Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Church, Tubiltsi



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General information about Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Church (Tubiltsi)

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tubiltsy was founded in 1843 by Prince Mykhaylo Vorontsov.

Initially, the church was planned to be consecrated as Intercession, because that was the name of the previous church in Tubiltsy, but due to the fact that the new one was built from the materials of the dismantled church of Saint Nicholas in Moshny, the built church was also dedicated to this saint.

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the initiative of Countess Kateryna Balashova, the Saint Nicolas Church was reconstructed.

During the Soviet period, the baths were removed from it and turned into a warehouse.

Now it is a working temple again. The dome and bell tower have not yet been restored, but even without them the church looks very colorful ...

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tubiltsy was founded in 1843 by Prince Mykhaylo Vorontsov.

Initially, the church was planned to be consecrated as Intercession, because that was the name of the previous church in Tubiltsy, but due to the fact that the new one was built from the materials of the dismantled church of Saint Nicholas in Moshny, the built church was also dedicated to this saint.

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the initiative of Countess Kateryna Balashova, the Saint Nicolas Church was reconstructed.

During the Soviet period, the baths were removed from it and turned into a warehouse.

Now it is a working temple again. The dome and bell tower have not yet been restored, but even without them the church looks very colorful. The high stone foundation and huge windows are especially impressive.

Дерев'яна церква Святого Миколая Чудотворця у Тубільцях заснована в 1843 році князем Михайлом Воронцовим.

Спочатку церкву планували освятити як Покровську, оскільки так називався попередній храм у Тубільцях, але через те, що нову будували з матеріалів розібраної у Мошнах церкви Святого Миколая, збудований храм також присвятили цьому святому.

На початку XX століття з ініціативи графині Катерини Балашової Миколаївську церкву реконструювали.

У радянський період з неї скинули бані та перетворили на склад.

Зараз це знову діючий храм. Купол та дзвіницю поки що не відновили, однак і без них церква виглядає дуже колоритно. Особливо вражають високий кам'яний фундамент та величезні вікна.

Practical information about Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Church (Tubiltsi)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1843
Address Tarasa Shevchenko Street


Coordinates 49.56005° N, 31.677349° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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