Attractions of Poltava district

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Музей бомбардувальної авіації, Полтава
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Heavy Bomber Aviation Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Heavy Bomber Aviation was established on the territory of Poltava Military Airfield, where the 13th Guards Dnipropetrovsk-Budapest Order of Suvorov Heavy Bomber Aviation Division was based in Soviet times.

It consisted of 18 long-range supersonic Tu-22M3 bombers (Backfire), 6 long-range jet missiles Tu-16 (Badger) and other equipment. After the collapse of the USSR, the division was disbanded. According to the Ukrainian-American Agreement on the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, in February 2006 the last TU-22M3 bomber was cut down at the Poltava military airfield.

2 planes were saved for the museum exposition, some more were brought from other cities. In particular, the exposition of the open parking lot of aircraft presents the world's largest strategic bomber TU-160 "White Swan" (according to NATO classification - "Blackjack"). And also the only Tu-95MS aircraft in Ukraine (according to NATO classification - "Bear"). Other exhibits: Tu-22M3, Tu-22, Tu-16, Tu-134UBL, Su-15, An-2 and helicopters: Mi-8 and Mi-2.

In addition, 13 halls in the exhibition hall tell about the history and global significance of heavy bomber aircraft.

Map pin icon Petra Yurchenka Street, 21/9 Poltava


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Тріумфальна арка, Диканька
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Triumphal Arch


The Triumphal Arch in Dykanka is the village's business card, the only surviving civil structure of the Kochubey family estate.

The ceremonial entrance to the estate was decorated with a classic triumphal arch in honor of the arrival in Dykanka of Emperor Oleksandr I, whose close associate was Prince Viktor Kochubey.

Triumphal Arch was built by the architect Luyidzhi Ruska to commemorate the victory over Napoleon in 1812, it was decorated with copper bas-reliefs with battle scenes.

Map pin icon Poltavska Street, 1 Dykanka


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Поле Полтавської битви, Полтава
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"Poltava Battle Field" Historical and Cultural Reserve

Museum / gallery

One of the first museums in Poltava was established in 1909 on the battle field of Poltava near the Mass grave of Russian soldiers to mark the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army over the Swedes.

The collection includes more than eight thousand exhibits: works of art, weapons, awards, flags, uniforms and equipment of the Russian and Swedish armies, personal belongings of Petro I and his associates. The sounded diorama of the Poltava battle is established.

Nearby - a monument to Peter I, Sampson's Church (1895) and the mass grave of Russian soldiers, a cross on the grave of Swedish soldiers and a Monument to fallen Swedes from Russians.

Two redoubts (field fortifications of the Russian army) were restored, one of which is located on the opposite side of the road, and the other - near the "Poltava Battle Field" museum building.

Map pin icon Shvedska Mohyla Street, 32 Poltava


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Краєзнавчий музей, Абазівка
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Abazivka Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Abazivka Village Museum of Local Lore has been located in the waiting room of Abazivka Railway Station since 2012. The exposition is decorated in the form of wide-format banners.

Its sections are devoted to prominent natives of the village, the Soviet period of the regional seed station, as well as the fate of the Abazivka people who took part in the Soviet war in Afghanistan and the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster.

The walls of the station are also decorated with paintings donated by Poltava artist of the sixties Oleksandr Hlushachenko.

Map pin icon Zaliznychna Street, 4 Abazivka


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Музей-заповідник Антона Макаренка, Ковалівка
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Anton Makarenko Museum-Reserve

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The State Museum-Reserve of the outstanding pedagogue and writer Anton Makarenko is located in the village of Kovalivka, Poltava district, on the territory of the former estate of the Trepke family.

It was here from January 1921 to May 1926 that the colony for juvenile offenders and the homeless established by Makarenko was located.

The Makarenko Museum-Reserve was opened by UNESCO on February 25, 1988, on the eve of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the teacher's birth.

The Red and White houses, the outbuilding, and a number of small memorials have been preserved - the entrance arch, gazebo, well, cellar, stairs to the river, pier.

The main hall of the Red House houses the main exposition, which tells about the life of Anton Makarenko and his educational teams, the creative activity of the teacher, the fate of his pupils, the implementation of Makarenko's pedagogical ideas today.

In the White House - a memorial part. Classrooms, a girls' bedroom, a club, workshops, and Anton Makarenko's study, where he wrote the first pages of the Pedagogical Poem, were restored here.

The ancient buildings of the Trepke estate have preserved the decorative stucco of the XIX century.

Map pin icon Antona Makarenko Street, 1-2 Kovalivka


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Картинна галерея імені Марії Башкирцевої, Диканька
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Art Gallery named after Mariya Bashkyrtseva

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Art gallery named after Mariya Bashkyrtseva is the art department of the Dykanka Historical and Local Lore Museum.

The gallery is located in the premises of the former Zemstvo school, built in 1904.

The fund collection of the gallery includes more than 1,000 works. These are mainly the works of amateur local artists, professionals of the second half of the 20th century, and contemporary artists whose creative path is connected with this region.

The greatest interest of visitors is the memorial room of the artist and writer Mariya Bashkyrtseva, where life-size copies of her canvases are presented.

Also on display is a collection of works of art related to the work of the writer Mykola Hohol. In particular, a smooth-embroidered portrait of Hohol by Reshetylivka masters is presented.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 72 Dykanka


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Музей авіації та космонавтики, Полтава
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Aviation and Cosmonautics Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Poltava Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics is dedicated to outstanding events in aerospace science and technology in Ukraine and the world.

The Museum of Aviation and Space Rocketry was founded in Poltava in 1987 on the initiative of the creator of rocket engines, Academician Valentyn Hlushko.

The exhibition is housed in the former building of the first Poltava fire brigade (1810). Personal belongings of cosmonauts, models of spaceships and real units of space vehicles are exhibited in 6 halls.

A significant place in the exposition is given to natives of Poltava region. In particular, the scientific heritage of Yuriy Kondratyuk from Poltava is highlighted.

The funds include about 4,000 exhibits.

Map pin icon Vitaliya Hrytsayenka Avenue, 16 Poltava


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Етномузей пива та самогону, Абазівка
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Beer and Moonshine Museum

Winery / brewery , Museum / gallery

A private ethno-museum of beer and moonshine opened in 2018 on the territory of the hotel and restaurant complex "Almaz-Plus" in the village of Abazivka near Poltava.

The exhibition presents original equipment and tools used for brewing and moonshine at different times and in different countries.

The collection of more than 600 exhibits was collected over 7 years by the owner of the complex Vasyl Kozhan. In addition to vats, cauldrons, bottles, mugs, there are also scales, control equipment, players, telephones, old books on the technology of brewing beer and other beverages.

The museum conducts tours and drinks tastings. The complex also includes the Beer House brewery. 

Map pin icon Bilouska Street, 52/1 Abazivka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Більськ
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Bilsk Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Bilsk Museum of Local Lore is located in the village house of culture.

The main exposition is dedicated to the Scythian period in the history of the region on the basis of archeological materials of the Bilsk settlement - the largest settlement of the Scythian epoch in Eastern Europe.

Also in the museum you can get information about the development of the region during the Cossacks. Under the current name the village was founded in the XV century. Prince of Bilskym. Later it grew and became the hundredth town, which was part of the rank of Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

The museum has data on the number and composition of the rural population at different times, tells about the crafts that were engaged in by the inhabitants of Bilsk.

The exposition of the department of the Second World War is very rich.

Map pin icon Bilsk


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Більське городище, Більськ
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Bilsk Scythian Hillfort

Historic area , Archaeological site

The Bilsk Hillfort near Kotelva is the largest Scythian settlement in Europe (4 thousand hectares).

Scientists identify the Bilsk Hillfort with the legendary city of Helon - the "Scythian capital" described by Herodotus.

The system of defensive ramparts and ditches that surrounded the city, with a total length of about 34 kilometers, is located on the banks of the Vorskla River around the present village of Bilsk. First, the Western and Eastern fortifications were built, then they were connected by a common oval-shaped rampart, which was called the Great Hillfort.

According to one of the versions, it is this Scythian settlement described by the "father of history" Herodotus in the "History of the Greco-Persian Wars" (5th century BC) as the northernmost Greek city of Helon, founded in the Scythian lands by Hellenes who moved from the Black Sea.

To protect the archeological monument, the historical and cultural reserve "Bilsk" was created with the administration in the town of Kotelva (Pokrovska Street, 13), whose employees conduct tours of the ramparts, the Scythian necropolis of Skorobor, Barvinkova Mountain, the Skovoroda Oak and other archaeological and archaeological sites weekends - by prior authorization).

The wooden palisade and the watchtower at the entrance to the settlement are the buildings of the conserved open-air museum "Skifland", which planned to create the charitable foundation "Helon".

Map pin icon Bilsk


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Білицький краєзнавчий музей
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Bilyky Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Bilyky Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1972 as a folk museum of history and applied arts of the urban-type settlement of Bilyky. In 2021, part of the exposition of the former literary and memorial museum of the Hungarian writer and Bolshevik Mate Zalka was included in its composition.

The museum is located in the former priest's house, built in 1905 in the center of the village of Bilyk. In 1921, the chieftain Nestor Makhno lived in this house for a short time. During the Soviet period, the house housed the village council.

The historical part of the exhibition presents archaeological materials found in the village and its surroundings, an ethnographic collection of applied art products, materials about the history of the village and its prominent residents. There are collections of paintings and sculptures by local artists, models of monuments erected in the village.

Museum employees conduct sightseeing tours of the ramparts of the Cossack fortresses of Bilyke and Sokilka, as well as the ruins of the Zhevakhov estate, where a sanatorium operated in Soviet times.

Map pin icon Istorychna Square, 3 Bilyky


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Будинок Дворянського і Селянського банку, Полтава
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Building of Noble and Peasant Bank


The most beautiful building in Poltava, which currently houses the regional office of the SBU, was built at the beginning of the 20th century for the Peasant and Noble Land Bank, which issued long-term loans to peasants for the purchase of noble lands.

Architect Oleksandr Kobelev designed the building, which is now considered one of the best examples of Ukrainian modernism. And the decorations are widely used details of Rus architecture. Multicolored mosaics give a special picturesqueness. The central entrance at the truncated corner of the building is decorated with a decorative mosaic panel with firebirds and siren sculptures.

The Building of Noble and Peasant Bank was damaged during the Second World War, restored in 1948.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 39 Poltava


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Човно-Федорівський Історичний музей, Човно-Федорівка
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Chovno-Fedorivka Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Chovno-Fedorivka Historical Museum is located in the premises of the secondary school of the village of Chovno-Fedorivka. It was created in 2009 by the efforts of local teachers and schoolchildren.

The "Ancient History of the Village" department tells about life in Chovno-Fedorivka and the surrounding farms in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It exhibits dishes, clothes, towels, household items, tools, and historical photographs.

The section "The Village in the 1920s - 1940s" presents a large number of memories of the villagers about the Holodomor of 1932-1933, shell casings from World War II, agricultural tools (one-horse plow, millstone, corn planter).

The following sections introduce the modern life of the village of Chovno-Fedorivka and the history of the village school.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 2A Chovno-Fedorivka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Чутове
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Chutove Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The municipal institution of culture "Chutove Museum of Local Lore" covers the history of Chutove region from ancient times to the end of the XX century, as well as tells about the famous inhabitants of the region.

The museum was founded in 1968 and is located on the territory of the Chutove Vocational School № 55.

The museum has 5,700 exhibits. After the reconstruction, the ethnographic exposition "Ukrainian Room" again conducts lectures on ethnography, in particular on Ukrainian folk customs and rites.

Map pin icon Poltavsky Shlyakh Street, 33A Chutove


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Кругла площа (Корпусний сад), Полтава
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Corps Garden (Round Square)

Historic area , Monument , Park / garden

The central square of the Poltava is a Round, in the center of which is the Corps Garden with the Glory Monument in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory over the Swedes near Poltava (1806-1811, architect Zhan-Fransua Toma de Tomon, sculptor Feodosiy Shchedrin). According to legend, Petro I met the defenders of the city at this place.

Administrative buildings were built around the square in 1809-1811: The present places (now - the City Council), the Noble Assembly (now - the Ivan Kotlyarevsky cinema), the House of the Governor-General (now - the Council of Trade Unions), the Malorosiyskyi Post Office (now - the Poltava School of Arts) , Petrivsky Cadet Corps (until recently (Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School) and others. A modern shopping complex was built in the underground part.

The Round Square in Poltava is a popular place for city dwellers to walk.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street Poltava


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