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Attractions of Odesa region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Odesa region

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Воронцовський палац, Одеса
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Vorontsov Palace

Architecture , Palace / manor

The Palace of the Governor-General of the Novorossiya Region Mykhaylo Vorontsov in Odesa was built in 1827 in the Empire style according to the project and under the direction of the architect Frants Boffo.

The interiors of the palace, designed by the outstanding sculptor and painter Karl Scotti, are the best examples of the preserved interiors of Odesa from the empire era. Prince Vorontsov arranged elegant balls here.

During Soviet times, the premises of the Vorontsov Palace were occupied by the Palace of Children and Students.

The belvedere colonnade on the embankment is considered one of the symbols of Odesa. In 1994, the "Day and Night" fountain by Mykhaylo Reva was installed nearby.

In May 2022, during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Vorontsov Palace was damaged by Russian missile fire.

Map pin icon Vorontsovsky Lane, 2D Odesa


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Музей воскових фігур "У баби Уті", Одеса
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Wax Figures Museum "Baba Utya"

Museum / gallery

The Wax Figures Museum "Baba Utya" was founded by Oleksandr Pavlovsky in 1998 in the very center of Odesa, opposite the Opera House.

This is an analogue of the London Madame Tussauds Museum. Here you can see many celebrities made of wax. The first exhibits of the museum were wax copies of Yosyp de Ribas, Duke de Rishelye, Count Oleksandr Lanzheron. Over time, the collection was replenished with other figures, the exposition is constantly updated and expanded. Currently, the museum presents more than 60 wax figures thematically arranged and exhibited in separate halls.

The museum "Baba Utya" also has a reduced copy of the most famous street in Odessa - Derybasivska, as well as an art gallery. Excursions are held, during which visitors are introduced to all the figures of the museum and told about all the subtleties and secrets of creating wax figures. You can also try creating a figure yourself using wax.

Map pin icon Rishelyevska Street, 4 Odesa


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Музей західного та східного мистецтва (Палац Абази), Одеса
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Western and Oriental Art Museum (Abaza Palace)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Odesa Museum of Western and Oriental Art is one of the best museums in the country in this field.

Occupies the former palace of the landowner Oleksiy Abaza, built in 1856-1858 by architect Louis Cesar Otto. The house is made in an eclectic style: baroque features coexist with elements of Empire and Rococo styles. The "swinging" grand staircase in the lobby, carved from Carrara marble, erected without load-bearing beams-kosour together with the platforms form a spectacular hanging structure. The interiors of the Abaza Palace are rich in stucco decor, carvings, bronze fittings.

The Museum of Western and Oriental Art was founded in Odesa in 1923 on the basis of private collections collected by the local committee for the protection of monuments of art and antiquity.

The museum's exhibition presents paintings by Dutch masters, porcelain of the best European factories of the XVIII-XX centuries, sculptures and ceramics of Iran, Tibet, China, India and Japan. Pearls of the collection: "Saint Luke" and "Saint Matthew" by the great Dutchman Frans Hals , "Madonna on the Throne" by the Florentine painter of the 16th century. Francesco Granacci, "Endangered Cupid" by Etienne Falcone, as well as unique woodcuts by the famous Japanese master Katsushiki Hokusai from the series "Book of Birds".

Map pin icon Italiyska Street, 9 Odesa


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Садиба Ярошевича, Білгород-Дністровський
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Yaroshevych's Mansion


The mansion of Honorary Justice of the Peace Aloiziy Yaroshevych was built in 1890 in the center of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi according to the project of the architect Yevhen Yermakov in the spirit of neo-romanticism with a predominance of the Moorish style.

At the moment, the building is in a state of disrepair, and the local authorities cannot decide who owns it and what to do with it. Meanwhile, the most beautiful architectural monument is being destroyed.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Street, 26 Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi


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Ясенівський краєзнавчий музей, Ясенове Друге
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Yasenivsky Historical and Local Lore Museum named after Serhiy Rakhubenko

Museum / gallery

The Yasenivsky People`s Museum of History and Local Lore was founded in the village of Yasenove Druhe in 1960. The head and founder of the museum was the historian and local lore expert Serhiy Rakhubenko, who began collecting exhibits in 1948 and whose name the museum now bears.

The museum is located on the territory of the Holy Intercession Church in an adapted building of the church building.

Today, the museum's collection includes more than 3 thousand exhibits. For the presence of rare and unique exhibits, the museum was awarded the title of "People's", which was confirmed in 1991.

Among the interesting exhibits of the museum are: a flint knife from the settlement of the Trypillyan culture, ritual ceramic vessels of the Chernyakhiv culture, a plow, a wooden axle of a milky-white cart, a wooden propeller of the first airplanes, carpoles (wooden pitchforks), a tusk of a fossil rhinoceros (1 million years old), whole teeth of a dinotherium and a mammoth, relics of Adzhymushkay, a Greek amphora from the bottom of the Kerch Strait, a terracotta seal of the church of the Berdyansk Regiment, and a flint axe.

Map pin icon Svyato-Pokrovska Ploshcha Street, 19 Yasenove Druhe


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Городище Єні-Дунья, Південне
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Yeni-Dunya Hillfort

Archaeological site

Excavations at the site of the hillfort, which some researchers also associate with the 18th century Turkish fortress of Yeni-Dunya.

The hillfort is located near Cape Sychavskyi to the west of the mouth of the Tylihul estuary, near the Pivdenne city and the Koshary village.

According to one version, the Koshary settlement is much older, and it can be identified with the ancient city of Odesos, which gave its name to the present Odesa.

Map pin icon Cape Sychavskyi Pivdenne


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Захарівський історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Zakharivka Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Zakharivka People's Historical and Local Lore Museum is located in the center of the village of Zakharivka.

It presents a small ethnographic collection, materials on the history of the founding of the village and the work of local folk artists.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 102 Zakharivka


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Земська управа, Білгород-Дністровський
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Zemstvo Administration


The building of the poviat zemstvo administration with a square and a fence is one of the most interesting architectural monuments of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

It was built in 1905 according to the typical project of "model" buildings, which were developed during this period by St. Petersburg architects. Volodymyr Puryshkevych , the future murderer of Rasputin, was the head of the Zemstvo administration at that time.

Currently, it is the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Vocational College of Nature Management, Construction and Computer Technologies.

Map pin icon Ukrayinska Street, 53 Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi


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Зоопарк Біопарк, Одеса
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Zoo Biopark


Odesa Zoo "Biopark" is another project of the owners of Nemo Dolphinarium. Located on the bypass road in the western part of Odesa, in the "Two Pillars" area.

The zoo is equipped with modern, spacious enclosures designed in accordance with the animals' natural habitat. Giraffes, Himalayan bears, Ussuri tigers, lions, chimpanzees, lemurs, gibbons, llamas, alpacas and others live in the Biopark.

The youngest visitors can interact with domestic animals in the petting zoo. There are playgrounds and animation shows for children, photo zones, public catering points.

Map pin icon Tyraspolske shose, 22Zh Odesa


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Зоологічний музей, Одеса
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Zoological Museum

Museum / gallery

The Zoological Museum is a structural unit of the Biology Faculty of the Odesa National University named after Ilya Mechnykov.

The museum collections of the current Zoological Museum began to form even before the official opening of the university in 1865. For more than 33 years, natural objects were collected for the natural history department of the Ryshelevsky Lyceum, on the basis of which the university was founded. The most valuable were the collections of Professor Oleksandr Nordman, a famous researcher of the fauna of the Black Sea region, who headed the museum in 1862.

The Zoological Museum is located in the building of the Biology Faculty of the university, where it occupies 3 exhibition halls with a total area of ​​1000 square meters. The museum fund consists of 56 thousand storage units, of which 7.5 thousand exhibits are presented in the exposition.

Map pin icon Champanskyi Lane, 2 Odesa


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