The Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the territory of the current residential area of Polovka in Poltava (the former village of Pushkarivka) was built in 1762 at the expense of Poltava colonel Ivan Chernyak as the cathedral church of the Pushkarivsky Ascension Monastery, founded here in 1721.
According to some sources, Motrya Kochubey, the daughter of General Judge Vasyl Kochubey, executed by Hetman Ivan Mazepa, spent the last years of her life here in a monastery (until the 30s of the 20th century, there was a grave of Motrya in the monastery cemetery).
At the beginning of the 19th century, the monastery was closed, and the Ascension Church acquired the status of a parish. All the monastery buildings fell into disrepair and were dismantled. Currently, the Church of th ...
The Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the territory of the current residential area of Polovka in Poltava (the former village of Pushkarivka) was built in 1762 at the expense of Poltava colonel Ivan Chernyak as the cathedral church of the Pushkarivsky Ascension Monastery, founded here in 1721.
According to some sources, Motrya Kochubey, the daughter of General Judge Vasyl Kochubey, executed by Hetman Ivan Mazepa, spent the last years of her life here in a monastery (until the 30s of the 20th century, there was a grave of Motrya in the monastery cemetery).
At the beginning of the 19th century, the monastery was closed, and the Ascension Church acquired the status of a parish. All the monastery buildings fell into disrepair and were dismantled. Currently, the Church of the Ascension is an active church of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Церква Вознесіння Господнього на території нинішнього житлового масиву Половки в Полтаві (колишнє село Пушкарівка) побудована в 1762 році коштом полтавського полковника Івана Черняка як соборна церква Пушкарівського Вознесенського монастиря, заснованого тут у 1721 році.
За деякими даними, останні роки життя тут провела в чернецтві Мотря Кочубей, донька страченого гетьманом Іваном Мазепою генерального судді Василя Кочубея (до 30-х років XX століття на монастирському цвинтарі була могила Мотрі).
На початку ХІХ століття монастир закрили, а Вознесенська церква набула статусу парафіяльної. Всі монастирські будівлі занепали і були розібрані. Наразі Вознесенська церква - діючий храм УПЦ московського патріархату.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1762 |
Address |
Zoryana Street, 2
Poltava |
Coordinates |
49.58036° N, 34.495767° E
Phone | +380 532 661 623, |
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