The city of Pervomaisk on the Pivdenniy Buh River was founded in 1676 as a Cossack fortress Orlyk on the border of the Zaporizhzhia lands with the territories that belonged to Poland and Turkey.
In 1769, the fortress was destroyed by the Tatars, and the settlement of Olviopol arose in its place. In 1750, on the left bank of the Pivdenniy Buh, Count Potoski built fortifications and the quarantine outpost of Bogopil, and in 1762, on the right bank of the Pivdenniy Buh, the Cossacks founded the settlement of Holta.
In 1919, three settlements were united into the city of Pervomaisk. The Intercession Church (1805) with a bell tower (1839) has been preserved. The central office of the RVSP Museum is located here (the museum itself is in
The city of Pervomaisk on the Pivdenniy Buh River was founded in 1676 as a Cossack fortress Orlyk on the border of the Zaporizhzhia lands with the territories that belonged to Poland and Turkey. In 1769, the fortress was destroyed by the Tatars, and the settlement of Olviopol arose in its place. In 1750, on the left bank of the Pivdenniy Buh, Count Potoski built fortifications and the quarantine outpost of Bogopil, and in 1762, on the right bank of the Pivdenniy Buh, the Cossacks founded the settlement of Holta. In 1919, three settlements were united into the city of Pervomaisk. The Intercession Church (1805) with a bell tower (1839) has been preserved. The central office of the RVSP Museum is located here (the museum itself is in Pobuzke, Kirovohrad region). Below the stream of the Pivdenniy Buh is the Myhiia cascade of rapids, from which the National Nature Park "Buzkyi Gard" begins.
Місто Первомайськ на річці Південний Буг засноване в 1676 році як козацька фортеця Орлик на кордоні запорозьких земель з територіями, що належали Польщі та Туреччині.
В 1769 році фортеця була знищена татарами, на її місці виникло поселення Ольвіополь. В 1750 році на лівому березі Південного Бугу граф Потоцький побудував укріплення та карантинну заставу Богопіль, а в 1762 році на правому березі Південного Бугу козаки заклали слободу Голта.
В 1919 році три поселення були об'єднані в місто Первомайськ. Збереглася Покровська церква (1805 рік) з дзвіницею (1839 рік). Тут знаходиться центральний офіс Музею РВСП (сам музей в Побузькому, Кіровоградська область). Нижче за течією Південного Бугу розташований ...
Місто Первомайськ на річці Південний Буг засноване в 1676 році як козацька фортеця Орлик на кордоні запорозьких земель з територіями, що належали Польщі та Туреччині.
В 1769 році фортеця була знищена татарами, на її місці виникло поселення Ольвіополь. В 1750 році на лівому березі Південного Бугу граф Потоцький побудував укріплення та карантинну заставу Богопіль, а в 1762 році на правому березі Південного Бугу козаки заклали слободу Голта.
В 1919 році три поселення були об'єднані в місто Первомайськ. Збереглася Покровська церква (1805 рік) з дзвіницею (1839 рік). Тут знаходиться центральний офіс Музею РВСП (сам музей в Побузькому, Кіровоградська область). Нижче за течією Південного Бугу розташований Мигійський каскад порогів, від якого починається Національний природний парк "Бузький Гард".
Holy Intercession Church
Temple , Architecture
The Holy Intercession Church is the only architectural structure preserved in Pervomaisk from the 19th century.
The traditional church was built in 1805 in the style of classicism. In 1839, a bell tower was built nearby.
Holy Intercession Church is located on the territory of the former Polish settlement of Bohopol, which later became part of Pervomaisk.
Pervomaisk Museum of Local Lore
Museum / gallery
The Pervomaisk Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1927 by the well-known archeologist Pavlo Kharlampovych.
At the beginning of World War II, the museum's fund included about 20,000 exhibits. Most of the collection was destroyed during the war, in particular the archaeological collection, which was collected during the Pivdenyi Buh archaeological expedition of 1928-1932 on the banks of the Pivdenyi Buh and its tributaries.
The museum was restored only in 1985. Today, it is a branch of the Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local Lore as a department. It has 15 chapters, in which you can familiarize yourself with the history of Pervomaisk region from the Stone Age to modern times.
The permanent interest of visitors is aroused by the exposition "Village House" and the exhibition of holograms, which is constantly in operation, which presents objects from the most famous museums of Ukraine.
Museum employees conduct tours of the city and its surroundings.
Tsidulko Mill
Architecture , Entertainment / leisure
The water mill on the Synyukha River in Pervomaisk is located in the northern part of the city. The hydrotechnical structure with a stone building was built at the end of the 19th century by a local entrepreneur Tsidulko. In Soviet times, the mill was part of the structure of the district food processing plant.
Now the Tsidulko Mill is in private ownership. The building has been reconstructed as a recreation complex "Residence at the Water Mill", which has been operating since 2024 as a hotel, a location for photo shoots and a space for special events.
It is planned to open a museum, where you can see the work of the wooden mechanism of the water mill.
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