Attractions of Berdychiv district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Berdychiv district

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Berdychiv district


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Андрушівська астрономічна обсерваторія "Липневий ранок", Гальчин
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Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory "July Morning"

Museum / gallery

The only private observatory in Ukraine was opened in 2001 by astronomer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuriy Ivashchenko in his native village of Halchyn (suburb of Andrushivka) in Zhytomyr region.

330 new small planets, called asteroids, were recorded here. Four of them received permanent names - Zhytomyr, Andrushivka, Svyatylivka and Akosipov.

The observatory is located in the village of Halchyn at the exit from Andrushivka in the direction of Chervone.

Map pin icon Observatorna Street, 3-7 Halchyn


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Музей історії міста, Бердичів
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Berdychiv City History Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Berdychiv City History Museum is located in the center of the city of Berdychiv in one of the wings of the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites - the former house of priests.

In addition to the main exposition, which tells about the history of the city of Berdychiv, in the museum you can visit various thematic exhibitions.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 25 Berdychiv


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Музей еврейства, Бердичів
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Berdychiv Museum of Jewishness

Museum / gallery

The Berdychiv Museum of Jewishness was opened in 2015 in the premises of the City Children's Library.

The exposition in two halls tells about the life of Berdychiv Jews, about the history and traditions of the Jewish people, as well as about the tragic events of the Holocaust during the Second World War.

The exhibits were provided by residents of Berdychiv, in particular, the city's Jewish community.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 15 Berdychiv


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Монастир кармелітів босих, Бердичів
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Discalced Carmelites Monastery-Fortress

Temple , Architecture

The monastery-fortress of the Discalced Carmelites in Berdychiv is the All-Ukrainian Sanctuary of the Mother of God of the Holy Scapular.

The majestic architectural complex with defensive walls, towers and a magnificent baroque church was founded in the 16th century as a castle of the Tyshkevych, who owned these lands since the 14th century.

In 1630, Voivode Yanush Tyshkevych, after his remarkable rescue from Tatar captivity, donated the castle to the Catholic Order of the Discalced Carmelites. The construction of the monastery lasted from 1634 to 1632. In the 18th century, it was reconstructed according to the project of Yan de Vitte, who built the upper church of the Holy Trinity above the lower church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

The main shrine of the Discalced Carmelite Monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Berdychivska, given to the monastery by Yanush Tyshkevych. In 1997, a copy of the icon was consecrated and crowned by Pope John Paul II. Her sanctuary (holy storage) is the upper temple. The parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary operates at the sanctuary.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 25 Berdychiv


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Острів кохання, Старий Солотвин
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Island of Love (Fisherman's House)

Museum / gallery , Natural object

A romantic island on a pond on the Kodnianka River in the center of Staryi Solotvyn in Zhytomyr Region is called the "Island of Love" by local residents. This tiny piece of land was created artificially in 1970, and in the 1980s a small wooden house was built on it for hunters and fishermen.

The fisherman's house, reminiscent of a fairy-tale cabin, is decorated with delicate carvings and brightly painted. A narrow wooden pedestrian bridge with a railing leads to it. Nearby there is a gazebo for relaxation and several wooden benches.

A romantic house with a wobbly town on a small island surrounded by fir trees and birches looks very colorful at any time of the year, which attracts tourists and photographers.

Currently, the Fisherman's House in Staryi Solotvyn is a branch of the Center for Culture and Leisure of the Hryshkivtsi Settlement Council. In the room there is a small ethnographic exposition: embroidered rugs, towels, tablecloths, embroidered paintings, home-woven carpets and various household items collected by the inhabitants of the village of Staryi Solotvyn.

Map pin icon Oleksandr Sokorchuk Street, 23A Staryi Solotvyn


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Музей Джозефа Конрада, Бердичів
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Joseph Conrad Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The museum of the English writer Joseph Conrad (Yuzef Kozhenovsky), a native of Berdychiv and a Pole by origin, was opened in 2015 in the complex of the Monastery of the Barefoot Carmelites.

The exhibition materials were shared by the Adam Mitskevych Museum of Literature (Warsaw), the Jagiellonian Library (Krakow), the Beineke Library (Yale University), the Central Maritime Museum (Gdansk), and the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich (England). Professor Zdzislav Nayder (Poland) also provided materials from his own archive.

The main exhibit is a fragment of the hull of the ship Otego, captained by Joseph Conrad. Interactive technologies are widely used in the exhibition.

The visit is free.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 25 Berdychiv


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Панська садиба, Яроповичі
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Manor House

Palace / manor

Local residents call the 19th-century manor house with a wooden manor house and a picturesque park on the banks of the Irpin River in Yaropovychi "panska".

Until 1859, the manor belonged to the Pole Tyt Trzhetsyak, then it became the property of Syhizmund Kotyushynsky. The characteristic provincial architecture with many carved elements and decorations gives a vivid idea of the life of small landowners of the 19th century.

Until recently, there was a high school in the building, now there are plans to create a local history museum.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 36A Yaropovychi


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Костел Святої Клари, Городківка
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Saint Clare Church

Temple , Architecture

The neo-Gothic church of Saint Clare, located on the shore of a small pond in Horodkivka, can be mistaken for a medieval castle from a distance.

In the architecture of this unusual structure for Central Ukraine, a close interweaving of Romanesque and Gothic styles can be traced, emphasized by a combination of wild stone and red brick.

The initiator of the construction of the church of Saint Clare was the Polish memoirist Yevstakhiy Ivanovsky, who lived in Halayimhorodok (the former name of Horodkivka). The writer wanted to build a temple in honor of the heavenly patroness of his mother, Klara Ivanovska. He did not have time to fulfill his promise, but dying, he bequeathed it to others. In 1912, the church of Saint Clare was still built at the expense of Romuald Zhmihrodzky.

The church is an architectural monument of local importance. Today, the temple belongs to the Roman Catholic order of the Discalced Carmelites.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 40 Horodkivka


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Палац Терещенків, Червоне
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Tereshchenko Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Tereshchenko family palace in the village of Chervone near Berdychiv is one of the most interesting architectural monuments of the Zhytomyr region. A large, albeit badly dilapidated, three-story neo-Gothic house with two towers contrasts sharply with the surrounding agricultural landscape of the village.

The palace with pointed windows and other Gothic elements was built by the magnate Adolf Norbert Erasmus Grocholski, who owned Chervone in the 18th-19th centuries.

At the end of the 19th century, the estate was purchased from Princess Wanda Radziwill by the sugar manufacturer Mykola Tereshchenko, who later sold (or transferred) it to his brother Fedir Tereshchenko, who reconstructed the palace and the sugar factory located next door. His son Fedir Tereshchenko Jr. opened an aircraft workshop at the factory at the beginning of the 20th century, where in 1913 the production of airplanes for the military department was established. Now the plant has a small museum dedicated to the history of aircraft construction and the Tereshchenko family.

In Soviet times, the palace housed a vocational school, and the outbuildings housed production workshops. Later, for a long time, the dilapidated building belonged to the Zhytomyr diocese of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Chervonensky Convent of the Nativity of Christ was opened in it, but no restoration work was carried out.

In 2024, the Tereshchenko palace in Chervone was returned to state ownership. The building is now under the care of the public organization "Chervone Touristic", the Grocholski Art Space is open in the premises, and emergency and conservation work is being carried out.

On the territory you can see a non-working fountain, which used to be decorated with four fish. Another fountain with a unique cast-iron sculpture "Three Graces", which Tereshchenko ordered from France, is now standing on the square in front of the building of culture.

Map pin icon Tereshchenko Street, 3 Chervone


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Палац Корніцьких, Рогачі
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Kornitsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of the Kornitsky family in Rohachi was established at the beginning of the 19th century, after the landowner Yan Kornitsky purchased the village from General Lyubovytskyi.

In 1908, Ventsyslav Kornitsky built a magnificent palace in the style of classicism according to the project of the Kyiv architect Karol Ivanytskyi. The building is well preserved - in Soviet times it housed a school. Particularly beautiful is the portico with six columns supporting a pediment richly decorated with stucco. The family coat of arms of the Kornitsky has been preserved on the pediment. The interiors, also decorated with stucco, have been partially preserved. The palace is surrounded by a rather neglected park. A canyon-like road cut deep into the cliff leads to the estate.

Currently, the Kornitsky Palace in Rohachi is in private ownership, restoration has begun.

Map pin icon Rohachi


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Костел Святої Варвари, Бердичів
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Saint Barbara Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Barbara was built in Berdychiv in 1826 according to the project of the architect Antoniy Prushynskyi on the site of the old wooden church built by the Radzyvill princes in 1759.

In 1850, the famous French writer Onore de Balzak married Evelina Hanska, Countess of Verkhivnya, in the church of Saint Barbara (a memorial plaque is installed on the facade).

In addition, the church of Saint Barbara is known for the fact that in 1824-1825, while staying at the court of the Radzivill princes, the young Fryderyk Shopen played and learned to play stringed instruments in the church from Professor Zhyvniy.

Next to the church is the grotto of the Virgin Mary.

During Soviet times, the premises of the Church of Saint Barbara were used as a sports hall. Today, the church is operational.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 25 Berdychiv


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Музей цукрового заводу, Червоне
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Sugar Factory Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

In the 19th century, the Tereshchenko family of industrialists bought the sugar factory in Chervone from the landowners Hrokholsky. They modernized the plant in accordance with advanced technologies at that time.

Fedir Tereshchenko, who was fond of aircraft construction, founded an aviation workshop at the plant. The hippodrome was used as an airfield. In 1910, seven aircraft were built on the basis of French "cases", one of which fought in the Russian army during the First World War. Ihor Sikorskyi, one of the fathers of world aviation, worked as an engineer at the enterprise, who later created the largest airplane of that time, "Illya Muromets", at the expense of Tereshchenko.

After the Bolshevik coup of 1917, the plant was nationalized, and later a museum of the enterprise was opened on the territory.

In recent years, the exposition has been supplemented with materials about the Tereshchenko family and their contribution to aircraft construction. Apply to the pass-through.

Map pin icon Ozerna Street Chervone


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Пивоварний завод, Бердичів
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Berdychiv Brewery

Winery / brewery , Architecture

Berdychiv Brewery is widely known in Ukraine as a producer of quality unpasteurized beer.

The plant was built in 1861 by the Czech colonist Stanislav Chep. Since then, the technology has changed little: malt is germinated in the attic, it is poured into the boilers with plywood shovels, and the beer itself ferments in the cellars.

Now the brewery produces 13 varieties of "live" beer without preservatives: "Berdychiv hoppy", "Berdychiv lager", "Berdychiv Yuvileyne", "Berdychiv Original", "Berdychiv Carmelit", "Berdychiv Hetmanske", "Berdychiv Premium", "Stary Berdychiv". ", "Berdychiv Classic" and others.

Excursions are available by prior arrangement, during which you can see with your own eyes how beer is brewed according to the classic technology with the help of modern equipment.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 114 Berdychiv


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Палац Терещенка, Андрушівка
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Berzhynsky-Tereshchenko Palace

Palace / manor

The palace in the Neo-Renaissance style of the second half of the 19th century was built in Andrushivka by the sugar factory Mykola Tereshchenko on the site of the old palace of the Berzhynsky counts.

The second floor above the greenhouse, which connected the palace and the utility building, was built in 1975.

During the Soviet-Ukrainian war, the Volynrevkom was located in the palace, then the headquarters of the First Cavalry Army under the leadership of commander Semen Budyonny.

Currently, a secondary school is located in the premises of Mykola Tereshchenko's palace. Fragments of stucco decoration on the ceilings, marble stairs, and an ancient carved table have been preserved in the interiors.

The palace is located above a swan pond in the middle of an old park. Cedar and cork trees can be found among the park vegetation. A monument to Mykola Tereshchenko, opened in 2014 at the expense of local businessman Yevhen Hrynyshyn, was installed in the park.

Map pin icon Sadova Street, 1 Andrushivka


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Хоральна синагога, Бердичів
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Choral Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

The Great Choral Synagogue was built in Berdychiv in 1850 at the expense of the city's large Jewish community (up to 93% of the population was Jewish).

The Berdychiv Synagogue was one of the first choral synagogues in the Russian Empire. Its monumentality and size indicated its significant role in the life of the city community.

In 1929, the Soviet authorities turned the temple into a club, and during the German occupation it was destroyed.

After the Second World War, the surviving Jewish community of Berdychiv restored the synagogue, but in 1964, the Soviet authorities took the building again and opened a glove factory in the temple premises, which is still operating today.

Map pin icon Vinnytska Street, 5/2 Berdychiv


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