The large village of Malynivka is located next to Chuhuiv.
It was founded in 1652 in October by Cossack immigrants from the left bank of Ukraine and from the Don in the area known as the Raspberry Well, near the ford on the Siverskyi Donets. Sloboda Malynivka was a Cossack guard post. It was part of the Chuhuiv regiment.
Now a large liquor and vodka factory is located in Malynivka.
According to one of the versions, it was in this village in 1966 that the popular Soviet musical film comedy "Wedding in Malynivka" was filmed. Now a festival of the same name is held here every year.
Велике селище Малинівка розташоване поруч з Чугуєвом.
Засноване в 1652 році в жовтні козаками-переселенцями з лівобережної України та з Дону в місцевості, відомій як Малиновий колодязь, біля броду на Сіверському Донці. Слобода Малинівка була козацьким сторожовим пунктом. Входила до складу Чугуївського полку.
Зараз в Малинівці розміщується великий лікеро-горілчаний завод.
За однією з версій, саме в цьому селищі в 1966 році проходили натурні зйомки популярної радянської музичної кінокомедії "Весілля в Малинівці". Зараз тут щорічно проводять однойменний фестиваль.
Horilka Museum
Museum / gallery
The first Ukrainian horilka museum opened in 2008 on the territory of the Prime distillery near Chuhuiv.
The exhibition features unusual glasses, hand-poured decanters, moonshine machines, old and modern bottles, labels and posters from different historical eras and many others. More than 1,000 unique exhibits reveal the history of the production and consumption of a drink traditional for the Slavic peoples.
Free tours of the factory are held, during which you can familiarize yourself with the production process and visit the main workshops of the factory: depalletization, water preparation, three levels of blending workshops, a bottling and palletizing workshop, as well as premises of the administrative and household complex - a laboratory, a tasting room, a Mendeleev gallery, etc. .
You can order a professional tasting of TM Prime products.
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