Verkhnia Syrovatka

Travel guide online Verkhnia Syrovatka

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General information about Verkhnia Syrovatka

The village of Verkhnia Syrovatka is located at the exit from Sumy in the direction of Kharkiv. Known since 1653.

In the 18th-19th centuries, poet and educator Oleksandr Palitsyn lived here, in the "Popivka" estate, who gathered a circle of Kharkiv intelligentsia "Popivka Academy". Philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda, writer Serhii Hlinka, artist Mykola Alfyorov, educator Vasyl Karazin visited Palitsyn (the idea of creating Kharkiv University was born here).

In 1805-1812, according to Palitsyn's project, the Church of the Assumption was built in Verkhnia Syrovatka, which has survived to this day.

Село Верхня Сироватка розташоване на виїзді з Сум в бік Харкова. Відоме з 1653 року.

В XVIII-XIX століттях тут, в маєтку "Поповка", жив поет і просвітитель Олександр Паліцин, що зібрав у себе гурток харківської інтелігенції "Попівська академія". У Паліцина гостювали філософ Григорій Сковорода, письменник Сергій Глінка, художник Микола Алфьоров, просвітитель Василь Каразін (тут народилася ідея створення Харківського університету).

В 1805-1812 роках за проєктом Паліцина у Верхній Сироватці було збудовано Свято-Успенську церкву, що збереглася понині.

What to see and where to go in Verkhnia Syrovatka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Verkhnia Syrovatka

Assumption Church, Verkhnia Syrovatka
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Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Assumption Church in Verkhnia Syrovatka was built in 1805-1812 according to the project of the poet and educator Oleksandr Palitsyn, who lived in the nearby "Popivka" estate, at the expense and under the direction of a descendant of the elder family, lieutenant Mykola Vlasovskyi. The brick and iconostasis were purchased from the dismantled Sumy monastery.

In 1844, lightning struck the bell tower and, passing inside the church, burned the gilded iconostasis, but the church survived. The Chenstokhova church icon of the Mother of God, which, according to tradition, was brought to the old wooden church by a Polish nobleman from Chenstokhova was especially revered.

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Geographical information about Verkhnia Syrovatka

Administrative status village
Founded / first mentioned 1653
Latitude 50.82826
Longitude 34.95163
Population 5033
Postal codes 42351
