Attractions of Nikopol district

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Nikopol district


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Могила отамана Івана Сірка, Капулівка
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Otaman Ivan Sirko Grave


The memorial complex in honor of the glorified Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko was created at the entrance to Kapulivka in 1963, when, before the creation of the Kakhovska HPP, it was decided to rebury his remains from Chortomlyk Island, which was in the flood zone.

A bronze bust of Sirko is placed on top of the mound, which was built over the reburial site, and at its foot is a tombstone carved by the Zaporozhzhian Cossacks. On the sides of the alley leading to the grave of the Kosh otaman, a small chapel and a watchtower were built, reproducing the spirit of the Cossack era.

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Краєзнавчий музей, Марганець
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Marhanets City Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Marhanets City Museum of Local Lore has been operating since 1969 in a room on the ground floor of a residential building in the central square of Marhanets.

The museum's collection includes about 6,000 exhibits that tell about the history, archeology, ethnography, nature of the region. Among them are many geological, paleontological, archaeological materials and household items of different eras.

The exposition about the period of German occupation during the Second World War presents documents, money, photos, Auschwitz, awards, personal belongings of partisans.

A separate exposition tells about the history of the Marhanets Mining and Processing Plant, presents the tools of mining and household items of the middle of the XX century.

Map pin icon Yednosti Street, 76 Marhanets


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Нікополь
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of Holy Virgin is the oldest church in Nikopol region, one of the few preserved from pre-revolutionary times.

It is located on the western outskirts of the city.

The Nativity of Holy Virgin Church was built in 1812-1820 in the style of classicism. In the interior, paintings of the 19th century, made by the outstanding poet and artist Maksymilian Voloshyn, have been preserved.

Map pin icon Rizdvyana Street, 36 Nikopol


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Нікопольський краєзнавчий музей, Нікополь
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Nikopol Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Nikopol Museum of Local Lore was established in 1919 as the Museum of Fine Arts on the basis of an art collection requisitioned from the local landowner Nechayev.

Initially, the museum was located in a historic house of the early twentieth century, but now this architectural monument has been in disrepair for a long time, so the exposition is located in a temporary building in the center of Nikopol.

The most valuable part of the collection was lost during World War II.

Now the museum's funds include more than 45 thousand exhibits that tell about the nature and history of the region from ancient times to the present.

The exposition of the department of nature and ecology introduces the characteristics of the geographical position of the region, its flora and fauna, minerals, paleontology, environmental ecology.

The exposition of the departments of archeology and ancient history and the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks and modern history has three sections: "Archaeological monuments of the region", "Zaporizhzhia Sich and Zaporizhzhia Cossacks on the territory of the region", "Our region under the rule of the Russian Empire".

The exposition of the Department of Contemporary and Contemporary History consists of two stationary exhibitions: "Ukraine. The Path to Independence" and "Our Land during the Second World War".

The Department of Arts organizes and exhibits temporary and permanent art and ethnographic exhibitions. The museum also regularly hosts lectures, master classes, and thematic events.

Map pin icon Elektrometalurhiv Street, 46A Nikopol


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Шолоховський (Токівський) водоспад, Шолохове
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Sholokhovskyi (Tokivskyi) cascade waterfall

Natural object

Sholokhovskyi (Tokivskyi) cascade waterfall is also known as "Chervone Kaminnya".

The length is about 14 meters. The cascade of waterfalls originates from the river. Kamianka, the right tributary of Bazavluk. Granite "baths" are located in the continuation of the waterfall.

In connection with the beginning of the development of the Tokiv granite deposit, the waters of the Sholokhovskyi waterfall became polluted. Previously, rare flowers included in the Red Book, as well as medicinal plants, grew here.

This is one of the most beautiful places in Dnipropetrovsk region.

Map pin icon Chervone Kaminnya Sholokhove


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Спасо-Преображенський собор, Нікополь
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral in Nikopol was built at the end of the 19th century as a home temple for brick factory workers.

In 1937, the Transfiguration Cathedral was closed by the Soviet authorities, during the years of German-fascist occupation, it resumed work for a short time, and in 1960 it was transformed into a planetarium. The last owner of the building was a local radio station. The decor and paintings were completely destroyed, and antennas were installed instead of crosses.

From 1991 to 1993, the process of returning the temple to the Orthodox community continued. Currently, the Transfiguration Cathedral has been restored.

Map pin icon Preobrazhenska Street, 113 Nikopol


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