
Travel guide online Ostroh

General information about Ostroh

Ostroh is a city on the Viliya River, some distance from the main highways.

One of the oldest cities of Ukraine - the first mention - in the year 1100 in the Ipatiyiv Chronicle. From the 14th century, it was the residence of the Ostoskyi princes. The princely castle (XVI century) is a pearl of Ancient Rus defensive architecture. The complex includes the Old and New (Round) towers, as well as the Epiphany Church, the silhouette of which was the coat of arms of the city. The monastery in Mezhyrich, founded at the same time as the castle, is clearly visible from the ramparts.

From the city fortifications of Ostroh from the 15th century, the tower of the Lutsk Gate (the printing museum is located here), the Tatar gate tower has been preserved. In 1576, the first East Slavic Ostr ...

Ostroh is a city on the Viliya River, some distance from the main highways.

One of the oldest cities of Ukraine - the first mention - in the year 1100 in the Ipatiyiv Chronicle. From the 14th century, it was the residence of the Ostoskyi princes. The princely castle (XVI century) is a pearl of Ancient Rus defensive architecture. The complex includes the Old and New (Round) towers, as well as the Epiphany Church, the silhouette of which was the coat of arms of the city. The monastery in Mezhyrich, founded at the same time as the castle, is clearly visible from the ramparts.

From the city fortifications of Ostroh from the 15th century, the tower of the Lutsk Gate (the printing museum is located here), the Tatar gate tower has been preserved. In 1576, the first East Slavic Ostroh Academy (now a university) was founded. The first printer Ivan Fedoriv opened the first printing house here in 1580, where the famous Ostroh Bible was published.

Other attractions: Church of the Assumption (XVI century), Capuchin Monastery Church (1778), synagogue ruins (XVII century), numismatic museum.

Острог - місто над річкою Вілія, в деякому віддаленні від основних автомагістралей.

Одне з найдавніших міст України - перша згадка - в 1100 році в Іпатіївському літописі. З XIV століття був резиденцією князів Острозьких. Княжий замок (XVI сторіччя) - перлина давньоруського оборонного зодчества. В комплекс входять Сторожова та Нова (Кругла) башти, а також Богоявленська церква, силует якої був гербом міста. З валів добре видно монастир в Межирічі, заснований одночасно з замком.

З міських укріплень Острога з XV століття збереглася вежа Луцької брами (тут розміщений музей друкарства), Татарська надбрамна вежа. В 1576 році заснована перша східнослов'янська Острозька академія (зараз університет). Першодрукар Іван Федоров в 1580 році відкрив тут першу друкарню, де була видана з ...

Острог - місто над річкою Вілія, в деякому віддаленні від основних автомагістралей.

Одне з найдавніших міст України - перша згадка - в 1100 році в Іпатіївському літописі. З XIV століття був резиденцією князів Острозьких. Княжий замок (XVI сторіччя) - перлина давньоруського оборонного зодчества. В комплекс входять Сторожова та Нова (Кругла) башти, а також Богоявленська церква, силует якої був гербом міста. З валів добре видно монастир в Межирічі, заснований одночасно з замком.

З міських укріплень Острога з XV століття збереглася вежа Луцької брами (тут розміщений музей друкарства), Татарська надбрамна вежа. В 1576 році заснована перша східнослов'янська Острозька академія (зараз університет). Першодрукар Іван Федоров в 1580 році відкрив тут першу друкарню, де була видана знаменита Острозька Біблія.

Інші пам'ятки: Успенський костел (XVI століття), Костел монастиря капуцинів (1778 рік), руїни синагоги (XVII століття), нумізматичний музей.

Сплануй своє перебування у Ostroh

What to see and where to go in Ostroh

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Tourist attractions and museums of Ostroh

Assumption of Virgin Mary Church, Ostroh
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary arose in Ostroh as a result of the development of the Orthodox Church, founded in the 15th century by Prince Fedir Ostrozky.

In 1442, the church was transformed into the church of the Dominican monastery. In those days, it was the main Catholic church in Ostroh, which had a large parish. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the church was repeatedly rebuilt and decorated with magnificent baroque altars.

In 1897, after a big fire, the church was rebuilt again at the expense of Roman Sangushko, this time in the classicist style with the construction of a bathhouse.

After the deportation of the Poles, the church was emptied and closed, services were resumed recently.

Map pin icon Knyaziv Ostrozkykh Street, 4A


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Book and Printing Museum (Lutsk Tower), Ostroh
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Book and Printing Museum (Lutsk Tower)

Museum / gallery

The Lutsk Tower in Ostroh was a key defensive element of the lower city, also serving as the entrance gate to Lutsk. This is one of the two surviving towers of the outer city fortifications.

Currently, the room is adapted for the exposition of the Book and Printing Museum (in 1580 Ivan Fedorov created a printing house in Ostroh, which published the first "Reading Book" and the first complete Slavic Ostroh Bible). There are also temporary exhibitions.

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Street, 3A


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Great Synagogue, Ostroh
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Great Synagogue


Built in Ostroh in the 16th century, the defensive Great Synagogue was at one time one of the largest centers of Jewish culture in Europe, with a higher school of rabbis.

It was destroyed during the War of Liberation.

After the Second World War, the Jewish community of the city was never restored, the synagogue building was used as a warehouse.

Until 2016, it was in a state of disrepair, gradually collapsing. In 2016, the restoration of the synagogue began at the expense of patrons.

Map pin icon Lavrentiya Tustanovskoho Street


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Resurrection Church, Ostroh
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Holy Resurrection Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Resurrection Church in Ostroh was built in 1910 on Zarichchya.

The history of the church dates back to the 16th century, until 1903 it was made of wood. The new stone church was built in the Rus-Byzantine style. A 17th century burial was discovered under the altar part.

Map pin icon Ivana Vyshenskoho Street, 3


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Numismatics Museum, Ostroh
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Numismatics Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The numismatic collection of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Ostroh is located in the former the Shteynberh residential building (19th century) in the city center.

A significant part of the collection consists of coins, paper money and awards of the Russian Empire, including gold coins of Peter I and Catherine II.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the history of the development of Ukrainian money of the twentieth century: paper notes of Odesa, Zhytomyr, Kremenets, Ostroh, national money and securities of the Liberation Struggle of 1917-1921.

The main place in the exposition is given to modern awards of Ukraine and awards of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 45


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