Nove Porichchia

Travel guide online Nove Porichchia

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General information about Nove Porichchia

The village of Nove Porichchia on the Trostyanets River is located 10 kilometers north of Horodok.

Founded in 1762 by the Polish magnate Yan Zamoyskyi. Later it became the property of the Mnisheks, who built a small neo-Gothic palace with a tall watchtower.

In 1830, Nove Porichchia was purchased by a nobleman, Viktor Skibnevskyi, head of the justices of the peace in the Proskuriv district. He built a new palace in the style of classicism (not preserved). In 1876, his son Henryk founded the Nove Porichchia Brewery, which was soon purchased by Countess Kateryna Ihnatyeva (now in ruins).

Of the manor buildings, only the stable has survived, which now houses the school, nicknamed the "horn" ...

The village of Nove Porichchia on the Trostyanets River is located 10 kilometers north of Horodok.

Founded in 1762 by the Polish magnate Yan Zamoyskyi. Later it became the property of the Mnisheks, who built a small neo-Gothic palace with a tall watchtower.

In 1830, Nove Porichchia was purchased by a nobleman, Viktor Skibnevskyi, head of the justices of the peace in the Proskuriv district. He built a new palace in the style of classicism (not preserved). In 1876, his son Henryk founded the Nove Porichchia Brewery, which was soon purchased by Countess Kateryna Ihnatyeva (now in ruins).

Of the manor buildings, only the stable has survived, which now houses the school, nicknamed the "horn" for its neo-Gothic decorative elements.

Село Нове Поріччя на річці Тростянець розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північ від Городка.

Засноване в 1762 році польським магнатом Яном Замойським. Пізніше перейшло у власність Мнішеків, які побудували невеликий неоготичний палац з високою сторожовою вежею.

В 1830 році Нове Поріччя придбав шляхтич Віктор Скібневський, голова мирових судів Проскурівського повіту. Він побудував новий палац в стилі класицизму (не зберігся). Його син Генрик заснував в 1876 році Ново-Порічанський пивоварний завод, який незабаром придбала графиня Катерина Ігнатьєва (зараз в руїнах).

З садибних будівель збереглася лише стайня, в якій зараз розміщена школа, прозвана "рогатою" за неоготичні елементи декору.

Сплануй своє перебування у Nove Porichchia

What to see and where to go in Nove Porichchia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Nove Porichchia

Skybnevsky Estate ("Horned school"), Nove Porichchia
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Skybnevsky Estate ("Horned school")


"Horned school" is the name given to a one-story building in the Neo-Gothic style in Nove Porichchia, which houses the Nove Porichchia secondary school.

The building was erected in the 19th century as one of the farm buildings of the estate of the Skybnevsky noblemen. Apparently, they were man's stables.

The school got its nickname for the characteristic elements of the architectural decor – high sharp pincers above the end walls.

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