The village of Hrebeni is located on the high right bank of the Dnipro near Rzhyshchiv. Remains of settlements of Cucuteni–Trypillia culture and an Ancient Rus settlement of the 12th-13th centuries have been found on its territory and in its surroundings.
The current village of Hrebeni has been known since the middle of the 17th century, when a border post between Poland and the Hetmanate was located here. According to local experts, the village got its name Hrebeni from the defensive ramparts that crossed the southern route from Kyiv along the Dnipro. Until 1791, there was a customs office on the Russian-Polish border in the area of the Vynohradne tract.
The famous Ukrainian writer Oles Berdnyk spent his last years in the village of Hrebeni. The Church of Evangelical ...
The village of Hrebeni is located on the high right bank of the Dnipro near Rzhyshchiv. Remains of settlements of Cucuteni–Trypillia culture and an Ancient Rus settlement of the 12th-13th centuries have been found on its territory and in its surroundings.
The current village of Hrebeni has been known since the middle of the 17th century, when a border post between Poland and the Hetmanate was located here. According to local experts, the village got its name Hrebeni from the defensive ramparts that crossed the southern route from Kyiv along the Dnipro. Until 1791, there was a customs office on the Russian-Polish border in the area of the Vynohradne tract.
The famous Ukrainian writer Oles Berdnyk spent his last years in the village of Hrebeni. The Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists was built in the 2000s.
Село Гребені розташоване на високому правому березі Дніпра поруч із Ржищевом. На його території та в околицях знайдені залишки поселень трипільської культури та давньоруське городище ХІІ-ХІІІ століть.
Нинішнє село Гребені відоме з середини XVII століття, коли тут розташовівалася прикордонна застава між Польщею та Гетьманщиною. На думку краєзнавців, назву Гребені село отримало від оборонних валів, які перетинали південний шлях з Києва вздовж Дніпра. До 1791 року в районі урочища Виноградне знаходилася митниця на російсько-польському кордоні.
В селі Гребені прожив свої останні роки відомий український письменник Олесь Бердник. Церква євангельських християн-баптистів, споруджена в 2000-х роках.
Vasyl Kalynovskyi Historical and Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The Hrebeni Historical and Local Lore Museum bears the name of its founder, local historian Vasyl Kalynovskyi. It was on his initiative that the museum in Hrebeni was opened in 1967.
The exhibition presents fragments of ceramics of Trypillya culture, jewelry and tableware from the times of Kyivan Rus, weapons of the 16th and 17th centuries, materials about the events of the Second World War, ancient household items of local residents, photographs and documents of famous residents of Hrebeni: writer Oles Berdnyk, bandurist Vasyl Lytvyn and others.
The art gallery exhibits the works of local artists, sculptors and folk craftsmen. A collection of sculptures from the Soviet period is presented.
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