Rukomysh Caves, Rukomysh

Historic area


Natural object

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General information about Rukomysh Caves (Rukomysh)

The cult complex in the village of Rukomysh arose around the cave temple of the Holy Sepulchre, founded in the 13th century by Kyiv monks who came here after the destruction of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

The basis for the temple was a natural cave in the travertine rock, which was further expanded. Next to the temple there are several smaller grottoes-cells, cut out of the rock by hand.

Later, the monks moved to Buchach, where they founded a new monastery, and only a few elders remained in Rukomysh.

In 1768, the Saint Onuphrius Church was built at the foot of the rock. It houses a unique wooden sculpture of Saint Onuphrius by the outstanding sculptor Ivan Heorhiy Pinzel, discovered here by chance.

The complex also includes a pool for sanctifying water and a St ...

The cult complex in the village of Rukomysh arose around the cave temple of the Holy Sepulchre, founded in the 13th century by Kyiv monks who came here after the destruction of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

The basis for the temple was a natural cave in the travertine rock, which was further expanded. Next to the temple there are several smaller grottoes-cells, cut out of the rock by hand.

Later, the monks moved to Buchach, where they founded a new monastery, and only a few elders remained in Rukomysh.

In 1768, the Saint Onuphrius Church was built at the foot of the rock. It houses a unique wooden sculpture of Saint Onuphrius by the outstanding sculptor Ivan Heorhiy Pinzel, discovered here by chance.

The complex also includes a pool for sanctifying water and a Stations of the Cross with several chapels.

Культовий комплекс у селі Рукомиш виник навколо печерного храму Гробу Господнього, заснованого в XIII сторіччі київськими ченцями, які прийшли сюди після руйнування Києво-Печерської лаври.

Основою для храму стала природна печера у травертиновій скелі, яка була додатково розширена. Поруч із храмом є кілька менших гротів-келій, вирубаних у скелі вручну.

Пізніше ченці переселилися до Бучача, де заснували новий монастир, а в Рукомиші залишилося лише кілька старців.

У 1768 році біля підніжжя скелі було споруджено Онуфріївську церкву. У ній зберігається унікальна дерев'яна скульптура Святого Онуфрія роботи видатного скульптора Івана Георгія Пінзеля, виявлена тут випадково.

В комплекс також входить басейн для освячення води та Хресна дорога з кількома каплицями.

Practical information about Rukomysh Caves (Rukomysh)

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Categories Historic area, Temple, Natural object
Date of foundation XIII century


Coordinates 49.0949° N, 25.3772° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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