
Travel guide online Lebedyn

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General information about Lebedyn

The large village of Lebedyn on the Turiya River is located 10 kilometers east of Shpola. It is located near the geographical center of Ukraine.

It was first mentioned in 1448 in the "Lithuanian metric". According to legend, the founder of the village was a certain Cossack Lebed. At different times, Lebedyn belonged to princes Hlinskyi, Polish magnates Konetspolskyi, Lubomyrskyi, Russian landowners Potemkin, Vysotskyi, Lopukhin, Rohovskyi.

In 1826, the Transfiguration Church was built at the expense of Major General of the Tsarist Army Mykola Vysotskyi, nephew of Prince Potemkin. In 1846, a sugar factory was established. In the forest to the east of the village is the Lebedyn Monastery, founded ...

The large village of Lebedyn on the Turiya River is located 10 kilometers east of Shpola. It is located near the geographical center of Ukraine.

It was first mentioned in 1448 in the "Lithuanian metric". According to legend, the founder of the village was a certain Cossack Lebed. At different times, Lebedyn belonged to princes Hlinskyi, Polish magnates Konetspolskyi, Lubomyrskyi, Russian landowners Potemkin, Vysotskyi, Lopukhin, Rohovskyi.

In 1826, the Transfiguration Church was built at the expense of Major General of the Tsarist Army Mykola Vysotskyi, nephew of Prince Potemkin. In 1846, a sugar factory was established. In the forest to the east of the village is the Lebedyn Monastery, founded in 1779 on the lands of Prince Lyubomyrskyi.

There is a wooden windmill at the entrance to the village.

Велике село Лебедин на річці Турія розташоване в 10 кілометрах на схід від Шполи. Знаходиться поблизу географічного центру України.

Вперше згадується в 1448 році в "Литовській метриці". За легендою, засновником села був якийсь козак Лебідь. В різні часи Лебедин належав князям Глинським, польським магнатам Конєцпольським, Любомирським, російським поміщикам Потьомкіним, Висоцьким, Лопухіним, Роговським.

В 1826 році коштом генерал-майора царської армії Миколи Висоцького, племінника князя Потьомкіна, була збудована Преображенська церква. В 1846 році був закладений цукровий завод. В лісі на схід від села знаходиться Лебединський монастир, заснований в 1779 році на землях князя Любомирського.

Н ...

Велике село Лебедин на річці Турія розташоване в 10 кілометрах на схід від Шполи. Знаходиться поблизу географічного центру України.

Вперше згадується в 1448 році в "Литовській метриці". За легендою, засновником села був якийсь козак Лебідь. В різні часи Лебедин належав князям Глинським, польським магнатам Конєцпольським, Любомирським, російським поміщикам Потьомкіним, Висоцьким, Лопухіним, Роговським.

В 1826 році коштом генерал-майора царської армії Миколи Висоцького, племінника князя Потьомкіна, була збудована Преображенська церква. В 1846 році був закладений цукровий завод. В лісі на схід від села знаходиться Лебединський монастир, заснований в 1779 році на землях князя Любомирського.

На в'їзді в село стоїть дерев'яний вітряк.

Сплануй своє перебування у Lebedyn

What to see and where to go in Lebedyn

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Tourist attractions and museums of Lebedyn

Saint Nicholas Monastery, Lebedyn
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Saint Nicholas Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The ancient Lebedyn Monastery of Saint Nicholas is located east of the village of Lebedyn in a picturesque and secluded location surrounded by forests and lakes.

It was founded by the nuns Mahdalyna and Tryfiliyeya in 1779 on the lands of Prince Frantsysk Ksaveriy Lubomyrskyi. The healing spring discovered by Saint Opanas has been preserved. The people call the Spring Mahdalynskyi" in memory of the first abbess of the monastery.

Initially, all the monastery buildings were wooden, but in the 19th century most of them were replaced by stone ones. Among them are the Saint Nicholas Church (1800) and the Barbarian Church (1839), which was destroyed during the Soviet era, but was rebuilt again in the 1990s. In 1837, a new 34-meter-high brick bell tower was built in place of the wooden one, through which the main entrance to the monastery was arranged (only a third of it has survived).

In 1929, the monastery was closed, the "Red October" commune was established on its territory, then a boarding school for homeless children, and later for children of the repressed. During the Second World War, the German authorities revived the monastery, but in 1961 it was closed again. Valuables were taken away, the bells were handed over to the museum of the city of Cherkasy. A tuberculosis hospital was placed on the territory, and then a boarding school.

The revival of the Lebedyn Monastery began in 1992. Today, two churches, a chapel, cell buildings are located within the walls of the monastery, and a little further away - a complex of farm buildings. All buildings, except the northern wall, are in excellent condition. The monastery belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate.

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