Museum and Cultural Center "Na Unterwaliu", Pidhaichyky

Museum / gallery

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General information about Museum and Cultural Center "Na Unterwaliu" (Pidhaichyky)

The museum and cultural center "Na Unterwaliu" in the village of Pidhaichyky in the Lviv Region opened in 2019. Located on the territory of the former German colony Unterwal, which existed here until 1939.

The complex is dedicated to the life of this multicultural Galician village, in which four nations lived before the Second World War: Ukrainians, Germans, Poles and Jews.

About 150 exhibits are presented in the museum exposition - these are work tools, household items, furniture and old prints. All these things were collected by local residents for three years, while preparations for the creation of the museum continued. The exhibits reflect the life and culture of the village, as well as the daily life of all four nations.

Workshops, meetings, lectures, an ...

The museum and cultural center "Na Unterwaliu" in the village of Pidhaichyky in the Lviv Region opened in 2019. Located on the territory of the former German colony Unterwal, which existed here until 1939.

The complex is dedicated to the life of this multicultural Galician village, in which four nations lived before the Second World War: Ukrainians, Germans, Poles and Jews.

About 150 exhibits are presented in the museum exposition - these are work tools, household items, furniture and old prints. All these things were collected by local residents for three years, while preparations for the creation of the museum continued. The exhibits reflect the life and culture of the village, as well as the daily life of all four nations.

Workshops, meetings, lectures, and film screenings are constantly held in the cultural center.

Музейно-культурний центр "На Унтервалю" в селі Підгайчики на Львівщині відкрився у 2019 році. Розташований на території колишньої німецької колонії Унтерваль, яка існувала тут до 1939 року. 

Комплекс присвячений життю цього мультикультурного галицького села, в якому до Другої світової війни жили чотири нації: українці, німці, поляки та євреї.

В музейній експозиції представлено близько 150 експонатів – це знаряддя праці, предмети побуту, меблі та стародруки. Всі ці речі місцеві мешканці збирали протягом трьох років, поки тривала підготовка до створення музею. Експонати відображають життя та культуру села, а також побут усіх чотирьох націй.

В культурному центрі постійно відбуваються майстеркласи, зустрічі, лекції, кінопокази.

Practical information about Museum and Cultural Center "Na Unterwaliu" (Pidhaichyky)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 2019
Hours of work by prior arrangement
Address Pidlisna Street, 14


Coordinates 49.75433° N, 24.49558° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 93 486 7406,
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