The village of Hostroluchchia on the Trubizh River is located 7 kilometers north of Baryshivka.
Founded in 1540. The name is connected with the location of the village on a sharp bend (meadow) of the old channel of the Trubizh River.
In the 17th century, Hostroluchchia belonged to the Zholkevskys, then to the Danylovychs. After the War of Liberation, the village belonged to the well-known Cossack elder family Mirovichi, and after 1709 - to Colonel Andriy Ivanenko.
The Church of Saint Nicholas was built in 1832 at the expense of local landowners Lauzbergs. The building of the Zemstvo school (1906) and the wooden gamasey (1912) have also been preserved.
Село Гостролуччя на річці Трубіж розташоване в 7 кілометрах на північ від Баришівки.
Засноване в 1540 році. Назва пов'язана з розташуванням села на гострому згині (луці) старого русла Трубіжа.
В XVII сторіччі Гостролуччя належало Жолкевським, потім Даниловичам. Після Визвольної війни село належало відомій козацько-старшинській родині Мировичів, а після 1709 року - полковнику Андрію Іваненку.
Церкву Святого Миколая побудовано в 1832 році коштом місцевих поміщиків Лаузбергів. Також збереглася будівля земської школи (1906 рік) та дерев'яний гамазей (1912 рік).
Saint Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of Staint Nicholas was built in Hostroluchchia in 1832 at the expense of local landowners Kateryna and Karl Lauzberg. It was consecrated in 1836 by Bishop Gedeon of Poltava and Pereyaslav. An architectural monument of local importance.
The stone church has one main dome and four additional decorative ones. A bell tower is connected to the church by a long gallery, topped by a high spire. The building is made in a classic style.
Restoration is currently underway. Divine services are held. It belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Holy Trinity Church
Temple , Architecture
The remains of an ancient stone temple in honor of the Holy Trinity have been preserved in Hostroluchchia. The ruins can be found a little outside the center of the village.
The Holy Trinity Church can be considered Cossack, because it was built in the 80s of the 18th century at the expense of the Cossack registry colonel Hryhoriy Ivanenko. There is no other information about the temple.
Zemsky School
The building of the former Zemsky school of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is located in the central part of the village of Hostroluchchia, next to the ruins of the Holy Trinity Church.
Today, a village secondary school is located in the premises of the former Zemsky school.
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