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Attractions of Cherkasy region

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Географічний центр України, Шпола
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Geographical Center of Ukraine


The location with geographic coordinates of 49*01"39" north latitude and 31*28"58" east longitude was officially approved as the geographic center of Ukraine in 2005 by the decision of the State Committee of Natural Resources according to the results of research by the Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.

Before that, it was believed that the geographical center of Ukraine is located next to the urban-type village of Dobrovelichkivka, Kirovohrad Region, where a memorial sign was installed back in 1989. The point in Dobrovelychkivka was awarded another honorary title - the geometric center of Ukraine.

According to updated data, the center of Ukraine is located in the middle of a field to the east of Shpola, next to the village of Maryanivka. The location is 3 kilometers from the highway N-16 "Cherkasy - Uman", behind the railway tracks - a small memorial sign has been installed at this place.

Directly opposite the turn from the highway to Maryanivka, in 2012, the construction of the historical and tourist complex "Geographical Center of Ukraine" began. Previously, at the entrance to Shpola from the Smila side, a granite monument was installed with the outline of the territory of Ukraine, markings of Kyiv, Shpola and Maryanivka, and the inscription "Shpolyanshchyna - the geographical center of Ukraine".

Map pin icon Heroyiv Krut Street Shpola


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Василіанський монастир (Заповідник Стара Умань)
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Basilian Monastery (Old Uman Nature Reserve)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Old Uman" unites 68 objects of historical and cultural heritage in the central part of the city of Uman.

The administration and exhibition hall are located in the premises of the Basilian Monastery - the oldest building in the city. The monastery was built by the governor of Kyiv Frantsishek Saleziy Potocki in 1764-1784 for a Greek Catholic monastery with a Basilian school, which became the cradle of the poets of the "Ukrainian school" in Polish literature.

After the liquidation of the Polish state in 1832 and the confiscation of the estates of the owner of Uman, Count Potocki, the Basilian school was closed, and the monastery buildings were used for administrative purposes. In Soviet times, there was a military unit.

Since 2006, the former monastery complex has housed the administration of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Old Uman" with exhibition halls, which host temporary exhibitions.

The tourist route "Mysterious dungeons of the Basilian monastery" is organized in the underground premises.

Also in the reserve you can book city tours "Streets of old Uman", "Uman during the Second World War", "Uman and Hasids".

Map pin icon Nebesnoyi Sotni Street, 31 Uman


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Буцький каньйон (Вир), Буки
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Buky Canyon (Vyr Waterfall)

Natural object , Rest on the water , Recreation area

The extremely picturesque Buky Canyon in Cherkasy region is formed by the high rocky banks of the Hirsky Tykich river.

The river cut its channel in granite deposits, the age of which is about 2 billion years. The canyon is narrow (20-40 meters in places), deep (up to 20 meters), winding and long (about 1 kilometer). It starts from the artificial two-meter overturning of the former hydroelectric dam, which is called the Vyr waterfall.

You can admire the rocky outcrops of the banks, between which the river runs along the rapids, in the center of the village of Buky, from the bridge over Hirsky Tykich.

The ruins of a 19th-century water mill and a hydroelectric power station from 1929 have been preserved.

Downstream is the Vyr itself - a deep place in the river bed, drilled by eddies. Next, you can find the most interesting place, where high sharp rocks very picturesquely hang directly over the water, creating a landscape that is completely uncharacteristic for central Ukraine, similar to a fjord.

There are convenient picnic areas along the entire length of Buky Canyon (there are many people on warm weekends).

Map pin icon Lisova Street Buky


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Палац Шувалових, Тальне
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Count Shuvalov's Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The romantic palace-castle of the Naryshkin-Shuvalov Counts in the town of Talne is one of the most interesting palaces of the Cherkasy region, an architectural monument of national significance at the beginning of the 20th century.

The manor in Talne was established back in 1725 by Count Frantsishek Saleziy Potocki, but it reached its greatest prosperity under Petro Shuvalov. It was he who in 1902-1907 built a two-story palace in the form of French hunting castles of the Renaissance era according to the project of the famous Danish architect Andreas Klemmensen. The coat of arms with a unicorn adorns the main facade of the building.

Shuvalov was married to Sofiya Naryshkina, daughter of Count Lev Naryshkin, who, in turn, received the estate as a dowry from his wife Olha Potocka, daughter of the famous Sofiya Potocka, in whose honor the Uman Park "Sofiyivka" was built. Tombstones from the graves of Sofiya, Petro and Pavlo Shuvalov have been preserved near the palace.

The palace is located in the middle of the English park "Talnivskyi" of the XVIII-XIX centuries, which is a monument of garden and park art of national importance. Separate buildings from the second half of the 19th century have been preserved on the territory of the manor: the foundations of the old palace, the basement of the old kitchen, a cellar, the gardener's and forester's houses, etc.

During Soviet times, the palace housed a museum of agriculture, as a large settlement of the Trypillia culture, which is considered the oldest agricultural culture in the world, was found on the territory of the city.

Since 2022, the palace and the park are under the management of the utility company "Talne Palace and Park Complex of the Shuvalovs". The palace has been undergoing long-term restoration for many years, and the creation of a museum is planned. Visits must be arranged with security.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street, 84 Talne


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Медведівський краєзнавчий музей, Медведівка
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Medvedivka Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

Medvedivka Museum of Local Lore is a branch of the Chyhyryn National Historical and Cultural Reserve.

Located in the former priest's house.

The exposition tells about the history of the Kholodny Yar from ancient times to the Second World War: Scythian times, Kyivan Rus, the Cossack era, Koliivshchyna, the Kholodnoyarska organization, partisan struggle during the Second World War.

A separate exhibition is dedicated to the participation of the residents of Kholodny Yar in the events on the Maidan in 2013-2014.

Museum employees also conduct tours throughout the territory of Kholodny Yar.

Map pin icon Maksyma Zaliznyaka Street Medvedivka


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Дендропарк "Софіївка", Умань
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National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka"

Park / garden

The famous park "Sofiyivka" in Uman is a masterpiece of world-class garden and park art, an example of a landscape composition of water, land, architectural structures and sculptures. The park was founded in 1796 by Count Stanislav-Feliks Potocki and presented to his wife, the beautiful Greek Sofiya, on her birthday in 1802.

The park was built by the Belgian military engineer Lyudvih Mettsel in a romantic style using plots from Roman and Greek mythology. At that time, "Sofiyivka" included the Great waterfall with an iron bridge, the Amsterdam lock cut into the rock, the Grotto of the Lion (or Thunder), the Grotto of Venus with a waterfall, the Rybka basin, the Upper and Lower ponds, an underground river. Styx and others. Then appeared: the entrance gate (1850-1852 years); flora pavilion (1842-1844 years); the pink pavilion on Love Island (1850-1852) in the Renaissance style; Chinese gazebo (1841).

The originals of the park sculpture from the Sofiyivka Park are exhibited in the hotel-museum near the central (old) entrance. Opposite the bus station is a new entrance and a shop selling seedlings.

There is a large influx of people on weekends in Sofiyivka Park.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 12A (old entrance - Sadova Street, 55) Uman


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Музей російсько-української війни, Черкаси
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Patriotic Museum of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Museum / gallery

The Patriotic Museum of the Russian-Ukrainian War in Cherkasy was founded in 2018 by a serviceman of the 118th Terrodefense Brigade, volunteer Oleksiy Svyatenko. It is located on the territory of the motor vehicle enterprise.

The museum has collected hundreds of samples of weapons, ammunition and ammunition from the war zone from the beginning of the war in 2014 to the present day. In particular, you can see the tubes from the Javelin, NlAW and Fagot ATGMs, cartridges from the American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, cartridges for mortars, tanks and guns, various small arms. Fragments of the Russian rocket from the Uragan MLRS, the remains of the Shahed drone shot down over Cherkasy, and samples of Russian military uniforms are also presented.

A separate part of the museum is dedicated to Dmytro Kotsyubaylo "Da Vinchi", who died in March 2023.

Near the entrance to the museum stands an evacuation vehicle, which was used by the fighters of the "Right Sector" military unit during the battles for the Donetsk airport in 2014 and in other hot spots.

Map pin icon Blahovisna Street, 2/3 Cherkasy


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Костел Святої Анни, Тальне
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anna in Talne was built in 1702 by the Potocki family, which owned the town in the 18th and 19th centuries.

During the Soviet rule, the church was closed, the building was used for household purposes.

In 1992, the shrine was returned to the Catholic community of the city, restored under the direction of the artist Kulahin.

Map pin icon Samoylova Street, 22 Talne


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Заповідник "Трахтемирів", Трахтемирів
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State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv"

Reserve , Historic area

The State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv" was created in 1994 on the picturesque Trakhtemyriv Peninsula, formed by a steep bend of the Dnieper opposite Pereyaslav, between the villages of Trakhtemyriv, Hryhorivka and Buchak. This historical, cultural and natural area is considered the heart of the Middle Dnieper Region.

On the territory of the Trakhtemyriv Peninsula, the remains of the Scythian rampart, which protected the settlement of Scythian plowmen in the 7th – 2nd centuries BC, and several early Slavic settlements have been preserved. In princely times, the chronicled Old Rus city of Zarub stood on this site.

In 1147, the Trakhtemyriv Monastery is mentioned, built on the site of the Zarub Monastery destroyed by the Tatars. In 1576, a hospital for old and infirm Cossacks was established at the monastery. Two years later, the Polish king Stephen Bathory, having founded a registered Cossack army, bequeathed Trakhtemyriv to the Cossacks as their main residence.

In the 17th century, the Trakhtemyriv Fortress was built, which became the informal Cossack capital - hetmans were elected here, ambassadors were received, and supplies were stored. It was also repeatedly an outpost of popular uprisings. In 1665, during the suppression of one of the uprisings, the city and the monastery were destroyed.

The main locations of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv" are located in the area of ​​the ancient Cossack village of Trakhtemyriv. A Cossack cemetery has been preserved on the outskirts of the village, a monument to Hetman Petro Sahaidachny has been erected, and a cross has been erected on the site of the monastery in the Tserkovshchyna tract. Only a few houses have survived in the village itself, one of which is permanently inhabited by the family of a hermit nicknamed "Scythian".

Part of the reserve belongs to the private Regional Landscape Park "Trakhtemyriv" (Agrarian-ecological association "Trakhtemyriv"), which in the early 2000s used the reserve lands as elite hunting grounds. In a picturesque place, next to the former children's camp, a large hunting lodge in the castle style was built (it burned down in 2015). Not far from it grows a tree in the shape of a trident, next to which a commemorative sign is installed. Entrance to the territory is paid, the price includes parking.

Other objects of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv" are located in the area of ​​​​the coastal villages of Hryhorivka and Buchak. Official tours are conducted by reserve staff upon prior reservation, and private guides also work on the territory.

Map pin icon Berehova Street Trakhtemyriv


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Могила цадика Нахмана, Умань
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Tzadik Rabbi Nachman Grave

Historic area

The grave of the tzaddik Rabbi Nachman (Bratslavskyi) in Uman is one of the most revered Hasidic shrines, a place of annual mass pilgrimages.

Rabbi Nachman, the founder of the Breslov current of Hasidism (the orthodox branch of Judaism), tzaddik (righteous man), according to his will, was buried in the territory of the Jewish cemetery in Uman in 1810.

During the Second World War, the grave of Tzadik Nachman was destroyed, during Soviet times a residential neighborhood was built on the site of the cemetery. After 1991, Hasidim from all over the world started coming to this place regularly, the surrounding houses were partially or completely bought, and a temporary synagogue was built on the site of Nachman's grave in Uman. Later, the largest synagogue in Ukraine was built here for 7,000 people.

Every September, during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), this area, filled with pilgrims, acquires a bright Middle Eastern flavor.

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Kosynky Street, 3 Uman


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Історичний музей, Корсунь-Шевченківський
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Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Historical Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Historical Museum of the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi State Historical and Cultural Reserve is located on the territory of the Stanislav Ponyatovsky Palace in Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi, and operates as a research department of the reserve.

More than 2,000 exhibits in six halls reveal the history of Korsun in the context of the history of all of Ukraine from ancient times to the present. Fragments of Trypillya pottery, items from Cimmerian and Scythian burials, Slavic ornaments, a Polish cannon, armor and weapons of Poles, Ukrainians and Moscow archers are presented.

Also on display are items from the Stanisław Poniatowski Palace.

The dioramas "Anti-serfdom uprising of 1855 in the Korsun region" and "Battle of Korsun in 1648" give a clear idea of the key historical events of the region.

Separate sections of the exposition tell about collectivization and the Holodomor, about the participation of Korsuns in the First and Second World Wars, the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 and the Russian-Ukrainian War.

Map pin icon Kotsyubynskoho Island Street, 4 Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi


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Палац Понятовського, Корсунь-Шевченківський
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Stanislav Ponyatovsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The palace and park complex in Korsun, on the islands in the middle of the Ros River, was founded in 1782 by Prince Stanislav Ponyatovsky as his own summer residence.

The Ponyatovsky Palace was built in 1787-1789 on the basis of the old Polish fortress of the Vyshnevetsky princes, who in turn were created on the site of the Ancient Rus Korsun settlement. The project of the palace in the neo-Gothic style was developed by architects Zhan-Anri Myunts and Yan Lindsey.

The new owner, Prince Pavlo Lopukhin, significantly changed its architecture in the middle of the 19th century, giving it features of Russian romanticism with elements of neo-Gothic and classicism. The last owners of the Korsun estate were the Lopukhin-Demidov princes.

After the Bolshevik coup of 1917, the estate miraculously survived, surviving to this day almost unchanged. The famous silhouette of the Ponyatovsky Palace is created by the keel-shaped kokoshniks, above which the belvedere towers rise. Nearby is a large three-story outbuilding (1782-1783), which was connected to the palace by the Order Gallery. The entrance gate in the form of French defensive architecture was built in the middle of the 19th century (there is a cafe in the basement). Other manor buildings have been preserved: the service building, the "Swiss house", the Orthodox chapel.

Most of Kotsyubynsky Island is now occupied by a luxurious landscape park (area of 100 hectares, 80 species of trees and shrubs) with bridges, gazebos, sculptures and a romantic grotto. It is especially beautiful in the spring, when the lilac is blooming.

In Soviet times, the exhibition of the museum of the history of the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi battle was placed in the premises of the Ponyatovsky Palace. An exhibition of military equipment was on display in the square in front of the palace. In April 2022, at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Reserve, a decision was made to dismantle the exposition of the museum of the history of the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Battle and change its name to the "Military Museum" with the creation of a new exposition in the Ponyatovsky Palace.

The new exposition presents the works of artists of different times and different directions, styles, and techniques. These are, in particular, the works of unknown Italian sculptors of the 18th century (at one time they decorated the palace), the Italian engraver Domeniko Kuneho, the Ukrainian artist Ivan Soshenko, the Italian sculptor Luyidzhi Yorini, the Hungarian artist Syhizmund Bubiks, a lithograph from the work of a Polish artist of Ukrainian origin, Yuliush Kossak, works local artist Herontiy Bondarenko and Ukrainian artists of the 20th-21st centuries Mykola Prokopenko, Borys Fedorenko, Serhiy Shyshko, Andriy Chebykin, Serhiy Dupliy, Oksana Tymkiv.

You can also see the palace projects of the palace and the palace ensemble, the originals of which are kept in the Cabinet of Drawings of the Library of the University of Warsaw; photos of the interiors of the palace from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century; copies of drawings and lithographs of the 18th and 19th centuries, in particular, by Zhan-Anri Myunts, the Polish artist Napoleon Horda, Vanicek, the French lithographers Fransua-Zhozef Dyupresuar and Yevheniy Hyuho, the Polish artist Adolf Kozarsky.

Porcelain and ceramics from the collection of Canadian citizen Olena Berykul-Kryvoruchko, representing 20 countries of the world, is exhibited in a separate hall. Most products are from England, Japan, China, Italy, Germany, USA, France. A separate hall is also dedicated to sacred art, where, among other icons, the icon of the icon painter Hryhori Stetsenko, the father of the composer Kyrylo Stetsenko, and icons restored by the artist and icon painter Oksana Tymkiv will be presented.

The exposition include museum objects of everyday life, which characterize the era of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Map pin icon Ostriv Kotsyubynskoho Street, 4 Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi


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Парк "Олександрія", Іваньки
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"Oleksandriya" Park

Park / garden

Recreation park "Oleksandriya" in Ivanky near Mankivka is called "Little Sofiyivka".

A park with sculptures, bridges and gazebos was created on the lake near the Ivankiv distillery in 2007 at the initiative of the director of the enterprise Oleksandr Velychko.

Newlyweds like to take pictures here.

Map pin icon Robocha Street Ivanky


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Совин Яр, Водяники
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"Sovyn Yar" Architectural and Landscape Complex

Park / garden , Ethnographic complex

The architectural and landscape ethnographic complex "Sovyn Yar" was opened in 2024 at the initiative of the rector of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the former governor of the Cherkasy region, Oleksandr Cherevko, in his native village of Vodianyky in the Cherkasy region.

45 architectural objects, sculptural compositions and monuments tell about the history of the region, its legends and tales. Among them is the sign of the foundation of the village of Vodianyky "Trident", reconstruction of the 17th-century Cossack Ascension Church, a parish school with a bell tower, a complex of windmills, a sculptural composition "Seven Saints" and ancient Cossack crosses.

The basis of the complex is Kateryna's Park, named after the wife of the founder of the complex. Its architectural elements are dedicated to the themes of love and family: "Vodianyky pedigree" (sculptor Mykola Telizhenko), "Arch of Eternity", "Legends of Sovyn Yar", "Guardian Angel of Kateryna's Park", etc.

On the shores of the ponds there are recreation areas. Nearby is a recreation complex with a hotel and a restaurant.

Map pin icon Grudzynskoho Street Vodianyky


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Церква Всіх святих, Хутори
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All Saints and Nativity of John the Baptist Church


The double-enthroned church of All Saints of the Cherkasy Land and the Nativity of John the Baptist began to be built in the village of Khutory on the outskirts of Cherkasy in 1998.

The height of the church with the cross is 54 meters. The architecture of the church resembles an ancient castle. The temple has secret passages and hidden cells, suitable for a monastic retreat and overnight accommodation for pilgrims.

The temple icon of John the Baptist was made in prisons, in a special church workshop.

Elements of crosses are visible in the architecture of the lower church and the ceiling structure, as it is dedicated to John the Baptist.

The entire architectural composition of the temple abounds with figured porticos, arches, patterned relief protrusions. The belfry has two bells that survived the Second World War and have traces of bullets. You can climb the spiral staircase to the bell tower and the observation deck, which offers views of the city of Cherkasy and its surroundings.

The parish of the Church of All Saints of the Land of Cherkasy and the Nativity of John the Baptist belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Skhilnyi lane Khutory


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