
Travel guide online Buky

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Buky

The small village of Buky on the Rostavitsa River has recently become known as the estate of the great Skvira businessman Ivan Suslov.

The ancient Rus settlement of Bakozhin on the rocky shore of Rostavitsia arose here in the XI-XII centuries. A stone Polovtsian idol was found.

In the 19th century, the village belonged to the landowner Stanislav Abramovych (the manor house has been preserved), in 1848 a water mill was built - one of the oldest in the Kyiv region (another one is in nearby Chubyntsi).

In the mid-1990s, local businessman Ivan Suslov laid out a landscape park, restored the dam, and converted the mill into a mini hydroelectric power station. In 2007, a grandiose temple complex was buil ...

The small village of Buky on the Rostavitsa River has recently become known as the estate of the great Skvira businessman Ivan Suslov.

The ancient Rus settlement of Bakozhin on the rocky shore of Rostavitsia arose here in the XI-XII centuries. A stone Polovtsian idol was found.

In the 19th century, the village belonged to the landowner Stanislav Abramovych (the manor house has been preserved), in 1848 a water mill was built - one of the oldest in the Kyiv region (another one is in nearby Chubyntsi).

In the mid-1990s, local businessman Ivan Suslov laid out a landscape park, restored the dam, and converted the mill into a mini hydroelectric power station. In 2007, a grandiose temple complex was built, the dominant feature of which is the church of Saint Eugene the Great Martyr.

Маленьке село Буки на річці Роставиця стало відоме останнім часом як маєток великого сквирського підприємця Івана Суслова.

Давньоруське городище Бакожін на скелястому березі Роставиці виникло тут ще в XI-XII сторіччях Знайдений кам'яний половецький ідол.

В XIX столітті село належало поміщику Станіславу Абрамовичу (зберігся садибний будинок), в 1848 році був споруджений водяний млин - один з найстаріших на Київщині (ще один - в сусідніх Чубинцях).

В середині 1990-х років місцевий підприємець Іван Суслов заклав ландшафтний парк, відновив греблю, переобладнав млин під міні-ГЕС. В 2007 році побудовано грандіозний храмовий комплекс, домінантою якого є церква Святого Євгена Великомученика.

Сплануй своє перебування у Buky

What to see and where to go in Buky

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Tourist attractions and museums of Buky

Landscape Park "Buky"
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Landscape Park "Buky"

Park / garden

The landscape park in Buky, Kyiv region, was laid out on the banks of the Rostavitsa River in 1996 at the expense of the Skvyra entrepreneur Ivan Suslov.

On his initiative, the clogged riverbed was cleared, the dam was restored, and the old water mill was reconstructed and converted into a mini hydroelectric power station. The picturesque rapids and rocky shores of Rostavitsa were transformed into a landscape park with many bridges, gazebos and various sculptures.

The buildings of the Suslov family manor house are successfully incorporated into the landscape: a residential building with a family chapel, a "watchtower", a hunting lodge, a carpentry workshop, and others. In the decoration of buildings, you can often find the number "7", which Ivan Suslov considers his lucky number (his initials form the Ukrainian word "SIM", he is the seventh child in the family, etc.).

In the mini-zoo you can see lions, bears, deer, ponies, and peacocks.

Recently, a "Fairy Tale Lawn" was opened on the territory of the park with figures of heroes of fairy tales and a playground for children of the family-type orphanage, which contains the Suslovs.

Buky Park is available for visiting in the warm season, entrance to the territory is free, excursions to the mini-zoo and to the "Fairytale Lawn" are paid. Embroidery, souvenirs, ice cream and soft drinks are sold at the entrance. There is a restaurant and a mini-hotel.

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Saint Eugene's Church, Buky
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Saint Eugene Church

Temple , Architecture

The grandiose temple complex in the village of Buky was built in 2000 at the expense of the Skvyra businessman Ivan Suslov according to the project of the architect Yuriy Babych.

The dominant feature of the complex is the church of Saint Eugene the Great Martyr with five gilded baths. During the construction of the temple, the historical canons of Ukrainian architecture were combined with modern architectural forms.

The complex also includes the chapels of Saint Oleksandr and Saint Nicholas, the bell tower of Saint Daniel.

In 2007, the temple complex in Buky was awarded the State Award in the field of architecture. In 2008, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a jubilee silver coin with a denomination of 10 hryvnias, which depicts the church of Saint Eugene in Buky.

In 2011, the Friendship of Peoples fountain, which used to stand on Independence Square in Kyiv, was opened on the square in front of the church.

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