
Travel guide online Borskiv

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General information about Borskiv

The village of Borskiv is located on the right bank of the South Buh River, 10 kilometers west of Tyvriv.

It was founded in 1676 by 15 families of Old Believers who moved from the Moscow region to escape religious persecution. It belonged to Count Yan Bankovsky, from whom the estate was purchased by tycoon Teodor Pototsky in 1796.

From the middle of the 18th century, Borskiv became the center of Old Believers in Podilly. A small wooden church of the Holy Image Not Made by Hands, which was built in 1911 at the expense of landowner Dmytro Heyden as a temporary temple, has been preserved. Historical buildings with characteristic brick houses of the Old Believers on stone plinths have also been preserved....

The village of Borskiv is located on the right bank of the South Buh River, 10 kilometers west of Tyvriv.

It was founded in 1676 by 15 families of Old Believers who moved from the Moscow region to escape religious persecution. It belonged to Count Yan Bankovsky, from whom the estate was purchased by tycoon Teodor Pototsky in 1796.

From the middle of the 18th century, Borskiv became the center of Old Believers in Podilly. A small wooden church of the Holy Image Not Made by Hands, which was built in 1911 at the expense of landowner Dmytro Heyden as a temporary temple, has been preserved. Historical buildings with characteristic brick houses of the Old Believers on stone plinths have also been preserved.

Село Борсків на правому березі річки Південний Буг розташоване в 10 кілометрах на захід від Тиврова.

Засноване в 1676 році 15-ю родинами старообрядців, що переселилися з Підмосков'я, рятуючись від релігійний переслідувань. Належало графу Янові Баньковському, у якого в 1796 році маєток придбав магнат Теодор Потоцький.

З середини XVIII століття Борсків став центром старообрядництва на Поділлі. Збереглася невелика дерев'яна церква Святого Нерукотворного Образу, яка була побудована в 1911 році коштом поміщика Дмитра Гейдена в якості тимчасового храму. Також збереглася історична забудова з характерними цегляними будинками старовірів на кам'яних цоколях.

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