
Travel guide online Lviv

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General information about Lviv

The city of Lviv is the economic and cultural center of Western Ukraine.

It was founded in the middle of the 13th century by Prince Danylo Halytskyi and named after his son Leo. The first chronicle mention is the year 1256. In 1270, by order of Prince Lev, the city became the capital of the Galicia-Volyn state.

Since 1387, the city was under the rule of Polish kings, then Austria, then again Poland, until it was captured by the Red Army in 1939 and became part of Ukraine.

The city survived more than 30 wars, sieges and fires, but each time it rose from the ruins. Various styles and eras are bizarrely mixed in the architecture: Gothic and Baroque, Renaissance and Romanesque, Rococo and Empire, modern eclecticism and constructivism. Lviv patrons of the 16th and 17th cent ...

The city of Lviv is the economic and cultural center of Western Ukraine.

It was founded in the middle of the 13th century by Prince Danylo Halytskyi and named after his son Leo. The first chronicle mention is the year 1256. In 1270, by order of Prince Lev, the city became the capital of the Galicia-Volyn state.

Since 1387, the city was under the rule of Polish kings, then Austria, then again Poland, until it was captured by the Red Army in 1939 and became part of Ukraine.

The city survived more than 30 wars, sieges and fires, but each time it rose from the ruins. Various styles and eras are bizarrely mixed in the architecture: Gothic and Baroque, Renaissance and Romanesque, Rococo and Empire, modern eclecticism and constructivism. Lviv patrons of the 16th and 17th centuries invited talented craftsmen from all over Europe who created a unique pearl of architecture. The historic center is very well preserved and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, although many buildings are in urgent need of repair.

The city has a well-developed tourist infrastructure, there are many hotels and restaurants of various levels. Tourists are especially attracted by the bohemian atmosphere of Lviv cafes.

The Day of the City of Lviv is celebrated on May 6, on the Day of St. George, the patron saint of the city. Many other holidays and festivals are held regularly.

Місто Львів - економічний і культурний центр Західної України.

Заснований в середині XIII століття князем Данилом Галицьким і названий ім'ям його сина Лева. Перша літописна згадка - 1256 рік. В 1270 році за наказом князя Лева місто стало столицею Галицько-Волинської держави.

З 1387 року місто перебувало під владою польських королів, потім Австрії, потім знову Польщі, доки в 1939 році не було захоплене Червоною Армією та увійшло до складу України.

Місто пережило більше 30 війн, облог і пожеж, але кожен раз піднімалося з руїн. В архітектурі химерно змішалися різні стилі та епохи: готика та бароко, ренесанс і романський стиль, рококо та ампір, сучасні еклектика й конструктивізм. Львівські меценати XVI-XVII століть запрошували талановитих майстрів з усієї Європи, які с ...

Місто Львів - економічний і культурний центр Західної України.

Заснований в середині XIII століття князем Данилом Галицьким і названий ім'ям його сина Лева. Перша літописна згадка - 1256 рік. В 1270 році за наказом князя Лева місто стало столицею Галицько-Волинської держави.

З 1387 року місто перебувало під владою польських королів, потім Австрії, потім знову Польщі, доки в 1939 році не було захоплене Червоною Армією та увійшло до складу України.

Місто пережило більше 30 війн, облог і пожеж, але кожен раз піднімалося з руїн. В архітектурі химерно змішалися різні стилі та епохи: готика та бароко, ренесанс і романський стиль, рококо та ампір, сучасні еклектика й конструктивізм. Львівські меценати XVI-XVII століть запрошували талановитих майстрів з усієї Європи, які створили унікальну перлину архітектури. Історичний центр дуже добре зберігся і внесений до списків світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО, хоча багато будинків наполегливо вимагають ремонту.

Місто має добре розвинену туристичну інфраструктуру, тут багато готелів і ресторанів різного рівня. Туристів особливо приваблює богемна атмосфера львівських кав'ярень.

День міста Львова відзначається 6 травня, в День Святого Юрія, покровителя міста. Регулярно проводиться безліч інших свят і фестивалів.

Сплануй своє перебування у Lviv

What to see and where to go in Lviv

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Tourist attractions and museums of Lviv

Lviv Science Museum
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Science Museum

Museum / gallery

The Lviv Science Museum is an interactive space with an area of more than 2,000 square meters, which helps to learn about the world through experiments and interaction with exhibits.

Each of the museum's nine exposition blocks reveals a separate theme: "Air", "Water", "Acoustics", "Optics", "Electricity", "Science", "Man", "Robots", "Formula-1". More than 100 interactive exhibits provide an opportunity to conduct experiments with pneumatic devices and soap bubbles, create a mini-hurricane or a sea storm, generate electricity at a power station, play musical instruments in a recording studio, communicate with the RoboThespian robot, play poker with the KUKA KR 210 robotic arm, visit different corners of the Earth thanks to VR technologies and even change the wheels of a racing car at the pit stop.

On the first floor there is a recreation area with a coffee shop and a souvenir shop.

The two-story building of the Lviv Science Museum is equipped with accessibility standards in mind, in particular, it is equipped with an elevator.

Map pin icon Stryiska Street, 200A


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"Secret Pharmacy" Museum
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"Secret Pharmacy" Museum

Museum / gallery

The interactive museum "D.S. Secret Pharmacy" in Lviv is a magical and mysterious place.

The history of this museum began in May 2012, when in one of the oldest Lviv pharmacies "Under the Hungarian Crown" during construction and restoration work was found a secret entrance to the basement, which found a former pharmaceutical laboratory, which operated in the late XIX - early XX centuries.

The name of the pharmacy is associated with the legend of the nearby Bernardine Monastery, where for some time were the relics of Saint Stephen - King and Patron of Hungary. "Secret Pharmacist" still cooks "soap for bribers" and produces "pills for happiness".

The main secret of the pharmacy is guarded by the world's only apothecary Lion. Visitors discover the history of the "Secret Pharmacy" in a light format video tour with elements of theatrical performance and tasting of the "pharmacy elixir of happiness and longevity."

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 1


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St. Michael's Church (Carmelite), Lviv
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Church of Saint Archangel Michael (Carmelite Church)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Archangel Michael in Lviv was built at one time as a Catholic church of the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites, which was first mentioned in 1634, and has a long history of construction.

It was built, perhaps, according to the project of the architect Ivan Pokorovych, the son of the Lviv architect of Italian origin, Adam de Liarto. The towers of the main facade were designed by the architect Alois Vondrashka in 1835-1839, and completed during the restoration in 1906 by the architect Vladyslav Halytskyi.

The church was painted in 1731-1732 by the Italian artist Giuseppe Carlo Pedretti together with his Lviv student and assistant Benedykt Mazurkevych. The main altar is made of black marble (XVII century). Its authorship is attributed to the sculptor Oleksandr Prokhenkovych.

As one of the defense nodes of Lviv, the Carmelite church was repeatedly attacked, and in 1748 it even served as the arena of the so-called "monachomachy" - a struggle between Carmelite monks and Capuchins.

In 1991, the church and monastery were handed over to the monks of the Studio Statute of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (an order founded in the 1920s by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi) and re-consecrated in honor of Saint Archangel Michael, the patron saint of Ukraine-Rus and the guardian of the Holy Sepulchre.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Vynnychenko Street, 22


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Hlyniany Gate, Lviv
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Hlyniany Gate

Castle / fortress , Architecture

Hlyniany (Entrance) Gate is the best-preserved part of the city fortifications of medieval Lviv.

The building in the late Renaissance style is part of the fortification complex of the Bernardine Monastery. The gate was built at the beginning of the 17th century under the supervision of engineer Fridrikh Hetkant. In the center of the defensive wall is a square tower with a tented roof and an archway paved with wooden cobblestones.

During the reconstruction of 1976-1977, a defensive moat was restored in front of the wall.

Currently, the "Ukrzakhidproektrestoration and administration of the historical and architectural reserve" institute is located in the Hlyniany Gate complex.

Map pin icon Valova Street, 20


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Pinsel Museum, Lviv
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Johann Georg Pinsel Museum (Poor Clare Church)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The museum of the famous Ukrainian Baroque sculptor Johann Georg Pinsel (Ivan Heorhiy Pinzel) is located in the former church of the Poor Clares in Lviv, which is an architectural monument of the XVII century.

Modest in architecture, but luxuriously painted from the middle, the church was built in 1607 by Pavlo Rymlyanyn and Bernard Avelides on the site of an old chapel of nuns of the Poor Clares of the Bernardine Order. Since then, the Renaissance elements of the side facade of the church from Lychakivska Street have been preserved. In the 1740s the church underwent a Baroque reconstruction, and during the restoration of 1938-1939 the tower was completed. The interiors of the church are decorated with paintings by Stanislav Stroyinsky made in the XVIII century, some later plots in the southern nave belong to the brush of Tadeush Popel.

Since 1996, the Church of the Poor Clares houses the Museum of Baroque Sculpture of Johann Georg Pinsel, which is called "Ukrainian Michelangelo". Here is the richest collection of unique baroque sculptures by master, which were found and saved in the 1970s. The Ivan Heorhiy Pinzel Museum is a department of the Lviv National Art Gallery named after Borys Voznytsky.

After the reconstruction in 2021, the renovated Pinzel Sculpture Museum was given a completely barrier-free space. Tactile strips are laid from the public transport stop and in the middle of the building. Sound beacons are installed at the entrance. The museum has an inclusive box office and a mnemonic at the entrance. Internal stairs are duplicated by a lift. Information plates duplicated in Braille are installed near the exhibits. Tactile copies of the most important exhibits are offered to visually impaired visitors. Audio guides and audio description available. The staff has been trained to work with all categories of visitors.

Map pin icon Mytna Square, 2


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