
Travel guide online Rivne

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General information about Rivne

The regional center of Rivne is an important transport hub on the highway M-06i Kyiv - Chop. The city is not rich in architectural monuments, but it has a cozy atmosphere, there are several interesting museums, many inexpensive restaurants and craft breweries.

The first written mention of Rivne dates back to 1282 in connection with a battle between Lithuanian and Polish troops.

In the 15th century, the city became the property of Prince Semen Nesvitskyi. His wife Mariya Nesvytska (Rivna) builds a wooden castle in 1479, Rivne receives the right of Magdeburg and the privilege of holding a fair.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the city belonged to the Ostrozkyi princes, then the Zamoyskyi, Konietspolskyi, Valevskyi, and from 1723 - the Lyubomyrskyi, who restored the c ...

The regional center of Rivne is an important transport hub on the highway M-06i Kyiv - Chop. The city is not rich in architectural monuments, but it has a cozy atmosphere, there are several interesting museums, many inexpensive restaurants and craft breweries.

The first written mention of Rivne dates back to 1282 in connection with a battle between Lithuanian and Polish troops.

In the 15th century, the city became the property of Prince Semen Nesvitskyi. His wife Mariya Nesvytska (Rivna) builds a wooden castle in 1479, Rivne receives the right of Magdeburg and the privilege of holding a fair.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the city belonged to the Ostrozkyi princes, then the Zamoyskyi, Konietspolskyi, Valevskyi, and from 1723 - the Lyubomyrskyi, who restored the castle, turning it into a luxurious palace (now the territory of the Hydropark and the city stadium).

During World War II, Rivne was the capital of German-occupied Ukraine.

There are few architectural monuments, tourists are more interested in the Rivne Zoo. There are many good hotels and restaurants in the partially reconstructed city center and on the district road, which makes Rivne an attractive transshipment point.

Обласний центр Рівне – важливий транспортний вузол на магістральній трас М-06і Київ – Чоп. Місто не багате архітектурними пам'яткаим, але тут затишна атмосфера, є кілька цікавих музеїв, багато недорогих ресторанів і крафтових пивоварень.

Перша письмова згадка про Рівне датується 1282 роком у зв'язку з битвою між литовськими та польськими військами.

У XV столітті місто перейшло у власність князя Семена Несвіцького. Його дружина Марія Несвицька (Рівненська) будує в 1479 році дерев'яний замок, Рівне отримує Магдебурзьке право та привілей на проведення ярмарку.

Протягом XVI-XVII століть місто належало князям Острозьким, потім Замойським, Конєцпольським, Валевським, а з 1723 року - Любомирським, які відновили замок, перетворивши його в розкішний ...

Обласний центр Рівне – важливий транспортний вузол на магістральній трас М-06і Київ – Чоп. Місто не багате архітектурними пам'яткаим, але тут затишна атмосфера, є кілька цікавих музеїв, багато недорогих ресторанів і крафтових пивоварень.

Перша письмова згадка про Рівне датується 1282 роком у зв'язку з битвою між литовськими та польськими військами.

У XV столітті місто перейшло у власність князя Семена Несвіцького. Його дружина Марія Несвицька (Рівненська) будує в 1479 році дерев'яний замок, Рівне отримує Магдебурзьке право та привілей на проведення ярмарку.

Протягом XVI-XVII століть місто належало князям Острозьким, потім Замойським, Конєцпольським, Валевським, а з 1723 року - Любомирським, які відновили замок, перетворивши його в розкішний палац (зараз територія Гідропарку та міського стадіону).

Під час Другої світової війни Рівне було столицею окупованої німцями України.

Архітектурних пам'яток мало, туристів більше цікавить рівненський зоопарк. У частково реконструйованому центрі міста та на окружній дорозі багато хороших готелів і ресторанів, що робить Рівне привабливим перевалочним пунктом.

Сплануй своє перебування у Rivne

What to see and where to go in Rivne

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Tourist attractions and museums of Rivne

Ostvytsya Historical Reconstruction Park, Rivne
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"Ostvytsya" Historical Reconstruction Park

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Ethnographic complex , Rest on the water

Ostvytsya Historical Reconstruction Park was founded in 2020 on the shores of Lake Basiv Kut in Rivne, near the Basivkutsk settlement of the 11th-12th centuries.

The park bears the ancient name of the Ustya River and recreates the atmosphere of an ancient Rus settlement. Two piers, two large canopies, an entrance gate and a bridge were built on the territory of almost 2 hectares, paths were arranged, benches were installed and a model of an ancient Rus log house was built. Here you can walk on ancient boats, shoot from a traditional bow, try different crafts, touch the life, life and entertainment of the period of Ancient Rus.

An important area of ​​work of Ostvytsya is the revival and development of ancient shipbuilding. In the warm season we offer water rides on drakes, boats, boats.

The location regularly hosts a number of cultural and artistic events, mainly in the warm season, including festivals, meadow tournaments, concerts on the lake, workshops in various crafts, boat competitions and more.

Map pin icon Marusi Churay Street, 13


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Amber Museum, Rivne
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Amber Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Amber Museum was opened in Rivne on the basis of the Rivne amber factory - the state enterprise "Amber of Ukraine".

The museum is located in the premises of the Rivne House of Scientists - a two-story mansion of the beginning of the 20th century in the Art Nouveau style.

Among the exhibits of the museum are pieces of amber up to 40 million years old, found at different times in the Rivne region, as well as jewelry and works of art made from it. In particular, the oldest amber product in Ukraine is exhibited - a disk-amulet approximately 2.5 thousand years old.

Stones in which ancient insects have crystallized are considered to be the decoration of the museum. A piece of wild amber weighing about 2 kilograms is presented.

The exhibits tell not only about the history of amber mining in the region, but also about the only enterprise in Ukraine that is engaged in its processing.

The Ulas Samchuk Museum is located in the same building.

Map pin icon Symona Petlyury Street, 17


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Beer and Hop Growing Museum, Rivne
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Beer and Hop Growing Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The director of Rivne Brewery Maryan Hoda plans to open a Beer and Hop Growing Museum in Rivne.

The museum will be located in the former house of the first director of the Rivne brewery, Hersh Pisyuk, built in 1928 on the plot bordering the territory of the enterprise.

Until recently, the two-story building was occupied by the Rivne City Center for Student Youth Creativity. After the restoration, the building became part of the complex of buildings of the "Maidan Bergshloss" Historic Quarter with a hotel and a fairground.

The museum exposition will tell about the history of brewing in Volyn. The basis of the exposition is the personal collection of Maryan Hoda: beer bottles, mugs, elements of brewing equipment, historical documents and photos.

Map pin icon Petra Mohyly Street, 10


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Great Synagogue, Rivne
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Great Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

The building of the main Great Synagogue in Rivne was built at the end of the 19th century.

Before the Bolshevik coup of 1917, a Jewish school operated there.

Since Soviet times, the building of the Great Synagogue has housed the children's and youth sports school "Avangard".

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 33


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Assumption Church, Rivne
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Holy Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Assumption is the oldest building in Rivne. The temple in the Tyutkivskyi suburb of the city was built in 1756 at the expense of the parishioners. The church is single-domed, the iconostasis was completed in 1784.

According to legend, Ivan Honta, the leader of the Haidamac movement, prayed in the Assumption Church before the battle with the Polish nobility.

The belfry and the "chain of moral foundations" to which ungodly parishioners were chained in the 18th century for public atonement have been preserved.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenka Street, 113


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