The village of Kharsiky on the left bank of the Mnoha River is located on the western outskirts of Chornukhy, closely adjacent to them.
Known since 1635 as Kharsenki. In 1666, the village was part of the Chornukhy Cossack Hundred.
The manor of Hryhoriy Skovoroda's father was located in Kharsiky, where the future philosopher was born in 1722.
In 1872-1875, a church was built in the village, and in 1912-1914 - a Zemstvo school with a four-year education according to the project of the architect Opanas Slastion, the building of which has been preserved until now.
To the north-west of the village is the botanical reserve "Kharsiky polona".
Село Харсіки на лівому березі річки Многа розташоване на західній околиці Чорнух, примикаючи до них впритул.
Відоме з 1635 року як Харсенкі. В 1666 році село входило до складу Чорнухинської козацької сотні.
В Харсіках розташовувалася садиба батька Григорія Сковороди, в якій майбутній філософ народився в 1722 році.
В 1872-1875 роках в селі було побудовано церкву, а в 1912-1914 роках - земську школу з чотирирічним навчанням за проєктом архітектора Опанаса Сластіона (Сластьона), будівля якої збереглася дотепер.
На північний захід від села розташований ботанічний заказник "Харсіцька полона".
Zemska School
Zemska school in Kharsiky was built in 1913 according to the project of architect, artist and ethnographer Opanas Slastion (Slaston), whose works were distinguished by the use of traditional forms of Ukrainian architecture.
Slastion designed a number of schools in the style of Ukrainian Art Nouveau at the request of Lohvytsia Zemstvo. The building of the Kharsiky school is one-story, U-shaped, with hexagonal trapezoidal windows and two two-story towers with spires. The facades are decorated with decorative brickwork.
In addition to the school, the complex included a wooden barn, an oak cellar, a well and a fence. The building was used for its intended purpose until 1984, when the school was moved to a new building, and a medical and labor institution was placed in the old premises.
Currently, the facility is in an abandoned state.
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