
Travel guide online Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi

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General information about Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi

Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is officially recognized as the oldest continuously existing city of Ukraine (Kiliia now claims this status), has a rich history.

It is located on the banks of the Dniester estuary, 100 kilometers northwest of Odesa.

The current Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi was built on the site of the ancient Greek polis of Tire (6th century BC), whose excavations are currently underway. The Ulychi and Tyver tribes created the economic, political and trade center of Bilhorod in its place, which became part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. He was under the rule of Moldova as Cetatya-Albe and Turkey as Akkerman. According to the Bucharest Peace Treaty of 1812, it came under the possession of Russia.

The structures of the Akkerman (Bilhorod) fortress (XIII-XV centuries) ...

Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is officially recognized as the oldest continuously existing city of Ukraine (Kiliia now claims this status), has a rich history.

It is located on the banks of the Dniester estuary, 100 kilometers northwest of Odesa.

The current Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi was built on the site of the ancient Greek polis of Tire (6th century BC), whose excavations are currently underway. The Ulychi and Tyver tribes created the economic, political and trade center of Bilhorod in its place, which became part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. He was under the rule of Moldova as Cetatya-Albe and Turkey as Akkerman. According to the Bucharest Peace Treaty of 1812, it came under the possession of Russia.

The structures of the Akkerman (Bilhorod) fortress (XIII-XV centuries) with the Genoese castle and 20 towers, churches of the XIV-XIX centuries, and fragments of historical buildings have been preserved.

The city has a well-developed tourist infrastructure.

Білгород-Дністровський офіційно визнаний найдавнішим безперервно існуючим містом України (зараз на цей статус претендує Кілія), має багатющу історію.

Знаходиться на березі Дністровського лиману в 100 кілометрах на північний захід від Одеси.

Нинішній Білгород-Дністровський побудований на місці античного грецького поліса Тіра (VI століття до нашої ери), розкопки якого ведуться в даний час. Племена уличів і тиверців створили на його місці економічний, політичний і торговельний центр Білгород, який увійшов до складу Галицько-Волинського князівства. Перебував під владою Молдови як Четатя-Албе та Туреччини як Аккерман. За Бухарестським мирним договором 1812 року відійшов у володіння росії.

Збереглися споруди Аккерманської (Білгородської) фортеці (XIII-XV століття) з Генуезьк ...

Білгород-Дністровський офіційно визнаний найдавнішим безперервно існуючим містом України (зараз на цей статус претендує Кілія), має багатющу історію.

Знаходиться на березі Дністровського лиману в 100 кілометрах на північний захід від Одеси.

Нинішній Білгород-Дністровський побудований на місці античного грецького поліса Тіра (VI століття до нашої ери), розкопки якого ведуться в даний час. Племена уличів і тиверців створили на його місці економічний, політичний і торговельний центр Білгород, який увійшов до складу Галицько-Волинського князівства. Перебував під владою Молдови як Четатя-Албе та Туреччини як Аккерман. За Бухарестським мирним договором 1812 року відійшов у володіння росії.

Збереглися споруди Аккерманської (Білгородської) фортеці (XIII-XV століття) з Генуезьким замком і 20 вежами, храми XIV-XIX століть, фрагменти історичної забудови.

В місті непогано розвинена туристична інфраструктура.

Сплануй своє перебування у Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi

What to see and where to go in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi

Akkerman Fortress, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
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Akkerman Fortress

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Medieval Akkerman Fortress on the banks of the Dniester estuary in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi - one of the largest and best preserved in Ukraine.

Built on the site of the ancient city of Thira (archeological excavations are underway). Until the 10th century, there were probably fortifications of Slavic tribes of Tiverts and Ulychi.

The building of the Akkerman citadel belongs to the Genoese period of XIII-XIV centuries. The main fortifications of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress were built during the Moldavian rule (XV century). The total length of the walls is 2 km. Height of walls and towers from 5 to 15 m. 26 of 34 towers have survived.

In 1484 the Akkerman fortress came under the rule of Turkey, a mosque was built (the minaret is preserved). In 1789 the town of Akkerman was taken without a fight by the Don Cossacks of Matviy Platov together with the Buz Cossacks sent by Prince Potomkin-Tavriysky.

At present, the Akkerman Fortress architectural complex is managed by the Fortress utility company. An exposition of instruments of torture was opened on the territory, siege weapons were displayed in the yard. Music festivals and historical fencing championships are held.

Map pin icon Vitaliya Hulyayeva Street, 2B


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Thira City, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
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Ancient Greek city of Thira

Historic area , Archaeological site

The ruins of the ancient city of Thira were excavated by archaeologists near the walls of the Akkerman fortress.

The ancient city on the shore of the estuary at the mouth of the Tiras (Dniester) river was founded in the 6th century BC by immigrants from Greek Miletus, and in the 3rd century BC it reached its greatest prosperity. The main occupations of the inhabitants of Thira were agriculture, viticulture, handicrafts, fishing, and trade with the indigenous population of Transnistria. The city minted its own silver coin. From the beginning of the 2nd century AD, the city of Thira was part of the Roman Empire.

It was destroyed by the Goths in the second half of the 3rd century. A settlement of the Slavic tribes of Tiberians and Ulychi soon arose on the ruins, then a Genoese fortress.

Archaeological excavations have been carried out since 1900 and are still ongoing.

Map pin icon Vitaliya Hulyayeva Street


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Armenian Church, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
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Armenian Church of the Assumption of the Virgin

Temple , Architecture

The Armenian Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (Surb Astvatsatsin) has been preserved since the Middle Ages, when a large Armenian community lived in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

The temple has a squat shape, because the Muslim authorities forbade the construction of Christian churches higher than mosques. Over the centuries, the Armenian Church was repeatedly rebuilt and expanded. Ancient paintings and medieval marble slabs (khachkars) with carved inscriptions have been preserved on the walls, the earliest of which dates back to the 10th century.

The Armenian Church operated until 1940. Until recently, it was the base of an archaeological expedition. In 2013, the church was returned to the Armenian community.

On the territory there is a Sarmatian crypt of the 3rd century AD, made of stone slabs, found on the eastern outskirts of the city.

Map pin icon Starovirmenska Street, 1


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Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Local Lore Museum
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Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The main exposition of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Museum of Local Lore is housed in a one-story building in the Empire style, built in the XIX century for the merchant and mayor Mykhaylo Femilidi.

In several halls visitors can get acquainted with the ancient and medieval history of the Northern Black Sea Coast, the history of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi of the XIX and early XX centuries, the nature of the region.

Presented are finds from the burial complex of the Chernyakhiv culture, original household items and art from Ancient Greece, a numismatic collection, samples of edged weapons, flintlock pistols, authentic handwritten materials of 19th-century Swiss colonists, a unique collection of embroidered towels, etc.

In the next building there is an ethnographic museum, which introduces the traditions of the peoples of the region.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Street, 19


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Ascension Cathedral, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
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Holy Ascension Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Ascension Cathedral is the main Orthodox shrine and the largest temple in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

Construction on the site of the old Turkish cemetery was carried out from 1815 to 1820 with donations from local residents. Initially, the church had the shape of a ship, but in 1830, three porticos with 4 columns were added, and the cathedral took on the shape of a cross, characteristic of Russian classicism. In 1971, the walls and dome of the cathedral were painted by the family of the artist Piskarev with a group of Moscow artists.

A part of the relics of Saint Ioann of Suchavsky is preserved in the Ascension Cathedral.

A 40-meter-high belfry adjoined the cathedral, which collapsed in 2004 (restoration is underway).

A chapel was built on the territory in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 75


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