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Attractions Lviv
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Princely Church
The Princely Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is the oldest monument of monumental architecture in Lviv.
Apparently, the church was built as a burial place for Halician princes, and was the main spiritual center of the Lviv Ruthenians. The first mention of the Church of Saint Nicholas dates back to 1292. Back in princely times, the church served not only as a temple, but also as a center of social and political life.
It was located at the foot of the High Castle Hill (Vysoky Zamok), next to the Old Market square (Stary rynok), which was the center of the lower town in the early Middle Ages. The thickness of the walls of the Saint Nicholas temple also indicates the defensive importance of the b ...
The Princely Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is the oldest monument of monumental architecture in Lviv.
Apparently, the church was built as a burial place for Halician princes, and was the main spiritual center of the Lviv Ruthenians. The first mention of the Church of Saint Nicholas dates back to 1292. Back in princely times, the church served not only as a temple, but also as a center of social and political life.
It was located at the foot of the High Castle Hill (Vysoky Zamok), next to the Old Market square (Stary rynok), which was the center of the lower town in the early Middle Ages. The thickness of the walls of the Saint Nicholas temple also indicates the defensive importance of the building.
Княжий Храм Святого Миколая Чудотворця - найдавніша пам'ятка монументальної архітектури Львова.
Мабуть, храм будувався як усипальниця галицьких князів, був головним духовним центром львівських русинів. Перша згадка про церкву Святого Миколая датується 1292 роком. Ще в князівські часи церква служила не тільки храмом, а й центром суспільно-політичного життя.
Розташовувалася біля підніжжя гори Високий Замок, поряд із площею Старий Ринок, де за часів раннього середньовіччя був центр нижнього міста. Товщина стін храму Святого Миколая свідчить також про оборонне значення споруди.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | XIII century |
Address |
Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 28A
Lviv |
Coordinates |
49.8475° N, 24.0287° E
Phone | +380 322 358 274, | | | |
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