Chynadiiovo is an ancient village in the valley of Latoritsa, 10 kilometers from Mukachevo in the direction of Lviv. The old Hungarian name Saint Miklos appeared in official documents until 1944.
The first mentions of Chynadiiovo date back to the 13th century, when King Istvan V presented these lands to Master Aladar, the royal representative in Galicia. In 1387, the Chynadiiovo Dominion passed into the possession of Baron Pereni, who soon built a powerful castle-palace in the village. In 1574, the Chynadiiovo domain was acquired by Mihaly Telegdi, then it became the property of Istvan Nyari, then - the Lonyoi family. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Transylvanian prince Ferenc II Rakotsi settled her ...
Chynadiiovo is an ancient village in the valley of Latoritsa, 10 kilometers from Mukachevo in the direction of Lviv. The old Hungarian name Saint Miklos appeared in official documents until 1944.
The first mentions of Chynadiiovo date back to the 13th century, when King Istvan V presented these lands to Master Aladar, the royal representative in Galicia. In 1387, the Chynadiiovo Dominion passed into the possession of Baron Pereni, who soon built a powerful castle-palace in the village. In 1574, the Chynadiiovo domain was acquired by Mihaly Telegdi, then it became the property of Istvan Nyari, then - the Lonyoi family. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Transylvanian prince Ferenc II Rakotsi settled here, and after his defeat in the anti-Habsburg war, the estate became the property of the Schenborn counts.
In 1890, the Shenborns built a romantic country palace in the town of Beregvar on the outskirts of Chynadiiovo. Nearby is a broken park with a lake, the contours of which repeat the borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of the 19th century. Now this is the territory of the "Karpaty" sanatorium. The estate belonged to the Schenborns until 1945.
Чинадійово - старовинне селище в долині Латориці в 10 кілометрах від Мукачева в бік Львова. Стара угорська назва Сент-Міклош фігурувала в офіційних документах аж до 1944 року.
Перші згадки про Чинадійово відносятся до XIII століття, коли король Іштван V подарував ці землі магістру Аладару, королівському представнику в Галичині. У 1387 році Чинадіївська домінія перейшла у володіння барона Перені, який незабаром звів в селі потужний замок-палац. У 1574 році Чинадіївську домінію придбав Міхалі Телеґді, потім вона перейшла у власність Іштвана Ньярі, потім - сім'ї Лоньоі. На початку XVIII століття тут облаштувався трансільванський князь Ференц II Ракоці, а після його поразки в антигабсбургській війні маєток пе ...
Чинадійово - старовинне селище в долині Латориці в 10 кілометрах від Мукачева в бік Львова. Стара угорська назва Сент-Міклош фігурувала в офіційних документах аж до 1944 року.
Перші згадки про Чинадійово відносятся до XIII століття, коли король Іштван V подарував ці землі магістру Аладару, королівському представнику в Галичині. У 1387 році Чинадіївська домінія перейшла у володіння барона Перені, який незабаром звів в селі потужний замок-палац. У 1574 році Чинадіївську домінію придбав Міхалі Телеґді, потім вона перейшла у власність Іштвана Ньярі, потім - сім'ї Лоньоі. На початку XVIII століття тут облаштувався трансільванський князь Ференц II Ракоці, а після його поразки в антигабсбургській війні маєток перейшов у власність графів Шенборнів.
У 1890 році в містечку Берегвар на околиці Чинадійова Шенборни звели романтичний заміський палац. Поруч розбитий парк з озером, контури якого повторюють кордони Австро-Угорської імперії кінця XIX століття. Зараз це територія санаторію "Карпати". Маєток належав Шенборнам до 1945 року.
Skakalo Waterfall
Natural object
The Skakalo waterfall happily jumps over the boulders on the Matekiv mountain stream near the village of Chynadiiovo, immediately behind the Vodohray tourist complex.
A stone ridge crossing the wooded slope of the mountain blocks the path of the watercourse, and the stream breaks off the ledges with three steps, forming a four-meter cascade of jets that seem to jump from stone to stone.
Saint Illina Church
Temple , Architecture
The Greek-Catholic Saint Illina Church in Chynadiiovo is a rebuilt Catholic church of the 14th century.
Initially, the temple was made in the Gothic style, subsequent reconstructions distorted its appearance.
A wooden log with a cross inside is stored here, which was discovered in 2002 by woodcutters from Mukachevo, when they were felling a beech that was about 100 years old.
Saint Miklosh Castle
Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery , Visitor center
The medieval castle "Saint Miklosh" (Saint Nicholas) in Chynadiiovo was built in the 15th century as a typical Romanesque feudal residence.
The castle is a two-story building of a simple rectangular shape with two three-tiered corner towers. The thickness of the walls of the castle is more than 1 meter.
Chynadiiovo castle belonged to the rich family of Pereni barons, guarded the Carpathian pass "Ruska Brama". In 1657, the castle was damaged during the assault by the Polish troops of Prince Lubomyrsky.
Ilona Zrini, the wife of Prince Ferents I Rakotsi, secretly met here with the leader of the Hungarian rebels, Imre Tekeli, and after her husband's death, she married him. At the end of the anti-Habsburg war, the rebel army of her son Ferents II Rakotsi was stationed here.
Later, the building served as a prison and a warehouse. Until recently, the castle was in an extremely neglected state.
Currently, the Saint Miklosh Castle in Chynadiiovo is rented by the artist Yosyp Bartosh. Enthusiasts are conducting restoration work, a museum exhibition and a picture gallery have been developed. Art exhibitions are held in several restored rooms, artists periodically gather for open-air concerts, live music concerts, and theatrical tours are held.
There is a tourist information center.
Saint Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
Saint Nicholas Church in Chynadiiovo is located on the river bank in the midst of rural buildings, 250 meters from Pereni Castle.
It was built in the 18th century.
The church and the castle are connected by an underground passage. Nowadays, the passage from the side of the castle is walled up.
The temple belongs to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate.
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