
Travel guide online Kozelets

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General information about Kozelets

The village of Kozelets on the Kyiv-Chernihiv route has been known since the 17th century as the Kozlohrad fortress as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Since 1649, it has been the 100th town of the Kyiv regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here.

An outstanding architectural monument is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-1763) in the Baroque style with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that Kyiv and Chernihiv can be seen from the bell tower at the same time.

You can also visit the Church of the Ascension (1866-1874) and the Saint Nicolas Church (1781-1784), the regimental office building (1756-1760) in the park behind the cathedral.

On the eastern outskirts of the city, the manor of the Cossack-st ...

The village of Kozelets on the Kyiv-Chernihiv route has been known since the 17th century as the Kozlohrad fortress as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Since 1649, it has been the 100th town of the Kyiv regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here.

An outstanding architectural monument is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-1763) in the Baroque style with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that Kyiv and Chernihiv can be seen from the bell tower at the same time.

You can also visit the Church of the Ascension (1866-1874) and the Saint Nicolas Church (1781-1784), the regimental office building (1756-1760) in the park behind the cathedral.

On the eastern outskirts of the city, the manor of the Cossack-starshin family Darahans "Pokorshchyna" (XVIII century) with a palace, a park and a stone house has been preserved.

Further outside the city - Saint George's Monastery with a cathedral (1741-1770 years).

Селище Козелець на трасі Київ-Чернігів відоме з XVII століття як фортеця Козлоград в складі Речі Посполитої.

З 1649 року - сотенне містечко Київського полку, деякий час тут розміщувалася полкова адміністрація.

Визначною пам'яткою архітектури є собор Різдва Богородиці (1752-1763 роки) в стилі бароко з прекрасним дерев'яним іконостасом. Вважається, що з дзвіниці одночасно можна побачити Київ і Чернігів.

Також можна оглянути Вознесенську церкву (1866-1874 роки) та Миколаївську церкву (1781-1784 роки), будинок полкової канцелярії (1756-1760 роки) в парку за собором.

На східній околиці міста збереглася садиба козацько-старшинського роду Дараганів "Покорщина" (XVIII століття) з палацом, парком і кам'яницею.

Далі за містом - Георгіївський мон ...

Селище Козелець на трасі Київ-Чернігів відоме з XVII століття як фортеця Козлоград в складі Речі Посполитої.

З 1649 року - сотенне містечко Київського полку, деякий час тут розміщувалася полкова адміністрація.

Визначною пам'яткою архітектури є собор Різдва Богородиці (1752-1763 роки) в стилі бароко з прекрасним дерев'яним іконостасом. Вважається, що з дзвіниці одночасно можна побачити Київ і Чернігів.

Також можна оглянути Вознесенську церкву (1866-1874 роки) та Миколаївську церкву (1781-1784 роки), будинок полкової канцелярії (1756-1760 роки) в парку за собором.

На східній околиці міста збереглася садиба козацько-старшинського роду Дараганів "Покорщина" (XVIII століття) з палацом, парком і кам'яницею.

Далі за містом - Георгіївський монастир з собором (1741-1770 роки).

Сплануй своє перебування у Kozelets

What to see and where to go in Kozelets

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kozelets

Ascension Church, Kozelets
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church in Kozelets is considered a unique example of a cross-shaped five-bay church in the general features of Baroque with signs of architectural historicism. The side tops resemble defensive towers.

Since Soviet times, the Kozelet Museum of the History of Weaving of Chernihiv Region has been housed in the church.

In 2017 the church was returned to the Orthodox Church, currently owned by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 28


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Pokorshchyna Manor, Kozelets
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Darahan Manor "Pokorshchyna"

Palace / manor , Architecture

According to legend, the "Pokorshchyna" estate of the Darahan family in Kozelets was named so in memory of the times when Empress Elizaveta Petrivna "submitted" to the shepherd Oleksiy Rozum (according to another version, the empress bowed her head (submitted) to her future mother-in-law, Nataliya Rozumykha).

Rozumiha bought the estate specially before the arrival of the empress. Probably, the secret wedding of Elizaveta and Oleksiy took place here. Later, the estate belonged to the sister of the Rozumovsky brothers, Vera, who married Colonel Darahan. The last owners were the Galagans.

The estate consists of a small one-story house with columns and a two-story tenement house, which was used to store weapons and treasury. A park was built around. Currently, the Kozeletsk Technical College of Veterinary Medicine is located near the manor.

The buildings are in very poor condition and need immediate restoration.

Map pin icon Rozumovskykh Street, 43A


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Weaving Museum, Kozelets
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History of Weaving of Chernihiv region Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kozelet Museum of the History of Weaving of the Chernihiv Region was opened in 1988 in the premises of the Resurrection Church, in 2017 the museum finally got its own premises.

In the exposition, in addition to carpets, embroidered fabrics and towels, you can see photos of old Kozelets and a family tree of the Rozumovskys.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 12


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Regimental Office, Kozelets
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Building of the Regimental Office


The two-story building of the Regimental Office is located in Kozelets in the park behind the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

It was built almost simultaneously with the cathedral by the same architects - Ivan Hryhorovych-Barsky and Andriy Kvasov. At that time, the Kozelets Hundred of the Kyiv Regiment was located in Kozelets, and the regimental office - the headquarters of the regiment - was also located there.

In the future, the building performed the functions of the Kozelets magistrate. Now it is the central library of Kozelets.

Map pin icon Fausta Sydoruka Street, 3


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Lyceum No. 1, Kozelets
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Kozelets Lyceum


Kozelets Lyceum No. 1 was established in 1996 on the basis of a secondary school, which in turn was established in 1912 as a Higher Primary School for girls.

Arithmetic, writing, reading, embroidery, cutting and sewing were taught there for 4 years. Teaching was conducted in Russian.

During the First World War, the building was used as a hospital. In 1919, the 1st Congress of Councils of the Kozelets district took place in the premises of the lyceum, at which Soviet power was proclaimed. During the Second World War, the Germans used the premises as a granary.

In 1943, training resumed.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 36/1


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