The village of Hoshcha is located on the Horyn River, on the Kyiv-Chop highway, 30 kilometers east of Rivne.
Known since 1152, it was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. Most likely, the name comes from the word "guest" (merchant) and means "inn".
Since the 14th century, Hoshcha was owned by the Tatar family Kirdeev, who later became known as Hostski, then Hoyskyi. They built a castle, the ramparts of which can be traced to this day. At the end of the 16th century, under Havriyl Hoyskyi, Hoshcha became a major center of Socinianism - one of the Protestant currents. There was an Arian monastery and collegium in which Hryhoriy Otrepiev, the future Tsar Lzhedmitry, studied for some time. After the de ...
The village of Hoshcha is located on the Horyn River, on the Kyiv-Chop highway, 30 kilometers east of Rivne.
Known since 1152, it was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. Most likely, the name comes from the word "guest" (merchant) and means "inn".
Since the 14th century, Hoshcha was owned by the Tatar family Kirdeev, who later became known as Hostski, then Hoyskyi. They built a castle, the ramparts of which can be traced to this day. At the end of the 16th century, under Havriyl Hoyskyi, Hoshcha became a major center of Socinianism - one of the Protestant currents. There was an Arian monastery and collegium in which Hryhoriy Otrepiev, the future Tsar Lzhedmitry, studied for some time. After the death of Roman Hoyskyi, his sister Rehina Solomyretska-Hoyska expelled the Protestants and founded the Hoshcha Monastery with an Orthodox school at the Saint Michael's Church (1632), which was under the care of Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Kyiv.
For some time, Hoshcha was owned by the Ukrainian nobleman Adam Kysil.
In the center of the village is a park of the 18th century of English layout with a poorly preserved manor of the Valevskyi (19th century) in the style of a palace-chalet (now the district library).
Селище Гоща рощташоване на річці Горинь, на трасі Київ-Чоп в 30 кілометрах на схід від Рівного.
Відоме з 1152 року, входило до складу Галицько-Волинського князівства. Найімовірніше, назва походить від слова "гість" (купець) і означає "заїжджий двір".
З XIV століття Гощею володів татарський рід Кірдєєв, які згодом стали іменуватися Гостськими, потім Гойськими. Ними був побудований замок, вали якого простежуються до сих пір. В кінці XVI століття, при Гавриїлі Гойському, Гоща стала великим центром соцініанства - однієї з протестантських течій. Діяв аріанський монастир і колегіум, в якому деякий час навчався Григорій Отреп'єв, майбутній цар Лжедмитрій. Після смерті Романа Гойського йог ...
Селище Гоща рощташоване на річці Горинь, на трасі Київ-Чоп в 30 кілометрах на схід від Рівного.
Відоме з 1152 року, входило до складу Галицько-Волинського князівства. Найімовірніше, назва походить від слова "гість" (купець) і означає "заїжджий двір".
З XIV століття Гощею володів татарський рід Кірдєєв, які згодом стали іменуватися Гостськими, потім Гойськими. Ними був побудований замок, вали якого простежуються до сих пір. В кінці XVI століття, при Гавриїлі Гойському, Гоща стала великим центром соцініанства - однієї з протестантських течій. Діяв аріанський монастир і колегіум, в якому деякий час навчався Григорій Отреп'єв, майбутній цар Лжедмитрій. Після смерті Романа Гойського його сестра Регіна Соломирецька-Гойська вигнала протестантів і заснувала при Михайлівській церкві (1632 рік) Гощанський монастир з православною школою, якою опікувався київський митрополит Петро Могила.
Деякий час Гощею володів український шляхтич Адам Кисіль.
В центрі селища розташований парк XVIII століття англійського планування з погано збереженою садибою Валевських (ХІХ століття) в стилі палацу-шале (зараз - районна бібліотека).
Hoshcha Intercession Monastery
Temple , Architecture
The Hoshcha Orthodox Monastery was founded in 1639 at the Saint Michael's Church, which, according to the protective plaque, was built in Hoshcha in 1632.
The founder of the monastery was Rehina Solomyretska-Hoyska, who inherited Hoshcha from her brother Roman Hoysky. Soon, a relative of Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Solomyretska transferred here from Vinnytsia a branch of the Kyiv-Mohylyanska Orthodox School, whose rector was Innokenty Hisel. The monastery and the school were helped in every possible way by the champion of Orthodoxy, the Ukrainian nobleman Adam Kysil, who owned the Hoshcha house since 1642. Soon, the Michael Church and the monastery passed to the Greek Catholics, but in 1833 they were finally returned to the Orthodox.
Each time the temple was rebuilt, but did not lose its distinctive features. In particular, the window openings have preserved their original slightly arrowed contours - echoes of Gothic architecture. The building acquired its modern appearance as a result of reconstruction in 1888. The warm Saint Nicholas Church was built next to it with a cell building attached to it.
During the Soviet rule, the premises were used for economic purposes. At present, the restored churches are part of the complex of the Saint-Intercession Hoshcha women's monastery.
Lenkevych-Valevsky Estate (Pohoryna Museum)
Museum / gallery , Palace / manor
The estate of the Lenkevychi-Valevsky landowners in Hoshcha is an outstanding monument of palatial modernism in the residential architecture of Volyn in the 19th century, the embodiment of modernist aesthetics in Volyn garden and park construction. The palace is an architectural monument of local importance.
At the end of the 18th century, Stanislav Kostka Lenkevych of the Lenkevych-Ipochorskyi family, to whom Hoshcha had belonged since the beginning of the 18th century, founded the Hoshcha estate with an English-style park and a one-story wooden house. In 1852 the estate became the property of Oktaviya Lenkevych, who married Count Mikhal Valevsky. Around this time, the current palace was built in the style of a Swiss chalet - an alpine house with half-timbered facades, an attic floor, a decorative tower and a balcony over a porch in Art Nouveau style. The last owners were the Russian landowners Isakov.
In Soviet times, the palace was greatly modified by adding a second floor, completing the second wing instead of a decorative tower and partially covering the facades with ceramic tiles, but the main facade remained close to the original. For a long time the building was used as a district library.
In 2017, the Lenkevych-Valevsky estate was transferred to the balance of the Hoscha village council, and restoration work began. Now the exposition of the Hoshcha Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Pohoryna" is unfolding here.
Hoshcha Park with an area of 7 hectares is a monument of landscape art of national importance. Among its greenery you can find a relict ginkgo tree, which is also called the "dinosaur tree". Also growing are marsh oak with a pyramidal crown, Schwedler's red-leaved maple, Weymouth pine with small silky needles and long narrow cones, Japanese sophora, which resembles white acacia but has no thorns.
Water Mill
A wooden three-story building of a water mill on the Korchytsya River (a tributary of the Horyn) was built in Hoshcha in the 18th-19th centuries.
Currently, the mill is not working, the first floor is practically flooded, but part of the equipment that still remains in the building has been preserved.
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