The city of Uman is a popular tourist center, known for one of the best park complexes in Ukraine. The city is located halfway from Kyiv to Odesa.
Uman was first mentioned in 1616 as the property of the Polish magnate Valentiy Kalynovskyi, the name comes from the Umanka River.
In 1726-1832 it belonged to the Potocki noble family. In 1796, Stanislav-Feliks Potoski founded the Sofiyvka landscape park, named after his wife Sofiya. This recognized masterpiece of world garden and park art is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine and attracts thousands of tourists.
Fragments of old buildings have been preserved in the central part of the city: Basilian Monastery, Saint Nicolas Cathedral, Assumption Church, shopping streets, etc. The complex of architectural monuments of th ...
The city of Uman is a popular tourist center, known for one of the best park complexes in Ukraine. The city is located halfway from Kyiv to Odesa.
Uman was first mentioned in 1616 as the property of the Polish magnate Valentiy Kalynovskyi, the name comes from the Umanka River.
In 1726-1832 it belonged to the Potocki noble family. In 1796, Stanislav-Feliks Potoski founded the Sofiyvka landscape park, named after his wife Sofiya. This recognized masterpiece of world garden and park art is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine and attracts thousands of tourists.
Fragments of old buildings have been preserved in the central part of the city: Basilian Monastery, Saint Nicolas Cathedral, Assumption Church, shopping streets, etc. The complex of architectural monuments of the city has been declared a State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Old Uman".
Also, Uman is a world-famous center of Hasidism. Here is the grave of the founder of the Breslov (Bratslav) tzaddik Rabbi Nachman, to which mass pilgrimages of Hasidic people from all over the world take place every September, on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.
Tourist infrastructure is developing at a slow pace, its level still leaves much to be desired.
Місто Умань - популярний туристичний центр, відомий завдяки одному з найкращих в Україні паркових комплексів. Місто розташоване на півдорозі з Києва до Одеси.
Вперше Умань згадується в 1616 році як володіння польського магната Валентія Калиновського, назва походить від річки Уманка. У 1726-1832 роках належало шляхетському роду Потоцьких.
У 1796 році Станіслав-Фелікс Потоцький заклав ландшафтний парк "Софіївка", названий на честь його дружини Софії. Цей визнаний шедевр світового садово-паркового мистецтва відомий далеко за межами України і приваблює тисячі туристів.
У центральній частині міста збереглися фрагменти старої забудови: Василіанський монастир, Миколаївський собор, Успенський костел, торгові ряди тощо. Комплекс пам'яток архітектури міста оголошен ...
Місто Умань - популярний туристичний центр, відомий завдяки одному з найкращих в Україні паркових комплексів. Місто розташоване на півдорозі з Києва до Одеси.
Вперше Умань згадується в 1616 році як володіння польського магната Валентія Калиновського, назва походить від річки Уманка. У 1726-1832 роках належало шляхетському роду Потоцьких.
У 1796 році Станіслав-Фелікс Потоцький заклав ландшафтний парк "Софіївка", названий на честь його дружини Софії. Цей визнаний шедевр світового садово-паркового мистецтва відомий далеко за межами України і приваблює тисячі туристів.
У центральній частині міста збереглися фрагменти старої забудови: Василіанський монастир, Миколаївський собор, Успенський костел, торгові ряди тощо. Комплекс пам'яток архітектури міста оголошено Державним історико-архітектурним заповідником "Стара Умань".
Також Умань є всесвітньо відомим центром хасидизму. Тут знаходиться могила засновника бресловського (брацлавського) руху цадика Раббі Нахмана, до якої щовересня, на свято Рош Ха-Шана, відбуваються масові паломництва хасидів з усього світу.
Туристична інфраструктура розвивається невисокими темпами, її рівень поки залишає бажати кращого.
National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka"
Park / garden
The famous park "Sofiyivka" in Uman is a masterpiece of world-class garden and park art, an example of a landscape composition of water, land, architectural structures and sculptures. The park was founded in 1796 by Count Stanislav-Feliks Potocki and presented to his wife, the beautiful Greek Sofiya, on her birthday in 1802.
The park was built by the Belgian military engineer Lyudvih Mettsel in a romantic style using plots from Roman and Greek mythology. At that time, "Sofiyivka" included the Great waterfall with an iron bridge, the Amsterdam lock cut into the rock, the Grotto of the Lion (or Thunder), the Grotto of Venus with a waterfall, the Rybka basin, the Upper and Lower ponds, an underground river. Styx and others. Then appeared: the entrance gate (1850-1852 years); flora pavilion (1842-1844 years); the pink pavilion on Love Island (1850-1852) in the Renaissance style; Chinese gazebo (1841).
The originals of the park sculpture from the Sofiyivka Park are exhibited in the hotel-museum near the central (old) entrance. Opposite the bus station is a new entrance and a shop selling seedlings.
In 2019, a new part of the arboretum – the Fantasy Park "Nova Sofiyivka" – opened opposite the old entrance to "Sofiyivka" on Sadovaya Street.
There is a large influx of people on weekends in Sofiyivka Park.
Basilian Monastery (Old Uman Nature Reserve)
Architecture , Museum / gallery
The State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Old Uman" unites 68 objects of historical and cultural heritage in the central part of the city of Uman.
The administration and exhibition hall are located in the premises of the Basilian Monastery - the oldest building in the city. The monastery was built by the governor of Kyiv Frantsishek Saleziy Potocki in 1764-1784 for a Greek Catholic monastery with a Basilian school, which became the cradle of the poets of the "Ukrainian school" in Polish literature.
After the liquidation of the Polish state in 1832 and the confiscation of the estates of the owner of Uman, Count Potocki, the Basilian school was closed, and the monastery buildings were used for administrative purposes. In Soviet times, there was a military unit.
Since 2006, the former monastery complex has housed the administration of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Old Uman" with exhibition halls, which host temporary exhibitions.
The tourist route "Mysterious dungeons of the Basilian monastery" is organized in the underground premises.
Also in the reserve you can book city tours "Streets of old Uman", "Uman during the Second World War", "Uman and Hasids".
Tzadik Rabbi Nachman Grave
Historic area
The grave of the tzaddik Rabbi Nachman (Bratslavskyi) in Uman is one of the most revered Hasidic shrines, a place of annual mass pilgrimages.
Rabbi Nachman, the founder of the Breslov current of Hasidism (the orthodox branch of Judaism), tzaddik (righteous man), according to his will, was buried in the territory of the Jewish cemetery in Uman in 1810.
During the Second World War, the grave of Tzadik Nachman was destroyed, during Soviet times a residential neighborhood was built on the site of the cemetery. After 1991, Hasidim from all over the world started coming to this place regularly, the surrounding houses were partially or completely bought, and a temporary synagogue was built on the site of Nachman's grave in Uman. Later, the largest synagogue in Ukraine was built here for 7,000 people.
Every September, during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), this area, filled with pilgrims, acquires a bright Middle Eastern flavor.
Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Art Museum)
Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery
The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Uman was built on the initiative of Count Andriy Potocki on the site of the old wooden church of Saint Anthony.
During Soviet times, two towers with domes and crosses were removed from the Assumption Church. The building was used for various purposes, and in 1977, the Uman Art Museum was opened there.
There are two departments in the permanent museum`s exhibition: "Western European and Ukrainian art of the 19th - early 20th centuries (works of Western European artists Dzhuzeppe Betstsuoli, Zhan-Batist Hrez, Symon, Polish masters Stanislav Reykhan, Kazimir Mardzevych, Kryzhanovsky, the German artist Busch), as well as "Modern Ukrainian art".
Divine services are held every Sunday in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Fantasy Park "Nova Sofiyivka"
Park / garden
Fantasy Park "Nova Sofiyivka" opened in 2019 as a modern extension of the National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" in Uman. It is located opposite the old entrance to "Sofiyivka" on Sadova Street, along the Kamyanka River.
A feature of "Nova Sofiyivka" is the harmonious combination of the natural environment, light installations and modern art objects that immerse the visitor in the mystical world of mythical heroes, courageous samurai, majestic dragons and fantastic unearthly creatures.
Guests are greeted by a stylized entrance group, next to which are presented paintings with the periods of development of "Sofiyivka". Next, you can see a light and music installation with a portrait of Sofia Potocka, an innovative 3D mapping show "Soul of the Forest", a waterfall "Dragons", a sculpture "Pegasus" and an observation deck.
In addition, a Japanese garden with a lake, gazebos and a rock garden was built on the territory, a Ukrainian estate with heroes of ancient myths was arranged, a fountain garden was created, as well as regular, fairy-tale and landscape gardens. The park is equipped with a multifunctional playground, a library and a house for children.
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