Maid of Orleans" and several romances.

The palace was restored after the Second World War. Currently, the building houses the Brailiv Vocational Lyceum.

In the left wing there is a museum of Petro Chaykovsky and Nadiya fon Mekk. Visitors are introduced to the history of their relationship and the work of the composer. All exhibits (furniture, musical instruments, writing utensils) were given to the museum by the descendants of fon Mekk.

Map pin icon Petra Chaykovskoho Street, 13 Brailiv


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Троїцький костел, Браїлів
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Trinity is the tallest building in Brailiv.

It was built on the site of a wooden and earthen castle in the 15th-17th centuries after the old Catholic church of the Trinitarian order was handed over to the Orthodox in 1832.

The Empire-style building has an unusual appearance for a church due to the very high bell tower, which makes it look less like a temple and more like a town hall with a tower.

In Soviet times, the building was converted into a workshop of a juice factory, on the territory of which it is still located. In 1990, the church was handed over to the Orthodox community of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Chaykovskoho Street, 4 Brailiv


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Синагога, Шаргород
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Temple , Architecture

The Sharhorod Synagogue is one of the oldest Jewish temples in Ukraine.

It was built in 1589 in the Renaissance style, had defensive significance (the loopholes in the attic have been preserved), and was part of the system of city fortifications.

During the Turkish rule of 1672-1699, the building was used as a mosque. In 1930, the synagogue was closed.

Currently, the building is located on the territory of the juice factory.

Map pin icon Knyahyni Olhy Street, 2 Sharhorod


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Барський замок, Бар
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Bar Castle

Castle / fortress

The remains of the defensive structures of the Bar Castle can be found on the bank of the Riv River in the territory of the current Bar City Park.

The wooden castle was built and named after the native city of Bari by the Polish queen Bona from the Italian Sforza family in 1538. Bernard Pretvych, Stanislav Zholkevskyi and Bohuslav Radzyvill were the castle's elders at different times.

In 1636, when Crown Hetman Stanislav Konetspolskyi chose Bar as his new residence, the construction of the stone castle began. The author of the project was the famous French engineer Hiyom de Boplan. The castle on the bank of the river, raised by a high dam, was square in plan, with four bastions almost 6 meters high. It was considered the second most powerful after Kamyanets and was called the "Key to Eastern Podillya".

In 1648, it was taken by the Cossack troops of Colonel Maksym Kryvonos, then for some time it served as the residence of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. In 1672, it was captured by the Turkish army.

It was finally destroyed in 1768 by Russian troops who came to help the Polish king in the fight against the confederates, who chose Bar as their outpost.

Only separate fragments above the river have survived. A city park has been laid out on the territory of the castle, in the center of which is a monument to the liberating soldiers.

Map pin icon Viktora Bunyakovskoho Street, 7 Bar


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Шаргородський замок, Шаргород
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Sharhorod Castle

Castle / fortress

The remains of the fortifications of the Sharhorod castle, built in 1585 by the prince Yan Zamoyskyi.

The castle was located on a hill at the confluence of the Kovbasna River in Murashka, had a citadel with five towers, and long-range artillery.

In 1595, the fortress was destroyed by the Cossacks of Severyn Nalyvayko, and in 1648 it was captured by the troops of Maksym Kryvonos. The Cossack garrison withstood Polish sieges until 1651, when they were forced to surrender by the army of Hetman Martyn Kalynovsyi.

Since the 18th century, the Sharhorod castle lost its strategic importance and began to crumble. Despite an attempt at restoration made in the 19th century, only the ruins of one tower and fragments of retaining walls, which are located among private buildings, have survived to this day.

Map pin icon Knyahyni Olhy Street Sharhorod


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Вознесенський костел, Межирів
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church in Mezhyriv was built in 1794 at the expense of the nobleman Andriy Orlovsky.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the parish had 1,438 parishioners. In 1945, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities, the building was used as a collective farm granary.

Currently, the church is in a dilapidated state. Inside, traces of stucco can be seen here and there. Nearby is the same dilapidated three-part bell tower, typical for Catholic churches.

Map pin icon Serbynivska Street, 1 Mezhyriv


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Барський історичний музей, Бар
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Bar Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Bar Historical Museum, founded in 1985, is located on the second floor of the local cinema.

Today, the exhibition has about 8,000 exhibits that reflect important stages in the history of the region since ancient times.

The ethnographic exposition presents traditional household items: pottery, a fragment of a loom, antique clothing.

The works of famous bar ceramists, including Hryhoriy and Oleksandr Reshitnyky, Pavlo Samolovych, Hryhoriy Krulykovsky and others, deserve special attention. There is a large selection of paintings by Honored Master of Ukraine Vira Bychkova - bas-reliefs, still lifes, landscapes, wood carvings.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Square, 19 Bar


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