Attractions of Ukraine
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Attractions Lviv region
Attractions Zolochiv district
Attractions Zolochiv
Franciscans Monastery (Boyar Court)
The boyar court in Zolochiv, also known as the Zolochiv Arsenal, is a former fortified residence of the town's owners, built in the 15th century by representatives of the Shchechy boyar family.
This is the oldest architectural monument of Zolochiv. After the Zolochiv castle was built, the building began to be used as a city arsenal, then it was handed over to the parish church for the care of the poor.
Until recently, the building of the Boyar Court was in a state of disrepair. In 2012, it was transferred to the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross, which carried out reconstruction and opened there the Holy Cross Monastery of Saint Damian Friars Minor (Franciscans) ...
The boyar court in Zolochiv, also known as the Zolochiv Arsenal, is a former fortified residence of the town's owners, built in the 15th century by representatives of the Shchechy boyar family.
This is the oldest architectural monument of Zolochiv. After the Zolochiv castle was built, the building began to be used as a city arsenal, then it was handed over to the parish church for the care of the poor.
Until recently, the building of the Boyar Court was in a state of disrepair. In 2012, it was transferred to the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross, which carried out reconstruction and opened there the Holy Cross Monastery of Saint Damian Friars Minor (Franciscans) and the Chapel of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of the Lord.
Боярський двір у Золочеві, також відомий як Золочівський арсенал, - колишня укріплена резиденція власників міста, зведена в XV сторіччі представниками боярського роду Щечонів.
Це найдавніша архітектурна пам'ятка Золочева. Після спорудження Золочівського замку будівля стала використовуватись як міський арсенал, потім була передана парафіяльному костелу для опіки над убогими.
До останнього часу будівля Боярського двору була в занедбаному стані. В 2012 році передана Українській греко-католицькій церкві Воздвиження Животворящого Хреста, що провела реконструкцію та відкрила там монастир Чесного Хреста Святого Дам`яна Братів Менших (францисканців) та каплицю Возвиження Чесного Хреста Господнього.
Last update
Categories | Castle / fortress, Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | XV century |
Address |
Markiyana Shashkevycha Street, 13
Zolochiv |
Coordinates |
49.804681° N, 24.901478° E
Phone | +380 326 546 300, | | |
Official site | |
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