
Travel guide online Balyko-Shchuchynka

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General information about Balyko-Shchuchynka

The village of Balyko-Shchuchynka is located on the right bank of the Dnipro, 100 km from Kyiv, near Rzhyshchiv.

The Chuchyn fortress is mentioned in chronicles in the 11th century. After the destruction by the nomads, the settlement began to revive only in the 18th century. But back in the 16th century. appeared next to Balyki. In 1921, the two villages were united into one settlement of Balyko-Shchuchynka.

A memorial was erected here in memory of the military operation "Bukryn Bridgehead" during the Second World War.

Село Балико-Щучинка розташоване на правому березі Дніпра в 100 кілометрах від Києва, поряд з Ржищевом.

Фортеця Чучин згадується в літописах у XI сторіччі. Після руйнації кочівниками відроджуватися поселення почало тільки в XVIII столітті. Але ще в XVI столітті поруч з'явилося село Балики. У 1921 році два села були об'єднані в один населений пункт Балико-Щучинка.

Тут споруджено меморіал на згадку про військову операцію "Букринський плацдарм" часів Другої світової війни.

Сплануй своє перебування у Balyko-Shchuchynka

What to see and where to go in Balyko-Shchuchynka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Balyko-Shchuchynka

Memorial "Bukryn bridgehead", Balyko-Shchuchynka
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"Bukryn Bridgehead" Memorial (Chuchyn Hillfort)


The memorial in honor of the heroes of the military offensive operation "Bukryn bridgehead" (1943), built on the site of the ancient Rus Hillfort of Chuchyn, which was first mentioned in chronicles in the 11th century.

In princely times, there was a fortress here that controlled the surroundings, and a port on the Dnipro. Remains of shafts up to 4 meters high have been preserved, partial reconstruction has been carried out. A monument to Boyan - the author of "Words about Ihor's campaign" was erected.

In 1943, during the operation to liberate Kyiv, the Soviet troops, at the cost of terrible losses, forced the Dnipro in this area and captured an 11-kilometer bridgehead, twice tried to launch an attack on Kyiv, but failed both times. The conditions of the terrain, which complicated the offensive actions of the troops, especially the tank army, were not taken into account. Losses in manpower were colossal.

According to the most conservative estimates, 250,000 Soviet soldiers died at the Bukryn Bridgehead. This episode is considered one of the bloodiest in the entire Second World War.

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