
Travel guide online Horodyshche

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General information about Horodyshche

The village of Horodyshche on the Kustynka River is located 10 kilometers east of Rivne, 5 kilometers north of the M-06 highway Kyiv - Chop. Administratively, it is part of the Bilokrynytsia village hromada of the Rivne district of the Rivne region.

The remains of the ancient Rus settlement, which gave the village its name, have been preserved on Mount Vysoka on the eastern edge of the village.

The modern village has been known since 1468 as the property of Oleshko Mzhachych. Since 1548, Horodyshche has been the residence of the Rutenian (Ukrainian) nobles of Horodysh. Since 1559, it has the status of a town and the right to hold fairs.

The wooden church of Saint. Great Martyr Demetrius was built in 1757. Valuable old prints and copies of metric books from 1810 have be ...

The village of Horodyshche on the Kustynka River is located 10 kilometers east of Rivne, 5 kilometers north of the M-06 highway Kyiv - Chop. Administratively, it is part of the Bilokrynytsia village hromada of the Rivne district of the Rivne region.

The remains of the ancient Rus settlement, which gave the village its name, have been preserved on Mount Vysoka on the eastern edge of the village.

The modern village has been known since 1468 as the property of Oleshko Mzhachych. Since 1548, Horodyshche has been the residence of the Rutenian (Ukrainian) nobles of Horodysh. Since 1559, it has the status of a town and the right to hold fairs.

The wooden church of Saint. Great Martyr Demetrius was built in 1757. Valuable old prints and copies of metric books from 1810 have been preserved in the temple.

Cело Городище на річці Кустинка розташоване за 10 кілометрів на схід від Рівного, за 5 км на північ від автотраси М-06 Київ – Чоп. Адміністративно входить до складу Білокриницької сільської громади Рівненського району Рівненської області.

На горі Високій на східній околиці села збереглися залишки давньоруського городища, яке дало селу його назву. 

Сучасне село відоме з 1468 року як власність Олешка Мжачича. З 1548 року Городище стає резиденцією руських (українських) шляхтичів Городиських. З 1559 році має статус містечка і право на проведення ярмарків.

Дерев'яна церква Святого Великомученика Дмитрія збудована у 1757 році. У храмі збереглися цінні стародруки та копії метричних книг з 1810 року. 

Сплануй своє перебування у Horodyshche

What to see and where to go in Horodyshche

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Tourist attractions and museums of Horodyshche

Eco Farm AlpacaHome, Horodyshche
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Eco Farm AlpacaHome

Zoo , Recreation area

The Eco Farm AlpacaHome (Fluffy Farm) in Horodyshche near Rivne opened for visitors in 2024. It is located on the banks of a large pond 10 kilometers from the city center.

About three dozen South American alpacas now live on the farm. They are accompanied by pygmy goats, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs and peacocks.

During a visit to the farm, visitors are in the same territory with alpacas, which are completely non-aggressive. You can directly contact the animals, feed them with special food, take pictures with them.

On the territory there are places for relaxation with gazebos, tables, hammocks, canopies, deckchairs.

The price of the visit includes an excursion and a portion of feed for the animals. Pre-registration is required to visit.

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