Holy Assumption Cathedral, Pereyaslav



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General information about Holy Assumption Cathedral (Pereyaslav)

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pereyaslav is located in the western part of the former city center, on the site of the church of the same name, founded in the 12th century.

Before its destruction by the Tatars in the 13th century, it served as a house church for the princes of Pereyaslav. In 1586, Prince Vasyl Ostrozkyi rebuilt the temple as a military cathedral. It was here on January 8, 1654 that the Cossack foreman, led by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, took an oath of loyalty to the Moscow Tsar. A year later, during a big fire, the wooden building burned down.

Modern architectural forms - a five-domed church in the pseudo-Byzantine style - the cathedral acquired at the end of the 19th century. The church is still active.

In June 2022, the ...

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pereyaslav is located in the western part of the former city center, on the site of the church of the same name, founded in the 12th century.

Before its destruction by the Tatars in the 13th century, it served as a house church for the princes of Pereyaslav. In 1586, Prince Vasyl Ostrozkyi rebuilt the temple as a military cathedral. It was here on January 8, 1654 that the Cossack foreman, led by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, took an oath of loyalty to the Moscow Tsar. A year later, during a big fire, the wooden building burned down.

Modern architectural forms - a five-domed church in the pseudo-Byzantine style - the cathedral acquired at the end of the 19th century. The church is still active.

In June 2022, the Assumption Cathedral joined the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Собор Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Переяславі знаходиться у західній частині колишнього дитинця, на місці однойменного храму, закладеного ще в XII сторіччі.

До руйнування татарами у XIII столітті він служив домашньою церквою переяславським князям. В 1586 році князь Василь Острозький відбудував храм уже як військовий собор. Саме тут 8 січня 1654 року козацька старшина на чолі з Богданом Хмельницьким склала присягу на вірність московському цареві. Через рік під час великої пожежі дерев'яна будівля згоріла.

Сучасні архітектурні форми - п'ятикупольний храм у псевдовізантійському стилі - собор набув у кінці ХІХ століття. Церква досі діє.

В червні 2022 року Успенський собор приєднався до Православної церкви України.

Practical information about Holy Assumption Cathedral (Pereyaslav)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation XII-XIX centuries
Address maidan Knyazhy dvir, 12


Coordinates 50.06824° N, 31.46244° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 67 689 5680,
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