The historic city of Korets on the Korchyk River is located on the M6 Kyiv-Chop highway 60 kilometers from Rivne.
It was first mentioned as Korchesk in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1150, during the struggle between princes Yuriy Dovhorukyi and Izyaslav Mstyslavych for the throne of Kyiv.
The main architectural and historical monument is the ruins of the Korets Castle, founded in the 14th century by Prince Fedir Ostrozkyi. In the 15th-17th centuries, Korets was the fiefdom of the Rus-Lithuanian princes of Korets from the Hedymynovych dynasty. With them, the castle was rebuilt in stone.
Kateryna, the sister of Metropolitan of Kyiv Petro Mohyla, was married to Samiylo Koretskyi, who became famous in the ...
The historic city of Korets on the Korchyk River is located on the M6 Kyiv-Chop highway 60 kilometers from Rivne.
It was first mentioned as Korchesk in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1150, during the struggle between princes Yuriy Dovhorukyi and Izyaslav Mstyslavych for the throne of Kyiv.
The main architectural and historical monument is the ruins of the Korets Castle, founded in the 14th century by Prince Fedir Ostrozkyi. In the 15th-17th centuries, Korets was the fiefdom of the Rus-Lithuanian princes of Korets from the Hedymynovych dynasty. With them, the castle was rebuilt in stone.
Kateryna, the sister of Metropolitan of Kyiv Petro Mohyla, was married to Samiylo Koretskyi, who became famous in the war with the Turks and died in 1622 in Istanbul. Later, the town was owned by the Chortoryiskyi princes. The last of them, Yuzef Chortoryiskyi, at the end of the 18th century turned Korets into one of the most beautiful and economically developed cities of Volyn. He founded furniture and porcelain factories here, the products of which were very popular far beyond the borders of the region.
The city is known for the Holy Trinity Convent (1620), which was active even during the USSR (two churches, a bell tower, cells, the grave of Countess Anna Andro de Lansheron, sung by Pushkin in the poem "I loved you..."). The Church of Saint Anthoniy (1533) with 18th-century paintings, Saint Nocolas Church (1834) and other churches have also been preserved.
There is a local history museum.
Історичне місто Корець на річці Корчик розташоване на трасі М6 Київ-Чоп в 60 кілометрах від Рівного.
Вперше згадується як Корчеськ в Іпатіївському літописі в 1150 році в період боротьби між князями Юрієм Довгоруким і Ізяславом Мстиславичем за київський престол.
Головною архітектурно-історичною пам'яткою є руїни Корецького замку, закладеного в XIV столітті князем Федором Острозьким. В XV-XVII сторіччях Корець був вотчиною русько-литовських князів Корецьких з династії Гедиміновичів. При них замок був відбудований в камені.
Сестра київського митрополита Петра Могили Катерина була заміжня за Самійлом Корецьким, який прославився у війні з турками і загинув в 1622 році в Стамбулі. Далі містом володіли ...
Історичне місто Корець на річці Корчик розташоване на трасі М6 Київ-Чоп в 60 кілометрах від Рівного.
Вперше згадується як Корчеськ в Іпатіївському літописі в 1150 році в період боротьби між князями Юрієм Довгоруким і Ізяславом Мстиславичем за київський престол.
Головною архітектурно-історичною пам'яткою є руїни Корецького замку, закладеного в XIV столітті князем Федором Острозьким. В XV-XVII сторіччях Корець був вотчиною русько-литовських князів Корецьких з династії Гедиміновичів. При них замок був відбудований в камені.
Сестра київського митрополита Петра Могили Катерина була заміжня за Самійлом Корецьким, який прославився у війні з турками і загинув в 1622 році в Стамбулі. Далі містом володіли князі Чорторийські. Останній з них, Юзеф Чорторийський, в кінці XVIII століття перетворив Корець на одне з найкрасивіших і економічно розвинених міст Волині. Він заснував тут меблеву та порцелянову фабрики, вироби яких були дуже популярні далеко за межами краю.
Місто відоме Свято-Троїцьким жіночим монастирем (1620 рік), який діяв навіть за часів СРСР (два храми, дзвіниця, келії, могила графині Анни Андро де Ланжерон, оспіваної Пушкіним у вірші "Я вас любив..."). Також зберігся костел Святого Антонія (1533 рік) з розписами XVIII століття, Миколаївська церква (1834 рік) та інші храми.
Діє краєзнавчий музей.
Christ's Resurrection Hermitage
Temple , Architecture
The massive body of cells of the former Resurrection Monastery stands on a hill in the center of Korets, opposite the Saint Nicholas Church.
It was founded by Prince Bohush Koretsky in 1571 as an Orthodox monastery on the site of an older monastery. The current monastery complex in the late Baroque style was built in 1754-1767 by the Basilian Fathers (according to other sources, by the Franciscans).
Today it is the Resurrection Hermitage of the Holy Trinity Korets Monastery with the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.
Church of Saint Anthony
Temple , Architecture
Saint Anthony's Church is the oldest church in the city of Korets. Founded by Prince Karol Koretsky in 1533 (according to other sources - in 1633), named after Saint Anthony of Padua.
In 1706, a new stone church in the Baroque style was built on the site of the wooden church. During the reconstruction in 1916, an additional nave was added.
During the Soviet rule, a chemical warehouse was located here.
In 1990, the church was returned to the Catholic community of Korets, consecrated in 1904 as the church of Saint Anthony.
Fragments of wall paintings have been preserved, and restoration has been carried out.
Holy Trinity Monastery
Temple , Architecture
For centuries, the Holy Trinity Convent in Korets was considered a spiritual fortress of Orthodoxy in Volyn.
According to legend, it was founded in 1064 by Varlaam, the first abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk monastery. Twice ruined by nomads. In 1571, the monastery was revived by Prince Bohdan Koretsky as Resurrection Church. In 1620, the construction of a large monastery complex began on a new site, but Prince Samuyil Koretsky, who converted to Catholicism, gave the new church and cell buildings to the Franciscan nuns. In the 19th century, the Catholics were expelled, and the church was rebuilt into the Trinity Cathedral in the Byzantine style. At the beginning of the 20th century, the warm John the Forerunner church and the belfry over the gate appeared.
During the Soviet rule, the monastery remained the only active nunnery in Ukraine.
The main shrine is the miraculous Korets icon of the Mother of God "Handcuffs of Sinners". On the territory is the grave of Anna Andro de Langeron, born Olenina, to whom Pushkin offered his hand and heart, dedicating to her the poem "I loved you..." after her refusal.
In the garden - an original beehive in the form of a monastery.
A special permit is required for photography on the territory.
Canonically, it reports directly to the Moscow Patriarch Kirill and is not part of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate - the owner of the monastery is the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Korets Castle
Castle / fortress
The ruins of Korets Castle with a distinctive tower over the gate of red brick are the hallmark of the city.
The first wooden fortification was built in the 15th century above the Korchyk river by Prince Ostrozky. Later, the castle passed into the possession of Volyn Voivode Bohdan Koretskyi, who strengthened it with stone walls with towers and bastions, surrounded by an earthen rampart and a moat filled with water from the river.
In the 18th century, the fortress buildings became the basis for the construction of the palace complex of the Chartoryskyi princes. In 1832, the palace burned down and has not been rebuilt since then.
The three-level gate tower, the adjacent ruins of the outer walls of the palace buildings, and the three-pylon four-arch bridge (reconstructed in recent years) have been preserved.
Korets Historical Museum
Museum / gallery
The Korets Historical Museum was opened in the former Horchynski Palace (18th century) to mark the 850th anniversary of the first chronicle of the city.
The exposition is located in five halls: the history of the city of Korets, World War II, ethnography and two exhibitions. More than 6,000 exhibits reflect the history, culture and life of the region.
In front of the entrance to the Korets Historical Museum there is a monument to Taras Shevchenko, according to the legend, remade from the monument to Lenin.
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