Horynhrad Pershyi

Travel guide online Horynhrad Pershyi

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General information about Horynhrad Pershyi

The village of Horynhrad Pershyi on the Horyn River is located 20 kilometers east of Rivne, 5 kilometers north of the international highway M-06 (E-40) "Kyiv - Chop".

Known since 1583 as Horyngrad. At the beginning of the 19th century, the village belonged to Prince Havriyil Svyatopolk-Chetvertynskyi. At that time, the Trinity Church was built in Horynhrad, which has survived to this day.

Thanks to the picturesque scenery and the short distance from Rivne, the village of Horynhrad Pershyi is considered a promising direction for suburban cottage construction. Also known as a good fishing spot.

Село Гориньград Перший на річці Горинь розташоване в 20 кілометрах на схід від Рівного, в 5 кілометрах на північ від міжнародної траси М-06 (Е-40) "Київ - Чоп".

Відоме з 1583 року як Гориньград. На початку XIX століття село належало князю Гавріїлу Святополку-Четвертинському. В цей час в Гориньграді було побудовано Троїцьку церкву, що збереглася дотепер.

Завдяки мальовничим краєвидам і невеликій відстані від Рівного, село Гориньград Перший вважається перспективним напрямком заміського котеджного будівництва. Також відоме як гарне місце для риболовлі.

What to see and where to go in Horynhrad Pershyi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Horynhrad Pershyi

Trinity Church, Horynhrad Pershyi
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Trinity Church in Horynhrad Pershyi is located on a hill in a picturesque place above the Horyn River.

It was built in 1812-1816 at the expense of Prince Havryl Svyatopolk-Chetvertynskyi and parishioners of the village. The church has three thrones: the main one is Holy Trinity, the northern one is in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and the southern one is in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In 1883, a wooden belfry was built.

Even in Soviet times, the Trinity Church always remained active.

At the foot of the hill is a holy spring.

Map pin icon Sadova Street, 32


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Geographical information about Horynhrad Pershyi

Administrative status village
Founded / first mentioned 1583
Latitude 50.66076
Longitude 26.498985
Area, sq. km 1.1
Population 477
Postal codes 35326
