Attractions of Bolhrad

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Пам'ятник Інзову, Болград
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Ivan Inzov Monument


The memorial sign in honor of General Ivan Inzov was opened in 2010 for the 165th anniversary of the death of the founder of Bolhrad, a hero of the Franco-Russian war, a guardian of immigrants from the southern part of the Russian Empire.

The first monument to Inzov in Bolhrad was created with public funds back in 1911, but it was dismantled and taken to Romania under the Romanian authorities. It is planned to create an exact copy.

The current memorial is a round obelisk with a relief portrait of Inzov. The inscription on the reverse side reads: "General Inzov of the Suvorov and Kutuzov schools made a famous name for himself in military and civil positions. He gave the settlers a new life in the new Motherland. With his assistance, the construction of Bolhrad was started."

Map pin icon Inzovska Street Bolhrad


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Церква Св. Митрофана (Мавзолей Інзова), Болград
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Saint Mitrofan Church (General Ivan Inzov Mausoleum)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Mitrofan in Bolhrad is the temple-tomb of General Ivan Inzov, the guardian of foreign settlements on the territory of Bessarabia, which the Russian Empire conquered in 1806-1812.

General Inzov paid special attention to the situation of the Bulgarian immigrants who founded Bolhrad. In particular, with his efforts, the Bulgarians were equalized in rights with the German colonists.

During his lifetime, Inzov expressed his desire "that his ashes lie in Bolhrad after his death." The cemetery rotunda church of Saint Mitrofan was built in 1840-1844. After Inzov's death in 1845 in Odesa, residents of Bolhrad carried the coffin with his remains on their shoulders to Bolhrad and buried them in the Saint Mitrofan Church, which became Inzov's mausoleum. The restored hearse of Inzov, which was never used for its intended purpose, is stored in the church. The words carved on the tombstone: "...He gave the envoys a new life in the new Motherland. The grateful Bulgarian colonists wished to transfer the ashes of the perpetrator of their prosperity to the depths of their settlement to preserve his name in the memory of the people."

Map pin icon Izmayilske highway, Inzovske cemetery Bolhrad


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Спасо-Преображенський собор, Болград
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral in Bolhrad was built in 1838 with donations from the city's residents.

Architect Avraham Melnykov used the architectural style of mature classicism. The height of the dome, decorated with Corinthian pilasters, is 50 meters.

The interior was painted in 1912-1914 by the artist Pavlo Piskarov in the style of romanticism based on sketches by Vasnetsov.

Map pin icon 28 Chervnia Square, 26 Bolhrad


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