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Attractions of Poltava region

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Музей бомбардувальної авіації, Полтава
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Heavy Bomber Aviation Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Heavy Bomber Aviation was established on the territory of Poltava Military Airfield, where the 13th Guards Dnipropetrovsk-Budapest Order of Suvorov Heavy Bomber Aviation Division was based in Soviet times.

It consisted of 18 long-range supersonic Tu-22M3 bombers (Backfire), 6 long-range jet missiles Tu-16 (Badger) and other equipment. After the collapse of the USSR, the division was disbanded. According to the Ukrainian-American Agreement on the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, in February 2006 the last TU-22M3 bomber was cut down at the Poltava military airfield.

2 planes were saved for the museum exposition, some more were brought from other cities. In particular, the exposition of the open parking lot of aircraft presents the world's largest strategic bomber TU-160 "White Swan" (according to NATO classification - "Blackjack"). And also the only Tu-95MS aircraft in Ukraine (according to NATO classification - "Bear"). Other exhibits: Tu-22M3, Tu-22, Tu-16, Tu-134UBL, Su-15, An-2 and helicopters: Mi-8 and Mi-2.

In addition, 13 halls in the exhibition hall tell about the history and global significance of heavy bomber aircraft.

Map pin icon Petra Yurchenka Street, 21/9 Poltava


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Національний музей-заповідник Миколи Гоголя, Гоголеве
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Mykola Hohol National Museum-Reserve

Museum / gallery

The National Museum-Reserve of Mykola Hohol was created in the village of Hoholeve (formerly Vasylivka, Yanivshchyna), where the writer spent his childhood and youth.

The museum was opened for the writer's 175th birthday.

The estate is recreated from photographs, drawings, plans, letters and memories of contemporaries, as the original buildings burned down during World War II. The parents' house and the wing with Hohol's office have been restored, the ponds, the romantic grotto on the shore and the age-old garden have been preserved.

In the recreated interiors of the living room, dining room and bedrooms, there is an exhibition that gives an idea of the Hohol era and tells about the writer's life and work. In particular, the first editions of Hohol's books, original portraits, some interior items, personal belongings of the writer and members of his family are presented.

In the park opposite the museum is the grave of Hohol's parents.

In the warm season, starting from the month of May, night theatrical performances are held.

Map pin icon Zhovtneva Street, 2 Hoholeve


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Земська школа, Піски-Удайські
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Zemska School


The Zemska school building in the style of Ukrainian Art Nouveau was built in Pisky-Udaiski in the 1910s according to the project of the architect Opanas Slastion (Slaston).

The Ukrainian painter, ethnographer and architect Slastion developed a number of original school projects for the Lokhvytskyi zemstvo, to which the village of Pisky-Udaiski belonged at the time. These projects are characterized by pointed towers and trapezoidal window openings.

After a new, wider building was built for the village school (now the village library), the Zemska school building is not used.

Map pin icon Kosiy Khutir Street Pisky-Udaiski


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Земська школа, Христанівка
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Zemska School


The Khrystanivka Zemska School is located on picturesque cliffs above the Sula River. This is one of the fifty schools of the Lokhvytsia zemstvo that have survived in the Poltava region, built at the beginning of the 20th century according to the project of the artist and ethnographer Opanas Slastion (Slaston), who designed buildings in the style of Ukrainian Art Nouveau, which "correspond to the national taste and acquired features of national originality". Among the characteristic features are large hexagonal doors and windows, which were popularly called "Shevchenko windows".

In 1995, the school was closed. Currently, one wing houses a paramedic-midwifery station.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street Khrystanivka


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Тріумфальна арка, Диканька
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Triumphal Arch


The Triumphal Arch in Dykanka is the village's business card, the only surviving civil structure of the Kochubey family estate.

The ceremonial entrance to the estate was decorated with a classic triumphal arch in honor of the arrival in Dykanka of Emperor Oleksandr I, whose close associate was Prince Viktor Kochubey.

Triumphal Arch was built by the architect Luyidzhi Ruska to commemorate the victory over Napoleon in 1812, it was decorated with copper bas-reliefs with battle scenes.

Map pin icon Poltavska Street, 1 Dykanka


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Піраміда Закревського, Березова Рудка
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Zakrevsky Pyramid


The ancestral tomb of the Zakrevsky family in the unusual shape of an Egyptian pyramid was built in Berezova Rudka at the end of the 19th century by the famous lawyer Hnat Zakrevsky, who was in the service of Emperor Oleksandr III, was a member of the Masonic lodge and admired Egyptian culture. According to one version, he was also Russia's ambassador to Egypt.

The chapel-mausoleum built by him over the grave of his ancestors most likely has a secret symbolic meaning. The funeral building combined the classical forms of the Egyptian pyramid and pagan paraphernalia with Orthodox symbols. Thus, the entrance to the chapel was "guarded" by a statue of the goddess Isis brought by Zakrevsky from Egypt, and an Orthodox cross was placed on the portico above the entrance. In the center of the hall was an Orthodox altar with a large stone cross.

Hnat Zakrevsky himself died in 1906 in Egypt, his embalmed body was brought to Berezova Rudka and buried in the mausoleum.

Pyramid in Berezova Rudka is one of the three pyramidal temples in Ukraine. During the Soviet rule, the chapel was desecrated and looted, now the building is in a bad condition.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Berezova Rudka


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Єпархіальне училище, Лубни
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Diocesan School


The luxurious building of the women's diocesan school adorns the center of the city of Lubny.

The building was built in 1907 according to the project of the famous architect, academician of architecture Oleksiy Beketov at the expense of the candle factory of the diocese. The school opened the following year.

Now it is Gymnasium named after Vasyl Barka of the Lubny City Council.

Map pin icon Viktora Novikova Street, 2 Lubny


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Краєзнавчий музей, Пирятин
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Pyriatyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Pyriatyn Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1967.

The museum is located in one of the first stone residential buildings of Pyriatyn - the house of one of the local landowners.

The exposition of the museum is placed in six rooms and highlights the history of the region from the most ancient times to the present day. In particular, an ethnographic collection is presented, as well as exhibits that reproduce the life and daily life of the Pyriatyn Cossacks.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Street, 47 Pyriatyn


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Поле Полтавської битви, Полтава
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"Poltava Battle Field" Historical and Cultural Reserve

Museum / gallery

One of the first museums in Poltava was established in 1909 on the battle field of Poltava near the Mass grave of Russian soldiers to mark the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army over the Swedes.

The collection includes more than eight thousand exhibits: works of art, weapons, awards, flags, uniforms and equipment of the Russian and Swedish armies, personal belongings of Petro I and his associates. The sounded diorama of the Poltava battle is established.

Nearby - a monument to Peter I, Sampson's Church (1895) and the mass grave of Russian soldiers, a cross on the grave of Swedish soldiers and a Monument to fallen Swedes from Russians.

Two redoubts (field fortifications of the Russian army) were restored, one of which is located on the opposite side of the road, and the other - near the "Poltava Battle Field" museum building.

Map pin icon Shvedska Mohyla Street, 32 Poltava


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Краєзнавчий музей, Абазівка
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Abazivka Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Abazivka Village Museum of Local Lore has been located in the waiting room of Abazivka Railway Station since 2012. The exposition is decorated in the form of wide-format banners.

Its sections are devoted to prominent natives of the village, the Soviet period of the regional seed station, as well as the fate of the Abazivka people who took part in the Soviet war in Afghanistan and the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster.

The walls of the station are also decorated with paintings donated by Poltava artist of the sixties Oleksandr Hlushachenko.

Map pin icon Zaliznychna Street, 4 Abazivka


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Церква Всіх Святих, Лубни
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All Saints of Ukrainian Land Church

Temple , Architecture

The modest church of All Saints of the Ukrainian Land in Lubny is located on the territory of the Children's Park named after Oles Donchenko, opposite the market.

Founded in 1836. Now it belongs to the community of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Mystetska Street, 3 Lubny


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Благовіщенська церква, Лохвиця
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Annunciation Church

Temple , Architecture

The first Church of the Annunciation in Lokhvytsia was built in 1740.

After the wooden church burned down, a new stone church was built in the same place in 1800 in the forms of classicism with elements of the Rus style.

During Soviet times, the dome was destroyed, the premises were used as a local history museum.

Today, the Church of the Annunciation is an active church of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 1 Lokhvytsia


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Будинок-музей Антона Макаренка, Кременчук
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Anton Makarenko Memorial House-Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The pedagogical-memorial house-museum of the outstanding teacher Anton Semenovych Makarenko was opened in his parents' house in Kremenchuk in 1951.

Anton Makarenko spent 1905-1911 and 1917-1919 in this house. The Kremenchuk Museum became the first museum of a famous teacher in the former USSR.

Currently, the museum exposition has about 34 thousand exhibits, including personal belongings of Anton Makarenko (chess, glasses, antimony, violin), furniture and books of his parents.

Map pin icon Antona Makarenko Street, 44 Kremenchuk


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Музей-заповідник Антона Макаренка, Ковалівка
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Anton Makarenko Museum-Reserve

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The State Museum-Reserve of the outstanding pedagogue and writer Anton Makarenko is located in the village of Kovalivka, Poltava district, on the territory of the former estate of the Trepke family.

It was here from January 1921 to May 1926 that the colony for juvenile offenders and the homeless established by Makarenko was located.

The Makarenko Museum-Reserve was opened by UNESCO on February 25, 1988, on the eve of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the teacher's birth.

The Red and White houses, the outbuilding, and a number of small memorials have been preserved - the entrance arch, gazebo, well, cellar, stairs to the river, pier.

The main hall of the Red House houses the main exposition, which tells about the life of Anton Makarenko and his educational teams, the creative activity of the teacher, the fate of his pupils, the implementation of Makarenko's pedagogical ideas today.

In the White House - a memorial part. Classrooms, a girls' bedroom, a club, workshops, and Anton Makarenko's study, where he wrote the first pages of the Pedagogical Poem, were restored here.

The ancient buildings of the Trepke estate have preserved the decorative stucco of the XIX century.

Map pin icon Antona Makarenko Street, 1-2 Kovalivka


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Картинна галерея імені Марії Башкирцевої, Диканька
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Art Gallery named after Mariya Bashkyrtseva

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Art gallery named after Mariya Bashkyrtseva is the art department of the Dykanka Historical and Local Lore Museum.

The gallery is located in the premises of the former Zemstvo school, built in 1904.

The fund collection of the gallery includes more than 1,000 works. These are mainly the works of amateur local artists, professionals of the second half of the 20th century, and contemporary artists whose creative path is connected with this region.

The greatest interest of visitors is the memorial room of the artist and writer Mariya Bashkyrtseva, where life-size copies of her canvases are presented.

Also on display is a collection of works of art related to the work of the writer Mykola Hohol. In particular, a smooth-embroidered portrait of Hohol by Reshetylivka masters is presented.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 72 Dykanka


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