Nyzhnii Bystryi

Travel guide online Nyzhnii Bystryi

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General information about Nyzhnii Bystryi

The village of Nyzhnii Bystryi is located on the mountain river Rika between Khust and Mizhhirya.

It was mentioned for the first time in 1668 in the historical documents of Maramorosh County. The name is explained by the fact that the village is located between the slopes of mountains and rapids, or by the fact that it stretches for 6 kilometers along a fast stream. The first settlers were from Galicia.

In 1812, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded (now it belongs to the monastic order of the Friars Minor Franciscans). A water mill on the Shelestyak River (XIX century) has also been preserved.

In 1959-55, the Tereble-Rikska HPP was built in the village of Protiven, which is fed by the waters of the Vilshan Reservoir on the Tereblya River, ...

The village of Nyzhnii Bystryi is located on the mountain river Rika between Khust and Mizhhirya.

It was mentioned for the first time in 1668 in the historical documents of Maramorosh County. The name is explained by the fact that the village is located between the slopes of mountains and rapids, or by the fact that it stretches for 6 kilometers along a fast stream. The first settlers were from Galicia.

In 1812, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded (now it belongs to the monastic order of the Friars Minor Franciscans). A water mill on the Shelestyak River (XIX century) has also been preserved.

In 1959-55, the Tereble-Rikska HPP was built in the village of Protiven, which is fed by the waters of the Vilshan Reservoir on the Tereblya River, which flows 4 kilometers 210 meters above the level of the River.

Село Нижній Бистрий розташоване на гірської річки Ріка між Хустом і Міжгір'ям.

Вперше згадується в 1668 році в історичних документах Мараморошської жупи. Назву пояснюють тим, що село розташоване між схилами гір-бистрин, або тим, що воно розтягнулося на 6 кілометрів вздовж швидкого потоку. Перші поселенці були вихідцями з Галичини.

В 1812 році закладена церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці (зараз належить чернечому ордену Братів Менших Францисканців). Також зберігся водяний млин на річці Шелестяк (XIX століття).

В 1959-55 роках в присілку Противень було споруджено Теребле-Рікську ГЕС, яка живиться водами Вільшанського водосховища на річці Теребля, що протікає в 4 кілометрах на 210 метрів вище рівня Ріки.

Сплануй своє перебування у Nyzhnii Bystryi

What to see and where to go in Nyzhnii Bystryi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Nyzhnii Bystryi

Tereble-Ritska HPP, Nyzhnii Bystryi
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Tereble-Ritska HPP

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Tereble-Ritska hydroelectric power station is the only hydroelectric power plant in the world that stands on two rivers at the same time.

The power station was built in 1949-1955 by Finnish prisoners of war according to the project of engineer Kryzhka. The essence of the unique project is that the HPP united two rivers - Tereblya and Rika, which flow approximately parallel at a distance of 4 kilometers from each other, separated by a natural watershed - the Bovtsar ridge. At the same time, Tereblya is 210 meters above the level of the Rika.

A spillway dam with a length of 153 meters and a maximum height of 45.8 meters was built on Terebly, which formed the Vilshanske Reservoir with an area of 1.6 square kilometers. A derivation tunnel 3.7 kilometers long and 2 meters in diameter was cut in the mountain, through which water from the Tereblya basin is discharged into the Rika. At the bottom is a 350-meter-long metal water pipe and a hydroelectric power station building with a turbine hall. Turbines manufactured by the Finnish company "Francis" and generators "Uralelectroaparat", which were installed during the commissioning of the HPP, are still operating at the station.

Currently, the Tereble-Ritska HPP is part of the Burshin Islands energy complex.

There is a museum on the territory of the HPP.

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