Dubno is a regional center on the Rivne-Lviv highway. Located on the banks of the river Ikva.
It was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle as the city of Duben in 1100. Magdeburg Law was received in 1507 under the princes Ostrozkyi. In 1772, the Contract Fair, known as the "Dubno contracts", was transferred here for 20 years from Lviv, which contributed to economic development.
The city of Dubno is known for the impregnable castle of the 16th century, which at different times belonged to the Ostrozkyi and Lyubomyrskyi ones. Consists of two palaces, a gate building, walls with bastions, watchtowers and casemates. Partially restored, there is a museum with several expositions. This particular castle was described by Mykola Hohol in the work "Taras Bulba" ...
Dubno is a regional center on the Rivne-Lviv highway. Located on the banks of the river Ikva.
It was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle as the city of Duben in 1100. Magdeburg Law was received in 1507 under the princes Ostrozkyi. In 1772, the Contract Fair, known as the "Dubno contracts", was transferred here for 20 years from Lviv, which contributed to economic development.
The city of Dubno is known for the impregnable castle of the 16th century, which at different times belonged to the Ostrozkyi and Lyubomyrskyi ones. Consists of two palaces, a gate building, walls with bastions, watchtowers and casemates. Partially restored, there is a museum with several expositions. This particular castle was described by Mykola Hohol in the work "Taras Bulba".
Also preserved are the Lutsk Gates (16th century) in the Barbican style, the Transfiguration Church (1643), the Church of the Bernardine Monastery (17th century), the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk (1832), Church of Saint Elias (20th century) , part of the historical buildings, including the building of the Contract House (XIX century). The complex of the Carmelite Monastery (1630-1686) is now used as an oncological dispensary.
Every year in mid-July, the Taras Bulba rock festival is held on the central square of Dubno.
Near the neighboring village Tarakaniv is the Tarakaniv fort.
Місто Дубно - районний центр на трасі Рівне-Львів. Розташоване на березі річки Іква.
Вперше згадується в Іпатіївському літописі як місто Дубен в 1100 році. Магдебурзьке право отримало в 1507 році за князів Острозьких. В 1772 році сюди на 20 років був переведений зі Львова Контрактовий ярмарок, який здобув популярність як "Дубенські контракти", що посприяло економічному розвитку.
Місто Дубно відоме неприступним замком XVI століття, який належав в різний час Острозьким і Любомирським. Складається з двох палаців, надвратного корпусу, стін з бастіонами, сторожових веж і казематів. Частково відреставрований, діє музей з декількома експозиціями. Саме цей замок описаний Миколою Гоголем у творі "Тарас Бульба".
Також збереглися Луцька брама (XVI століття) в ...
Місто Дубно - районний центр на трасі Рівне-Львів. Розташоване на березі річки Іква.
Вперше згадується в Іпатіївському літописі як місто Дубен в 1100 році. Магдебурзьке право отримало в 1507 році за князів Острозьких. В 1772 році сюди на 20 років був переведений зі Львова Контрактовий ярмарок, який здобув популярність як "Дубенські контракти", що посприяло економічному розвитку.
Місто Дубно відоме неприступним замком XVI століття, який належав в різний час Острозьким і Любомирським. Складається з двох палаців, надвратного корпусу, стін з бастіонами, сторожових веж і казематів. Частково відреставрований, діє музей з декількома експозиціями. Саме цей замок описаний Миколою Гоголем у творі "Тарас Бульба".
Також збереглися Луцька брама (XVI століття) в стилі барбакана, Спасо-Преображенська церква (1643 рік), костел монастиря бернардинів (XVII століття), Костел Святого Яна Непомука (1832 рік), Іллінська церква (XX століття) , частина історичної забудови, включно з будівлею Контрактового будинку (XIX століття). Комплекс монастиря кармеліток (1630-1686 роки) зараз використовується як онкологічний диспансер.
Щорічно в середині липня на центральній площі міста Дубно проходить рок-фестиваль "Тарас Бульба".
Поруч з сусіднім селом Тараканів знаходиться Тараканівський форт.
Bernardine Monastery
Temple , Architecture
The former church of the Bernardine monastery is the oldest church in the city of Dubno. The monastery was founded by Yanush Ostrozky in 1614. The temple complex in the early Baroque style was completed in 1630, already under the Zaslavsky princes.
Surrounded by defensive walls, the Bernardine monastery was part of the system of city fortifications of Dubno together with the Lutsk Gate. After the third partition of Poland in 1784, the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Bernardine monastery was transformed into an Orthodox church and rebuilt in a pseudo-Rus style.
In Soviet times, the building was used as a production facility. Currently, it is the Saint Nicholas Church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which has been partially restored.
Carmelite Monastery
The complex of buildings of the Carmelite monastery was built in Dubno in the early Baroque style during the time of the Zaslavsky princes.
The church and cell building are connected by side facades, an arched gallery runs along the main facade.
In 1890, the Carmelite monastery was closed by royal decree. Subsequently, it temporarily resumed activity in 1921-1936. During the Soviet rule, the monastery finally ceased to exist.
In 1946, a cancer dispensary was placed in the former monastery buildings. Currently, it is an oncology hospice under the care of the Dubno Medical College. In 2004, with the consent of the head of the oncology dispensary, rooms were allocated here for the house church and for cells for the residents of the Holy Barbary Monastery of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Contract House
The Contract House on the market square of Dubno was built in the 19th century. The building is made in the style of classicism.
The place of the famous "Dubno contracts" was the city of Dubno in the 18th century, until they were moved to Zviahel, and then to Kyiv. Grand fairs were held annually during the month immediately after Christmas. Later, fairs were revived on a smaller scale.
Nowadays, the Contract House is a house of children's creativity.
Decorative and Applied Arts Museum "Art"
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts "Art" was founded in Dubno in 1980 on the basis of the Dubno Higher Art Vocational and Technical School by the efforts of masters of industrial training and students of the profession "Wood and Birch Carver".
Over the long period of its existence, a unique collection of works of art has been collected in its fund - these are sculptures, panels, frames, plates, piggy banks, etc.
Dubno Castle
Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery
The family castle of the princes Ostrozky was built in Dubno in the 15th century, then it belonged to several more aristocratic families: Zaslavsky, Sanhushsko, Lyubomyrsky, Baryatynsky.
For centuries, the Dubno Castle remained impregnable - the fortress walls withstood repeated sieges by the Crimean Tatars in the 16th century, the Cossack units of Maksym Kryvonos, and the Russian army in the 17th century. During various wars of the 18th and 19th centuries, hetman Ivan Mazepa, the Swedish king Karl XII, tsar Peter I, generals Suvorov and Kutuzov visited here.
The Dubno castle is surrounded by a defensive moat, over which a bridge leading to the gate and the gatehouse is overturned. On the right is the Ostrozky Palace (XVI century), and on the left - the Lyubomyrsky Palace (XVIII century), in which the stucco work of the Italian master Domeniko Merlini has been preserved. In the 17th century, the castle was fortified with two bastions with towers designed by the engineer Voban. The "Maiden's Tower" is associated with the legend of Princess Beata and her successful shot from a cannon at the tent of the Tatar Khan, who was besieging the castle.
There is a whole system of basements and underground passages. They are, in particular, described by Mykola Hohol in the novel "Taras Bulba", the main action of which unfolds around the Dubno Castle. In one of the basements, there is an exposition of the museum of torture. Theatrical tours are held.
In 2024, the museum room "Reviver of Ukrainian Castles" was opened, dedicated to the outstanding Ukrainian art critic, long-time director of the Lviv National Art Gallery Borys Voznytsky, who at one time contributed to the restoration of the Dubo Castle.
There is a souvenir shop and a cafeteria.
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