
Travel guide online Nemishaieve

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General information about Nemishaieve

The village of Nemishaieve is located 40 kilometers northwest of Kyiv on the Warsaw highway Kyiv-Kovel.

It arose during the construction of the railway, named after the first chief of the South-Western Railway Klavdiy Nemishayev. Prior to that, the surrounding lands belonged to the Counts of Saken, then became the property of Count Vorontsov-Dashkiv.

In 1904, the estate was acquired by the wealthy landowner Andriy Kulik during the sale of Vorontsov-Dashkiv estates, who contributed to the economic development of the village. The ruins of the count's palace have been preserved, restoration is planned.

Селище Немішаєво розташоване в 40 кілометрах на північний захід від Києва на Варшавській трасі Київ-Ковель.

Виникло при будівництві залізниці, назване на честь першого начальника Південно-Західної залізниці Клавдія Немішаєва. До того навколишні землі належали графу Сакен, потім перейшли у власність графа Воронцова-Дашкова.

У 1904 році маєток придбав під час розпродажу маєтків Воронцова-Дашкова багатий поміщик Андрій Кулик, який посприяв економічному розвитку селища. Збереглися руїни графського палацу, планується реставрація.

Сплануй своє перебування у Nemishaieve

What to see and where to go in Nemishaieve

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Tourist attractions and museums of Nemishaieve

Osten-Saken Palace, Nemishaieve
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Osten-Saken Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The ruins of the palace of the Nemishaieve Osten-Saken's estate are located in the park next to the Nemishaieve plant of biochemical preparations in Nemishaieve, on the outskirts of the village of Myrotske.

It is not known for sure who built the palace and when. Perhaps it existed already in the middle of the 19th century, when the estate was owned by the Counts of Osten-Saken from Courland. The one-story building with towers is made in the Renaissance-Neo-Gothic style, has rich decor and resembles a fairy-tale castle. From the end of the 19th century, the estate belonged to Count Vorontsov-Dashkov, then to the rich landowner Andriy Kulyk.

In Soviet times, the building housed a factory club, which burned down during a fire. Since then, the palace has not been restored, it was partially dismantled for building materials. In 2007, the ruins were leased to the local community of the UOC Moscow Patriarchate for the creation of a temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Divine services are occasionally held in the surrounding area, but restoration has not yet begun.

Since May 2018, the ruins of the Osten-Saken`s palace have been returned to the communal property of the Nemishaieve hromada.

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Ukrainian Costume and Easter Egg Museum, Nemishaieve
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Ukrainian Costume and Easter Egg Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ukrainian Costume and Easter Egg Museum was opened in 2007 in one of the buildings of the Nemishaieve Agricultural Technical College on the initiative of teacher Tamara Uhnivenko. The institution operates on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Vocational Pre-Higher Education.

The exposition presents 50 men's and women's national costumes of the mid-19th - early 20th centuries from all regions of Ukraine, as well as household and wedding towels with traditional ornaments.

A significant place in the exposition is occupied by a collection of 3,000 Easter eggs of 27 types. Pottery and carving, weaving, and embroidery products are also presented. The exhibition of charms is of particular interest.

Thematic excursions and master classes on pysankari are held.

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