Brodsky Theater (City Culture House), Pryluky


Theater / show

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General information about Brodsky Theater (City Culture House) (Pryluky)

The Pryluky City Cultural House is one of the most prominent buildings in the city.

As the first professional theater stage, Pryluky began to build it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the burgher Brodskyi together with the owner of the brick factory Shtonda, but they did not have enough funds to complete the construction. The central two-story part was completed only in 1930.

Currently, the People's Amateur Theater "Rampa" and several other creative groups perform on the stage of the House of Culture. Theater festivals are held here every year, gathering amateur groups from all over Ukraine.

In 2008, a monument to the famous Ukrainian theater and film actor Mykola Yakovchenko, a native of Pryluky, was erected on the square in front of the Brod ...

The Pryluky City Cultural House is one of the most prominent buildings in the city.

As the first professional theater stage, Pryluky began to build it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the burgher Brodskyi together with the owner of the brick factory Shtonda, but they did not have enough funds to complete the construction. The central two-story part was completed only in 1930.

Currently, the People's Amateur Theater "Rampa" and several other creative groups perform on the stage of the House of Culture. Theater festivals are held here every year, gathering amateur groups from all over Ukraine.

In 2008, a monument to the famous Ukrainian theater and film actor Mykola Yakovchenko, a native of Pryluky, was erected on the square in front of the Brodsky Theater building.

Прилуцький міський будинок культури - одна з найвизначніших будівель міста.

В якості першої професійної театральної сцени Прилук його почав будувати в кінці XIX – на початку XX століття міщанин Бродський разом із власником цегельного заводу Штондою, проте на завершення будівництва у них не вистачило коштів. Центральна двоповерхова частина була добудована лише в 1930 році.

Нині на сцені Будинку культури виступає Народний самодіяльний театр "Рампа" та кілька інших творчих колективів. Щороку тут відбуваються театральні фестивалі, які збирають аматорські колективи з усієї України.

На площі перед будівлею театру Бродського в 2008 році встановлено пам'ятник знаменитому українському актору театру та кіно Миколі Яковченку, уродженцю Прилук.

Practical information about Brodsky Theater (City Culture House) (Pryluky)

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Categories Architecture, Theater / show
Date of foundation 1900-1930
Address Yuriya Koptyeva Street, 28


Coordinates 50.591588° N, 32.381778° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4637 30 432, +380 4637 30 260,
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