
Travel guide online Sumy

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General information about Sumy

The city of Sumy on the Psel River was founded in 1653 by Cossacks from Bila Tserkva, led by Оtaman Herasym Kondratyev, who fled from the Poles.

It served as an outpost on the southern borders of Muscovy to protect against Tatar attacks. Named after the Sumka River, a tributary of the Psel River. According to legend, three hunting sums with money (depicted on the city's coat of arms) were found near the river, which is where its name comes from.

The historical core was a wooden spur fortress, one of the most powerful in Slobozhanshchyna (the territory of today's Independence Square). On the eve of the Battle of Poltava, Peter I visited here. In the middle of the 17th century, the city lost its defensive functions, the fortress was dismantled. In the 19th century, Sum ...

The city of Sumy on the Psel River was founded in 1653 by Cossacks from Bila Tserkva, led by Оtaman Herasym Kondratyev, who fled from the Poles.

It served as an outpost on the southern borders of Muscovy to protect against Tatar attacks. Named after the Sumka River, a tributary of the Psel River. According to legend, three hunting sums with money (depicted on the city's coat of arms) were found near the river, which is where its name comes from.

The historical core was a wooden spur fortress, one of the most powerful in Slobozhanshchyna (the territory of today's Independence Square). On the eve of the Battle of Poltava, Peter I visited here. In the middle of the 17th century, the city lost its defensive functions, the fortress was dismantled. In the 19th century, Sumy experienced industrial growth and the flourishing of urban development, which was facilitated by the sugar factory Ivan Kharytonenko.

The architecture in the constructivist style reflects the Soviet period. The central pedestrian street Soborna, nicknamed the "hundred", as well as the adjacent streets have recently been restored.

Sumy was repeatedly visited by the Ukrainian philosopher and poet Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Taras Shevchenko, Volodymyr Korolenko, Petro Chaykovskyi.

The day of the liberation of Sumy from the fascists in 1943 - September 2 - is considered the day of the city of Sumy. But the main festive events take place on the first weekend of September.

Місто Суми на річці Псел засноване в 1653 році білоцерківськими козаками на чолі з отаманом Герасимом Кондратьєвим, які втекли від поляків.

Слугувало форпостом на південних кордонах Московії для захисту від нападів татар. Назване по імені річки Сумки, притоки ріки Псел. За легендою, біля річки було знайдено три мисливські суми з грошима (зображені на гербі міста), звідки походить її назва.

Історичним ядром була дерев'яна фортеця-острог, одна з найпотужніших на Слобожанщині (територія нинішньої площі Незалежності). Напередодні Полтавської битви тут бував Петро I. У середині XVII століття місто втратило оборонні функції, фортеця була розібрана. У XIX столітті Суми пережили промислове зростання та розквіт містобудування, чому посприяв цукрозаводчик Іван Харитоненко.

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Місто Суми на річці Псел засноване в 1653 році білоцерківськими козаками на чолі з отаманом Герасимом Кондратьєвим, які втекли від поляків.

Слугувало форпостом на південних кордонах Московії для захисту від нападів татар. Назване по імені річки Сумки, притоки ріки Псел. За легендою, біля річки було знайдено три мисливські суми з грошима (зображені на гербі міста), звідки походить її назва.

Історичним ядром була дерев'яна фортеця-острог, одна з найпотужніших на Слобожанщині (територія нинішньої площі Незалежності). Напередодні Полтавської битви тут бував Петро I. У середині XVII століття місто втратило оборонні функції, фортеця була розібрана. У XIX столітті Суми пережили промислове зростання та розквіт містобудування, чому посприяв цукрозаводчик Іван Харитоненко.

Радянський період відображає архітектура в стилі конструктивізму. Центральна пішохідна вулиця Соборна, прозвана "сотнею", а також прилеглі вулиці недавно відреставровані.

Суми неодноразово відвідував український філософ і поет Григорій Сковорода, тут бували Тарас Шевченко, Володимир Короленко, Петро  Чайковський.

Днем міста Суми прийнято вважати день звільнення Сум від фашистів у 1943 році - 2 вересня. Але основні святкові заходи проходять в перші вихідні вересня.

Сплануй своє перебування у Sumy

What to see and where to go in Sumy

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Tourist attractions and museums of Sumy

Annunciation Church, Sumy
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Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sumy was built according to the principle of Romanesque basilica churches and Gothic churches.

A small red brick building with a high gable roof faces the street. The end itself is decorated with a central portal and a round rose window above it. The pointed arch on the high pediment is supported by miniature angular pointed turrets. A clear rhythm of arrowed windows and pilasters is visible on the side facades.

In 1945-1953, the building housed a local history museum, in 1953-1972 - the sports hall of the pedagogical institute, in 1972-1994 - the school sports hall. In 1994, the church was returned to the Catholics.

Map pin icon Troyitska Street, 6


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Museum "Odyssey Moorage", Sumy
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Antiquities Museum "Odyssey Moorage"

Museum / gallery

The private antiquities museum "Odyssey Moorage" in Sumy was founded in 2015 by the Sumy photographer, local historian and collector Serhiy Hutsan. His collection began with a selection of old photos and cameras. Over time, personal archaeological finds from different eras, as well as antiquities purchased in antique shops in different countries of the world, were added to them.

In 2022, the official opening of the museum took place in the new premises – the former house of the famous Hryhorievy family from Sumy. The exposition is located in four rooms and in the attic. The first room presents a variety of unsystematic things that characterize the creative search of the collector. The second hall is dedicated to the history of Voskresenska street from Cossack times to the 20th century. In the third room, a typical interior of the beginning of the 20th century is reproduced and an exposition dedicated to the Hryhorievy family is presented. Artifacts transformed by artists into art objects are displayed in the fourth hall. The "Svitlytsya" exhibition space in the attic has a changing exhibition.

Visiting the museum "Odyssey Moorage" is possible by prior appointment accompanied by the author's tour of the owner (one-hour tour of the exposition or two-hour tour of the exposition and Voskresenska and Soborna streets).

The museum has a shop called "Herodotus-Shop", where you can purchase copies of historical jewelry from Sumy master Danylo Sorokin.

Map pin icon Voskresenska Street, 6


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Chekhov House-Museum, Sumy
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Anton Chekhov Memorial House-Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Anton Chekhov's Memorial house-museum was created in Sumy in the noble estate of the Lyntvarov family (XVIII-XIX centuries), located in the Luka district.

In 1888-1889, the writer lived in the western wing of the estate - a one-story white house with six columns and a porch. The Chekhov used his Sumy impressions in the stories "Birthday", "Sad History", plays "Forester" and "Seagull". He wrote about the Lyntvarov estate: "The abbey and the Adriatic Sea are wonderful, but Luka and Psel are better."

The Chekhov Museum was opened on the anniversary of the writer's birth in 1960. The memorial exposition tells about Chekhov's life in Luka, about his medical care for local residents, about his creative work and trips to Ukraine.

The interiors of the living room and dining room, the guest rooms and the "Antosha's room", which served as Chekhov's bedroom and study, were restored.

Museum staff conducts local history tours.

The large eastern wing of the Lyntvarov estate, where the writer's family lived when Chekhov traveled to Sakhalin in 1890, has also been preserved.

Map pin icon Chekhova Street, 79


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Asmolov Manor (Arboretum), Sumy
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Asmolov Manor (Arboretum)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Park / garden

Park named after Ivan Asmolov is a monument of garden and park art.

The park with an area of about 3 hectares is located across the street from the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Sumy. In the middle of the 19th century, Ivan Asmolov, a merchant of the 2nd guild, bought a block of land on Troyitska Street to build his residence. A park was laid out around the house, built according to the latest architectural fashion. Asmolov, a passionate traveler and breeder, was brought exotic plants from all over the world, which went well with the local ones.

Currently, about 100 rare species of coniferous and deciduous trees, about 30 varieties of lilac grow in the park. The Sumy regional specialized dispensary for radiation protection of the population is located on the territory of the park. Asmolov's manor house is one of its buildings.

Map pin icon Troyitska square, 14


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Children's Park "Kazka", Sumy
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Children's Park "Kazka"

Park / garden , Entertainment / leisure

Children's park "Kazka" is located in the central part of the city of Sumy.

On its territory, in addition to children's attractions, there are fairy-tale buildings and figures of fairy-tale characters.

In addition, a mobile zoo and a circus are regularly opened in Kazka Park, as well as city-wide entertainment events.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko avenue


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