Saint Michael's Church, Horodyshche



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General information about Saint Michael's Church (Horodyshche)

Saint Michael's Church in Horodyshche was built in the Neo-Gothic style in 1844 at the expense of Count Mykhaylo Vorontsov, according to the project of the Italian architect Dzhordzho Torrichelli.

In Soviet times, it was closed, the bell tower was dismantled, and a sports hall was built in the church itself. Paintings of the 19th century were whitewashed.

In the 1990s, the church was restored, the bell tower was rebuilt, and the painting "The Last Judgment" (area 102 square meters) was washed and restored.

The architecture of Staint Michael's Church is very unusual for an Orthodox church. Neo-Gothic architecture is reminiscent of Catholic churches, and the tines on the belfry, orange walls and green roof make the temple look like a fairy-tale castle.< ...

Saint Michael's Church in Horodyshche was built in the Neo-Gothic style in 1844 at the expense of Count Mykhaylo Vorontsov, according to the project of the Italian architect Dzhordzho Torrichelli.

In Soviet times, it was closed, the bell tower was dismantled, and a sports hall was built in the church itself. Paintings of the 19th century were whitewashed.

In the 1990s, the church was restored, the bell tower was rebuilt, and the painting "The Last Judgment" (area 102 square meters) was washed and restored.

The architecture of Staint Michael's Church is very unusual for an Orthodox church. Neo-Gothic architecture is reminiscent of Catholic churches, and the tines on the belfry, orange walls and green roof make the temple look like a fairy-tale castle.

Михайлівська церква в Городищі була зведена в стилі неоготики в 1844 році коштом графа Михайла Воронцова за проєктом італійського архітектора Джорджо Торрічеллі.

За радянських часів її закрили, розібрали дзвіницю, а у самій церкві облаштували спортивну залу. Розписи ХІХ століття були забілені.

У 1990-тих роках церкву відновили, дзвіницю відбудували заново, а розпис "Страшний суд" (площа 102 квадратних метри) відмили та відреставрували.

Архітектура Михайлівської церкви є дуже незвичною для православного храму. Неогітична архітектура нагадує католицькі костели, а зубці на дзвіниці, помаранчеві стіни та зелений дах роблять храм схожим на казковий замок.

Practical information about Saint Michael's Church (Horodyshche)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1844
Address Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 1/15


Coordinates 49.2912217° N, 31.4457349° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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