Attractions of Vyshhorod district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Vyshhorod district

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Vyshhorod district


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Національний музей-заповідник української військової звитяги (Лютізький плацдарм), Нові Петрівці
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National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Military Achievements (Liutizh Bridgehead)

Museum / gallery

National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Military Achievements (former State Museum-Reserve "Battle for Kyiv 1943") in Novi Petrivtsi recreates the situation of the famous Liutizh military operation to liberate the capital of Ukraine from Nazi invaders in 1943-1944.

Defensive structures, dugouts, military equipment, and an exhibition of uniforms and weapons have been preserved on an area of 9 hectares.

Impressive diorama "Battle for Kyiv. Lyutizh bridgehead. 1943." opened in 1980.

Every year before the Day of Remembrance and the Day of Liberation of Kyiv, theatrical performances take place on the territory of the museum, which recreate the battles for Kyiv.

In 2022, a new exhibit - the Russian Mi-35N helicopter - appeared in the exposition of the National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Military Achievements. It was on February 24, the first day of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, that a Russian Mi-35N helicopter (RF-13024) was shot down by a soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine over the Kyiv Reservoir. The helicopter was part of an air attack on the military airfield in Gostomel, Kyiv region. In May 2022, the downed helicopter was raised from the bottom of the Kyiv Sea.

Map pin icon Zakhysnykiv Ukrayiny Street, 67 Novi Petrivtsi


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Національний природний парк "Дніпровсько-Тетерівський", Сухолуччя
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National Nature Park "Dniprovsko-Teterivskyi"


The territory of the National Nature Park "Dniprovsko-Teterivskyi" designed on the basis of the Dniprovsko-Teterivske State Forestry Farm is located in the Vyshhorod district, in the north of the Kyiv region, near the village of Sukholuchchia.

Today, the Dniprovsko-Teterivske State Forestry Farm management protects the typical landscapes of Polissya within the flooded floodplain of the Teteriv River and the coast of the Kyiv Reservoir. The area of the farm is almost 37.9 thousand hectares, their water bodies - 9.3 thousand hectares. About half of the area consists of forests, widespread meadows, many marshes and lakes. Pine and oak-pine forests predominate, aspen and birch forests in some areas.

The hunting fauna characteristic of Polissya is moose, red deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, hare, raccoon dog, beaver, otter. Birds include grouse, gray partridge, teals, ducks, woodcocks, snipe, etc. The muskrat has been acclimatized, and work is underway to introduce the pheasant. Birds that were not here before began to nest: gray goose, gray crane. There are also black storks, peregrine falcons, white-tailed eagles, and snake-eaters, which are listed in the Red Book.

Until 2014, two hunting residences of the ex-president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, were located on the territory of the Dnipro-Teteriv reserve in the tracts "Ostriv" and "Akatia": hunting palaces, aviaries with wild animals, a helipad, piers with hangars, boats and yachts.

Currently, the development of the "Project for the creation of the Dniprovsko-Teterivskyi National Nature Park" is underway.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 2 Sukholuchchia


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ДОТ 578, Лютіж
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Pillbox 578

Castle / fortress

Pillbox (DOT) 578 of Battalion District No. 21 of Kyiv Ukrain District (KyUR) is located on the edge of the forest and rises above the floodplain of the Irpin River.

The structure is a two-gun artillery semi-cabinet intended for conducting flank artillery fire.

Pillbox was blown up, but some premises were preserved. In particular, one of the gun casemates.

Map pin icon "Chayka" gardens Liutizh


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ДОТ 582, Лютіж
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Pillbox 582

Castle / fortress

Pillbox (DOT) 582 of Battalion District No. 21 of the Kyiv Ukrainary District (KyUR) is located in the forest north of the village of Liutizh, near the banks of the Dnipro.

The structure is a typical reinforced concrete one-story tri-embrasure Pillbox of the "M2" type, designed for 3 machine guns.

Pillbox 582 is also known as "Pillbox of Lieutenant Novakivsky". In August 1941, the DoT garrison, under the command of Lieutenant Ivan Novakivsky, engaged in a battle with German units advancing on Kyiv and defended itself until the Germans managed to blow it up. 14 fighters were captured. Lieutenant Novakivsky is the only one of the commandants of KiURu garrisons who remained alive.

Map pin icon Liutizh


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Хутір Савки, Нові Петрівці
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Savka House

Ethnographic complex

The private ethnographic complex "Savka House" in Novi Petrivtsi includes two authentic old Ukrainian manors: a wealthy peasant's house from 1786 and a gentleman's house from 1854.

The first one has been in its place for over two hundred years, the second one was transported from the village of Meleni in Zhytomyr region. There is a well, a cellar, a farm yard with a forge and a forge. During the excursion, visitors are offered to grind flour with their own hands with the help of stone millstones, work in a forge, and watch the work of masters of folk crafts.

After the excursion, you can taste the best dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine, prepared in a wood-fired oven according to ancient recipes. A professional folk group performs folk music.

Map pin icon Knyazya Svyatoslava Street, 50 Novi Petrivtsi


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Музей мистецтв Славутича, Славутич
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Slavutych Art Museum

Museum / gallery

Slavutych's Innovative Museum of Contemporary Art opened in 2021 as part of the OFAR (Open Format Art Residence) project.

The museum is located in the exhibition hall on the 2nd floor of the Culture House "Enerhiya".

Works of contemporary artists in the genres of graphics and photography are exhibited here. With the help of virtual reality glasses you can see large-scale 3D sculptures that are integrated into the urban landscape without violating its physical space.

Map pin icon Druzhby Narodiv Avenue, 7, CH Enerhiya, 2nd floor Slavutych


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Комплекс ВишГора, Вишгород
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VyshHora complex

Active rest , Ski resort , Rest on the water

The "VyshHora" complex is located in Vyshhorod in a picturesque location, on the steep banks of the Kyiv Reservoir, next to the old bobsleigh track.

In winter, the mountain, which is about 200 meters long, has three different slopes and snow tubing for riding on inflatable tubes. A modern conveyor belt, snow cannons, and night lighting are in operation. Equipment can be rented, instructors work. Visitors are offered tandoori meat dishes, hot mulled wine, tea and coffee. The complex works in snowy weather, or when the average daily temperature allows the use of snow cannons.

In the summer, the complex includes 200-meter-long water slides, a 20x20-meter pool with a pool bar, and a sunbathing and relaxation area with an area of more than 400 square meters.

In July 2020, the administration of the "VyshHora" complex announced the complete cessation of activities.

Map pin icon Vatutyna Street, 102 Vyshhorod


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Зоопарк "12 місяців", Демидів
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Zoo "12 Months"


Happy Animal Park "12 Months" (Zoo "XII Months") is located 40 kilometers from the center of Kyiv on the highway to Dymer, between Demydiv and Lytvynivka.

On the territory of 16 hectares, there are aviaries built according to modern technologies. You can see more than 100 species of animals in the zoo. Among its inhabitants are a white lion and a lioness, a white tiger, giraffes, a black jaguar, a red wolf, cheetahs, puma, hyenas, Kamchatka bears, various monkeys, a rhinoceros, antelope kanna, bison, alpacas and others. Indian elephants are expected to arrive.

For children, there is a petting zoo in "12 Months", where you can interact with donkeys, lambs, mini-cows and other domestic animals. A large playground and a pirate ship have been prepared for active children's recreation.

In the center of the complex, next to the pond, there is a restaurant in the style of a fairy-tale castle, similar to the Bavarian castle Noyshvanshtayn - the prototype of Snow White's castle from Disney cartoons. Many animals can be hand-fed.

Russian-Ukrainian war

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, in February 2022, the "!2 months" zoo immediately found itself under Russian occupation, at the epicenter of hostilities, and was actually cut off from the outside world. For more than a month, in extremely difficult conditions without light, gas and fodder, under constant enemy fire, seven employees of the park cared for the animals and saved most of them. Unfortunately, several animals died due to the stress of the explosions - they could not withstand the sounds of shells flying over the park and exploding.

Currently, the Happy Animal Park "!2 Months" has resumed its work and welcomes visitors.

Map pin icon Verbova Street, 79 Demydiv


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