The estate of the Kornitsky family in Rohachi was established at the beginning of the 19th century, after the landowner Yan Kornitsky purchased the village from General Lyubovytskyi.
In 1908, Ventsyslav Kornitsky built a magnificent palace in the style of classicism according to the project of the Kyiv architect Karol Ivanytskyi. The building is well preserved - in Soviet times it housed a school. Particularly beautiful is the portico with six columns supporting a pediment richly decorated with stucco. The family coat of arms of the Kornitsky has been preserved on the pediment. The interiors, also decorated with stucco, have been partially preserved. The palace is surrounded by a rather neglected park. A canyon-like road cut deep into the cliff leads to the estate.
Currently ...
The estate of the Kornitsky family in Rohachi was established at the beginning of the 19th century, after the landowner Yan Kornitsky purchased the village from General Lyubovytskyi.
In 1908, Ventsyslav Kornitsky built a magnificent palace in the style of classicism according to the project of the Kyiv architect Karol Ivanytskyi. The building is well preserved - in Soviet times it housed a school. Particularly beautiful is the portico with six columns supporting a pediment richly decorated with stucco. The family coat of arms of the Kornitsky has been preserved on the pediment. The interiors, also decorated with stucco, have been partially preserved. The palace is surrounded by a rather neglected park. A canyon-like road cut deep into the cliff leads to the estate.
Currently, the Kornitsky Palace in Rohachi is in private ownership, restoration has begun.
Садиба роду Корніцьких у Рогачах закладена на початку ХІХ століття, після того, як поміщик Ян Корніцький придбав село у генерала Любовицького.
У 1908 році Венцислав Корніцький збудував чудовий палац у стилі класицизму за проєктом київського архітектора Кароля Іваницького. Будівля непогано збереглася - за радянських часів у ній була школа. Особливо гарний портик із шістьма колонами, які підтримують фронтон, багато прикрашений ліпниною. На фронтоні зберігся родовий герб Корніцьких. Частково збереглися інтер'єри, також декоровані ліпниною. Палац оточений досить занедбаним парком. До садиби веде глибоко врізана в обрив каньйоноподібна дорога.
Наразі палац Корніцьких у Рогачах перебуває у приватній власності, розпочато реставрацію.
Last update
Categories | Palace / manor, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1908 |
Address |
Rohachi |
Coordinates |
49.6370094° N, 29.3503189° E
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