The village of Yemilchyne on the Ubort River is located between Korosten and Zviahel.
It has been known since 1585 as Mezhyrichka, owned by the princes of Ostrozki. In the 17th century, the village belonged to the Lubomyrsky princes. In 1812, it became the property of Count Fedir Uvarov, who renamed it in honor of his daughter Emiliya. The park has been partially preserved since those times.
In 1931-1933, on the northern outskirts of Yemilchyne, the Yemilchyne BRO was built - a system of long-term fortifications as part of the Korosten fortified district. Currently, the surviving buildings are museumized.
Селище Ємільчине на річці Уборть розташоване між Коростенем і Звягелем.
Відоме з 1585 року як Межирічка у власності князів Острозьких. В XVII сторіччі село належало князям Любомирським. В 1812 році перейшло у власність графа Федора Уварова, який перейменував його на честь своєї доньки Емілії. З тих часів частково зберігся парк.
В 1931-1933 роках на північній околиці Ємільчиного було споруджено Ємільчинський БРО - система довгострокових укріплень в складі Коростенського укріпрайону. В даний час споруди, що збереглися, музеєфіковано.
Pillbox - Artillery Semi-Capon (Yemilchyne BDD)
Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery
The Museum of Military Fortification "Pillbox (DOT) - Artillery Semi-Capon" was created on the basis of one of the fortifications of the Emilchyne Battalion Defense District (BDD) of the Korosten fortified area (KoFA), which was preserved on the outskirts of the urban-type village of Yemilchyne.
Yemilchyne BDD is a system of long-term fortifications built in 1931-1939 as part of the KoFA to cover the rear of the Novograd-Volyn fortified district located to the southwest. It consisted of 25 DOTs (pillboxes), including 6 artillery semi-caponiers built in 1938-1939, each of which was designed for two 76-millimeter cannons.
In 2010, one of the semi-caponirs, ASC No. 25, was cleared and turned into a museum dedicated to the defense of Emilchyne region in the summer of 1941 by the forces of enthusiasts. The exposition presents the remains of the equipment, weapons and military equipment of the garrison of the fortified area, a map-scheme of the KoUR and a separate Yemilchyne BDD.
Museum "Pillbox - artillery semi-capon" is a department of Yemilchyne People's Museum of Local Lore.
Yemilchyne People's Museum of Local Lore
Museum / gallery
Yemilchyne People's District Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1973 on the initiative of local historians. It is located in the former premises of the House of Children's Creativity next to the central park.
The exposition tells about the nature of Polissya, the history of the region from the earliest times, ethnography and the life of the Polishchuks. In particular, the stone tools of primitive people, clay products of ancient archaeological cultures, iron items from the times of Ancient Rus, objects of peasant life of the 19th century, materials about the events of the Ukrainian revolution, the Holodomor, the Second World War, post-war reconstruction, the Russian-Ukrainian war are presented.
Among the unique exhibits are original certificates and acts of ownership of land plots and other archival documents from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. In 2015, a museum room dedicated to the work of People's Artist of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine Nina Matviyenko, who was born in 1968 in the village of Nedilishche near Yemilchyne, was opened.
A branch of the Yemilchyne People's District Museum of Local Lore is the Museum of Military Fortification "Pillbox (DOT) - Artillery Half-Capon", which tells about the history of the Yemilchyne Battalion Defense District of the Korosten Fortified District.
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