
Travel guide online Tynytsia

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General information about Tynytsia

The village of Tynytsia is located in the upper reaches of the Malyi Romen River, 7 kilometers southeast of the city of Bakhmach.

Founded by natives of Right Bank Ukraine. Tynytsia was first mentioned in written sources in 1659, when the headquarters of the army of Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi and Khan Mehmed IV Geray was located here (from here the allied army marched to Konotop, where they defeated the troops of Muscovy). The village then belonged to Colonel Rebrykivskyi, and after the end of the Northern War, it passed to the Kochubey family.

The Kochubeis laid out a park and a manor house, which have been preserved to this day. In 1841, the wooden Intercession Church was built. The last owners of the manor ...

The village of Tynytsia is located in the upper reaches of the Malyi Romen River, 7 kilometers southeast of the city of Bakhmach.

Founded by natives of Right Bank Ukraine. Tynytsia was first mentioned in written sources in 1659, when the headquarters of the army of Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi and Khan Mehmed IV Geray was located here (from here the allied army marched to Konotop, where they defeated the troops of Muscovy). The village then belonged to Colonel Rebrykivskyi, and after the end of the Northern War, it passed to the Kochubey family.

The Kochubeis laid out a park and a manor house, which have been preserved to this day. In 1841, the wooden Intercession Church was built. The last owners of the manor were the landowners of Galagan.

Село Тиниця розташувалося у верхів'ях річки Малий Ромен, в 7 кілометрах на південний схід від міста Бахмач.

Засноване вихідцями з Правобережної України. Вперше в письмових джерелах Тиниця згадується в 1659 році, коли тут розташовувався штаб армії гетьмана Івана Виговського та хана Мехмеда IV Герая (звідси союзна армія рушила до Конотопу, де розгромила війська Московії). Село тоді належало полковнику Ребриківському, а після закінчення Північної війни перейшло до роду Кочубеїв.

Кочубеї заклали парк і садибу, які збереглися донині. В 1841 році побудована дерев'яна Покровська церква. Останніми власниками садиби були поміщики Ґалаґани.

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What to see and where to go in Tynytsia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Tynytsia

Kochubey Estate, Tynytsia
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Kochubey Estate

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Kochubey estate in Tynytsia is an architectural monument of national importance.

It was founded by the descendants of the general judge Vasyl Kochubey, who owned the village in the 19th century. The center of the composition is the manor house of the Kochubeys, built in the 18th century. A beautiful thick pine alley leads to the house.

The palace building is one-story, stone, rectangular in plan, with a strictly symmetrical composition of facades. Further in the park is the treasury building with a second floor added, which changed the original appearance of the building.

The park in Tynytsia was founded at the same time as the Sokyryntsi park by the efforts of Hryhoriy Galagan in the first half of the 19th century. In general, a complex planning system of several park sites with alleys has been preserved. The architectural structure of the park is very interesting: four alleys - spruce, maple, chestnut and linden - converge in rays to the center.

Until 2006, there was a vocational school on the territory of the complex. At the moment, the buildings and the park are in a deplorable condition.

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